Chapter 4

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Trevor P.O.V

"Why are we letting her research them?" I said annoyed as I watched the basketball game "We can tell her anything we know? I mean we know more than the internet?"

"Bro. Just let her." William said as I sighed looking at the screen. "You'd want to do the same thing if roles were reversed. Just give her some time."

After about two hours I'd had enough of watching stupid basketball and I went towards my bedroom. To my huge surprise, Julia was laying there on her side, the laptop on the side as well and I heard some music and I recognized it right away. She was watching the documentary series about her parents' life. I went to the bathroom and took a quick cleansing shower before putting on a new pair of underwear. I wasn't bothered with wearing anything more, she would have to deal with it. I walked into the bedroom and I went and laid down next to her. Even though I was pissed as fuck at her, I wanted to hold onto her, so I put my arm around her stomach, the other arm under her head and she leaned into me.

I looked at the screen and I knew this was the episode that dealt with her disappearance and what her parents did to try to fix that. I watched with her as the news broke in the world, about the statement that both Ana and Brad made, about the two of them getting back together, their interviews with Netflix about the situation, and it ending with the news that after an anonymous tip, remains of hers had been found and that Willow Jefferson died. The episode ended with a black screen for a second before you heard a song by Ana about Willow and you saw video footage of her when she was younger. I looked at Julia's face and there were tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. Fuck. I hated when she was upset, that was the last thing I wanted. I wiped them off of her cheek slowly, as I closed the laptop.

I expected her to react upset about that, but instead, she turned around, buried her head against my chest and burst out into full sobs. I closed my eyes at that, as I rubbed her back carefully and let her emotions get out of her system.

"I don't like us fighting." She stammered through her sobs and I kept rubbing her back and after a while she was slightly calmer. She put her head back on my arm and I looked at her face. She had those cute red spots all over her face. I wiped the tears from her face and some of the snot from her nose and wiped it on the covers. Her grey eyes were observing every movement I made, and I looked back into hers.

"Do you remember?" I asked and she shook her head slowly.

"No. Sort of. It's like rewatching a movie you already saw before. You sort of remember it and feel like you know it, but it's still from a distance." She whispered.

"Then why are you upset?" I asked as I put strands of her hair behind her ear.

"I don't like us fighting." She whispered softly. "You were so angry at me; I was so angry at you. I just hate it Trevor." She said and I nodded slowly at that, still keeping my slight poker face up for her. "I know you love me and I know it's real, but at the same time it's all just so confusing. My mind is just one big fuck fest at the moment. I can't concentrate right now; my hormones are all over the place and I feel betrayed"

I nodded slowly at that "Why do you feel betrayed?" I asked and she let out a small breath.

"You promised me you would tell me anything that I really needed to know, but you also promised me that I would never find out whom my family was, because it would hurt me too much" She stammered looking at me. "It hurts me to know whom they are. There was always this part of me, especially when I was being kept in Gotar, that wanted to know whom my parents were so that I one day could get back to them. But how can I ever go back to them? Never." She said shaking her head. "And when those tattooed fucks captured me, they promised me that I could go back to my parents, that they would help me if I helped them. They said they had close contacts with Jason Davids." She said and my heart was beating out of my chest. "And for one second, I thought about it, but I then realized that that wasn't smart- they would never succeed. But I think there is a small part of me, or rather a part that keeps getting larger, that never wants to go back. Because how can I live without you Trevor?" she stammered and I rubbed her cheek, she was telling the truth. "I love you Trevor, I can't live without you and the fact that you were so angry at me, the fact that you didn't" She shook her head. "That you didn't stop my wild rambling thoughts the moment I uttered them, that hurt me" I nodded at that slowly, understanding it. "You were angry at me for me doubting your love for me, but when I needed to hear right away that you loved me, you didn't say it. I know you say and act on it more than you don't, I needed to hear it. I just needed to hear the words" She stammered. "And I don't know if it's the hormones talking" She said as she put her legs back through mine; and that amused me, because I knew that that meant she was comfortable with me again. "Or if it's this small part of me that still doesn't believe you love me, but I needed to hear it and when I didn't, I freaked out and then you freaked out and got all Trevvie on me"

"Trevvie?" I said with some amusement.

"That's my nickname for your grey monster." She admitted, her cheeks blushing and I giggled a bit at that as I shook my head.

"I love you" I said looking into her eyes. "I love you, you're not some pawn. I would run away with you right now if you wanted to, just the two of us, if you asked."

"Ok you're pushing it a bit babe" She said with a huge smile and I kept looking at her seriously. "No Gotar to get the Trevie out of your system."

"With you? Don't need it" I responded casually and she rolled her eyes as she put her hand on my cheek.

"Sure, you don't" She said and I giggled a bit at that.

"Ok maybe I sort of do."

"Yeah, and also, I do also quite love your brothers, and I'm sure that Gotar won't run a smoothly without you." She said and I burst out into laughter now and I giggled as well as I held onto her a tad tighter as I hugged her.

"You crazy perfect woman" I said. "You're my life, you full blown fucking idiot."

"I'm a Jefferson." She said after ten seconds of silence and she looked at my lips for a second and back at me. "I'm basically world royalty."

"You're royalty" I replied. "You're the queen of Locatlie."

"Yeah yeah" She said waving it away and I giggled looking at her.

"I love you." I whispered and she looked into my eyes.

"I love you too." She whispered back. "And even though you smell so fucking good, I'm so fucking exhausted." She said putting her head on my chest.

"Cuddle-time?" I whispered and she giggled and nodded as she turned around as she loved to be held by me and she traced my arm. She fell asleep the moment that her legs were comfortable entangled within mine. But I couldn't sleep for a very long time.

She was having doubts, and that wasn't allowed.

I should tell my brothers, but I knew the moment that Hugo would find out, that she would have to be locked up for 'integration' and I would have to do a mind cleansing on her. I would have to be the one that had to do that, and not him. And I couldn't do that to her.

Just before I fell asleep, I decided that I would keep this to myself, whatever the consequences may be.

How fucking idiotic I was.

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