Chapter 2

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The next morning, I got woken up, or rather someone walked in and told me I had to get ready for a full day with Maci Davids, whom was basically my cousin. I had barely slept the past night, I was so confused, so heartbroken, so lost. All I wanted was to get clarification, but I didn't even know what I wanted clarification about. I also did not know whom I could talk to, because after yesterday evening I knew that Trevor, whom was always the most honest with me, was angry at me. Hugo would give 'correct' answers, and William would tell me the truth, but withhold some information as well, because that was better for the country. All I really wanted was to know everything they had kept from me, total and brutal honesty.

I walked out of my bed towards the shower and I took a pretty long shower to try to get some energy in me. I walked out and my team was waiting for me. "I want a coffee. Now." I snapped as I sat down on the chair as they started working on my make-up and my hair. Some girl walked in and handed me a cup of coffee and I drank it.

"What is the planning for today?" I asked my personal assistant Yara. She looked down at a piece of paper.

"You're going to visit a hospital with the first lady. Afterwards you're going to have a tour of landmarks of Washington DC with the first lady. You will have 300 Local security men with you, along with about 100 security men of the First Lady." She explained and I nodded. "You will, before the tour, have lunch with the First Lady and some congresswomen." She said. "You will have dinner in the car while having the tour and be home around eight" She explained and I nodded at that. "We have four outfits ready for you." She said showing the four outfits. I looked at the four of them and I turned my head, what kind of message did I want to send.

I decided on a white blouse with a loose hanging floral skirt and put that on. It matched my cast wonderfully. My hair was in two inverted braids and I got a pair of sunglasses. "Where are my husbands?"

"They left about half an hour ago" She commented to me and I nodded as we walked towards the car.

"How much security did they bring?"

"About 400 for themselves." She explained "Two hundred are staying here. Half of them don't have duty, and the other half do."

"Makes sense." I replied as I got into the car and she showed me files with the governors I would meet. One of them was a woman named Allie Jefferson-Trendan.

"Is this Allie woman part of the Jefferson dynasty?" I asked curiously looking at the woman, she was in her fifties, black and she had a huge smile on her face.

"Yes. She is the sister of Brad Jefferson" My PA said and I nodded slowly at that as I read the file a bit more and we then arrived at a hospital where photographers were waiting. The door got opened and I saw the first Lady standing there and she smiled looking at me as I walked up to her and held onto her hands and we both bowed our heads. We then turned to let the photographers take pictures of us. We walked in and visited some patients in the hospital and I couldn't help but smile with some kids. I read to some kids as well and pictures were taken, but I didn't care about that really.

We then left and we were brought to this restaurant and I saw the twenty women that were here and my heart beat out of my chest as I saw that Allie woman. I shook everyone's hand and went and sat down.

"Why these women?" I asked Maci softly as we went and sat down.

"They're all the women of the international committee." She whispered back and I giggled and nodded as I listened to all the women talking, without answering. I was following William's role. Although this was mainly because I was immensely tired. When the lunch was done, I bowed to everyone with a small smile as Maci and I got into the car and I let out a small breath. I put my hand on my stomach.

"Are you all right, my queen?" Maci asked carefully.

"I barely slept the past night, morning sickness." I explained as I closed my eyes. "And my arms hurt, and my leg. But yeah, this meeting had been booked for about a year now so it obviously could not be cancelled." I said and I opened my eyes and she smiled a bit looking at me.

"Your first pregnancy or?" She asked carefully and I then realised that nobody in the world knew about the children in Locatlie.

"Second. Had a forced miscarriage" I said as I got a bottle of water from Yara. "Foreign forces took me and killed the baby; I was how long?" I asked Yara.

"14 weeks." Yara stammered a bit nervously.

"Yeah 14 weeks" I said and Maci's eyes widened. "Yeah I've had an exciting past year. Kidnapped, almost died. Skiing, almost died." I stammered a bit. "My husbands have promised me peace and quietness until this baby gets out. I won't do foreign engagements until this baby is born." I said and Maci nodded.

"I'm sorry about the loss of your baby" She said very carefully and I nodded.

"I'm sure your husband did not want that to happen." I said as I laid a bit as I frowned. "Yara can you for a second massage my back" I asked and she nodded as she massaged my lower back. Maci's eyes were wide and with tears. "Everything ok?"

"My husband?" She stammered.

"O yeah, my husbands don't know that, didn't think to mention it to them. Although I'm sure this car is bugged so they'll find out, along with the American forces." I said with some amusement. "It's fine though. It's part of his job as President." I explained waving it away. "Or apparently senator of California." I said and Yara looked at me with a bit of amusement. "My looks are a gift from Seglusa, but also a dooming. Thank you Yara" I said and Maci's eyes were still wide. "I love the way I look; I love my body, I love everything about me. But because of my likeliness with your cousin by marriage, my life has been a pain in the fucking ass." I said as I grabbed a booklet that was here and I fanned myself. "It's fine though. Don't worry about it. My husbands won't start a war or anything, at least I don't think so." Yara's phone then went and I saw my husbands. "Speaking of which" and I grabbed the phone and put it to my ear. "Yara, my feet please." I said and she looked at me amused as she massaged it. "Jules?" I said casually.

"Hey. Uhm" Trevor said casually. "Can you maybe stop?" he said.

"Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting babe." I said "Yes like that fuck yes." I said putting my head back.

"What is going on?"

"Shouldn't you know?" I replied cheekily.

"Babe?" Trevor said and he was short with me.

"Yara is massaging my feet. I am pregnant you know." I said casually as I looked out the window. "Aren't you supposed to be boring Jason?"

"Actually we have lunch right now and I got a note from my PA with some very interesting information."

"I guess you three aren't the only one with secrets. I have to hang up. We're at a penis building." I said casually looking at this large building.

"A penis building?" Trevor said with some amusement.

"Don't get cute with me. I'm still mad at you" I said as Maci frowned looking out the window. "For not holding my hair back yesterday while I was puking my guts out."

"Sorry, you know how much I hate puke." He replied coolly and I burst out into laughter. "See you tonight?"

"Yeah." I said.

"I love you" He replied casually.

"I love you too." I replied and I handed my phone back and smashed against the window and the door opened and I walked out and then Maci did, whom looked a bit white. Because she knew, just like I did, that the kings would confront Jason now. They had something to play with.

What she did not know, was that I was going to get into trouble for not mentioning this to the kings. 

I guess they weren't the only ones whom could keep secrets. 

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