Chapter 17

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Two weeks later we were in the airplane over towards the UK; which would be a long ass trip. Little Oliver would stay with Lea for this week and I was ok with that. I missed him so, but this wasn't the time for him to come along.

For the past two weeks I alternated between Will and Trevor and my anger slowly ebbed away, but it was still present. Hugo came back after a week and he didn't get in my way; he got the message loud and clear. But today, right now, was the first time I'd have to spend time with him again and I couldn't run away.

"We do have to address the big elephant in the room." William said as the four of us were sitting in a four formation, I was cuddled up to Trevor and I looked up at him with a frown.

"I've told you numerous times, we aren't going to discuss my dick publicly. MY dick is Julia only." Trevor said casually and I couldn't help but giggle at that.

"You know what I mean." William said and I looked at Hugo whom looked down at his hands again and his eyebrows were still stitched up but that was fine, I guess. "We have to talk about you two and Hugo."

"What about us?" Trevor said; thank Seglusa he was the one doing these conversations. I wasn't bothered.

"Well, we are going to be in public for a week, where the world is going to be watching us. They are going to look for weaknesses within the four of us." Will said calmly, but he had a low king voice in there. "You two are angry at Hugo, and you have every right to be. But we can't be glaring at him in public."

"We also aren't allowed to cheat but hey." Trevor said and I put my hand on his arm and I gave him a look and he looked back at me.

"What do you want me to do? I'm not going to be holding hands with him and kissing him and shit." I said calmly looking at William.

"He is sitting here." Hugo said calmly and I looked at him.

"I'm not going to hold your hand or kiss you or spend the night with you." I said pointedly and he nodded at that.

"But you can't look angry or disgusted if I touch your lower back. Trevor can't make cheating comments in public. We're going to have to be a united front. There is intel that they want to take her away from us, and I don't want that to happen."

"Why not? You can be with your precious Heather if I'm not in the picture?" I replied to Hugo and Hugo sighed and gave William this look and William gave me a look too. "What do you think I'm going to do? When they capture me and want me to testify against you, blab about how Hugo is a cheating dick and shit?" I said casually.

"No. But I do know that they will play dirty games." Hugo said calmly.

"We aren't going to get captured and if we do, we have the Cult story ready. We've gone through this countless times. Why is this even an issue?" Trevor asked.

"Because two of you can't get along with Hugo." William said and Trevor sighed. "Just promise me that the two of you will try to at least be sort of nice to him. See it as an acting challenge" William said. "If you two can do that."

"Then what?"

"Then I'll let you have the next child with her." William said and my eyes widened as Hugo snapped his neck.

"Wait so if I be nice to Hugo, you won't fuck me anymore? What kind of incentive is that? Does that mean if I'm a heartless dick to him, that I can get fucked more?" I said and Trevor laughed at that.

"That means that from now on, whenever Jules and I do get intimate, I'll use a condom."

"Or anal?"

"Or Anal" William said with some amusement, looking at Trevor; whom obviously made that comment.

"Ok." Trevor said and I shrugged at that as I leaned back against Trevor.

"I'll be nice, if you promise me, I won't have to go on one-on-one trips with Hugo the upcoming year at least." I said and William nodded.

"I promise." William said and I nodded as I then pulled up the covers. "Sleep time?"

"Yes." I said with a huge smile on my face. "Tonight, bath time?"

"Yeah." William said and I nodded as I then put my head coverer on and earbuds as I could hear their voices talking. I didn't listen though, not that I could hear what they were saying, instead I followed Trevor's heartbeat until I fell asleep.

Locatlie: The Truth. (Book 4)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin