Chapter 14

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It was quiet for a couple of seconds and for the first two seconds I couldn't believe what I was hearing, well obviously I didn't believe it. I didn't. I then realised this was probably some joke, he was going to say something so bad, so that when he said it was a joke and then said what he did, it wouldn't be as bad. So, I burst out into laughter covering my mouth. I put my head down and I started to full on laugh and I felt everyone looking at me, apart from Hugo, whom was still looking at his hands.

"What? This is obviously a joke. This is some sick manipulation play that he's playing. He says something so fucking outrageous that when he tells us what actually happened, that it won't be so bad. This is a good one Hugo. I like this one. I mean bringing Heather into the joke is maybe a bit of a low blow, saying you fucked some random chick would've been funny enough. So, what really is up?" I said and it was quiet for a second and I looked at Trevor whom was looking at me with shock in his eyes. He didn't understand, I then looked at William and there were tears in his eyes as he looked at me. I then looked at the three fathers and they were staring at me with tears in his eyes as well and I then looked at Hugo. "Hugo, tell them this is a joke?" I stated as I looked at him, but he kept looking at his hands. "Hugo?" I said very carefully as I felt my heart being ripped to pieces. "Hugo. Come on, you as the walking rulebook." I said as I felt my voice breaking. "You wouldn't do that to me, to our love, to us." I stammered. "Hugo, please tell me it's some joke?" he didn't respond though and I gulped for a second. "Hugo? Please. Tell them this is some joke and you got a call yesterday stating two people died in some crash and you're just upset about that. That you gave the ok for some sort of mission in the United States but they died because you made a mistake." I said and he didn't respond. What was going on? Why was no one talking? Why was everyone letting me ramble on and on. "Is this like in the United States?" I then said, thinking about the time they let me ramble on and on before reassuring me. "Because I would quite like it if someone stopped me and reassured me that what Hugo is saying isn't true?" I stammered, as tears appeared in my eyes.

"Patrick had sex with Charlotte the same night. They keep contact and apparently Heather was a virgin before that night, so it can't be anyone but Hugo's." William said without any emotion. "She made Patrick call him up. I called him up to make sure that it was the case."

"No" I said as my heart which at first started to slowly start breaking, was being pulled apart now. "No. That's impossible. Hugo wouldn't do that to me." I said as my voice broke now and more tears appeared in my eyes as I thought about last night. Why I thought he was saying goodbye to me; because he knew that I would never forgive this. "No." I whimpered now as instead of anyone comforting me, they were all staring at Hugo. I wouldn't believe it until I could look into his eyes. "Hugo. Look at me." I asked but he didn't look at me.

"I think she said look at her." Trevor said with that voice of his that normally would turn me on because it was so powerful, but right now it had no effect. Hugo did respond to that though; because this voice was to be feared. Hugo looked up and his brown met my grey. The pain in his eyes told me enough and I felt sick. I closed my eyes as I felt like someone had just slapped me so hard across the face.

"No." I said as I felt like breaking. "Why?" I demanded. "Why?" I repeated and I felt Simon's hand on my leg now, as Trevor was too angry to reassure me. That was the one bad thing of our relationship; it would always be about his emotions. The bad thing of William and my relationship was that when he was in his grumpy goose modus that he was no fun to be around, and we were always stable; no highs or lows. But Hugo? Hugo and I are perfect. Were perfect. "Why?" I whimpered again looking at him.

"She asked you a question Hugo. You better answer them or I will drag you by your neck to Gotar right now." Trevor said and Hugo's hands were shaking right now.

"I was drunk and Patrick told me that." He closed his eyes for a second. "That because she was chosen, she was basically the goddess of Seglusa, in Seglusa's eyes. My drunk head believed that." He said and I closed my eyes for a second as I put my elbows on the table, my hands shaking and I had to take deep breaths. I had to calm down, but how could I calm down, when my whole world was currently breaking.

"But, our marriage, our vows?" I stammered looking up. "Our vows, you promised me eternal love. You promised me that I would be the one and only for the rest of your life. You promised me that you didn't love her anymore. You promised me that you would tell me things so I wouldn't be blind sighted. You promised me, you told me you loved me." I said looking at him.

"I do love you." He said and I wasn't seeing him clearly as tears were appearing in my tear ducts. "That night had nothing to do with our love."

"It has everything to do with our love." I replied now. "Because you're going to have a baby with another woman, a woman whom was supposed to sit here if she hadn't rejected you." I whispered softly. "The woman you wanted in the first place." I said and I bit the top of my lip. "How could you do this to us?"

"I didn't do it to hurt you, none of what I did was to purposely hurt you." Hugo said looking at me, his hands still shaking. I could see he kept worriedly looking at Trevor, but I wasn't bothered by that.

"But that's where you were wrong, the moment you even let your mind get that far." I stammered. "Was the moment that you broke every fiber in my body." I whispered softly and those words broke Hugo and he started to cry but I wasn't bothered.

"I'd like to stay somewhere else for the night." I said looking at Lucas now whom was staring at Hugo with the same anger as I imagined Trevor was looking at him. I looked at Simon now, whom was the only one whom was looking at me now. "And I'd like to take Oliver with me."

"Julia." Hugo said and I ignored that.

"Please let me stay somewhere else for the night."

"I don't think that's smart. I think you need one of us to be with you to comfort you and listen to you." William said and I closed my eyes at that for a second. I was trying to fight my body from the numbness that was currently overpowering it. I was trying to fight the numbness, but I couldn't' fight the numbness. I was in shock; the past two years had been a lie.

"You two look too much like him." I whispered softly as I was staring ahead now. "I just want peace and quietness, fun and loving." I whispered even softer as I looked at William now and he stared at me and there was sadness in his eyes. I stood up now, as I had to before my body would shut down. "I'm going to stay with Lea for the night, I think. Wait no." I said as I looked down. "I can't."

"Why not?" Steven said.

"Eyes." I whispered softly. "I just want a place where I can be alone."

"Take the fourth wing." William said and I looked at him. He wasn't looking at me though, he was looking at Trevor and Trevor was basically killing Hugo in his mind right now and Hugo was looking down at his hands again.

"I will, but I want to be alone." I whimpered softly. "I need to think about this. Will how many punches did you do?" I asked looking at Hugo now and Hugo looked up at me.

"Three." William said and I looked at Trevor and I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Trev?" I said and he blinked and looked at me, still furious. "Two punches and then you have to stop ok?" I said and he was looking at me for a second in total and utter shock.

"He cheated on you, the goddess of Seglusa. He has to be punished for that."

"And we can decide that punishment together, but right now, it's two punches." I said and Trevor stared at me and his eyes widened. "Two punches and then it's done." I spoke. "I'm going to bed." I whispered as I was so cold. I walked towards the fourth wing and I felt so numb. I didn't even take off my clothes when I arrived at the bed. I laid down and pulled the covers over me, and that's when the numbness slowly was transformed into indescribable pain. I couldn't hold it in anymore, and I let all the pain out of me, before no more sound came out of my throat and my body was tired.

I was tired, I was done, my whole life was a lie.

My biggest fear had come true. Even if they told me time after time, I wasn't enough. I wasn't enough for them, they needed someone else. If they needed someone else, if they needed someone with them every day of their lives, then that meant that I was useless. And if I was useless, I had to make sure that no matter what, I would have to find my way back home to my parents.

Because this really wasn't going to work.

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