Chapter 22

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Hugo P.O.V

The interview with Julia hit me hard. The way she talked about me and our love, it was heartbreaking to realise I had given that up for one stupid night. That night it was hard for me to sleep. I spend the whole night looking online to see the reactions of people towards Julia's interview. They were all immensely positive. The things she said about Locatlie itself made people very interested about how it actually was. Her comments on our relationship made then intrigued and they were actually shipping Julia with the three of us, something that annoyed Will to bits, but humoured Trevor. I didn't care much for or was against the notion, mainly because I had no relationship with her anymore. Any ship-situations that they made about Julia and I, was all about our past relationship. We barely had any future.

Today was another immensely boring day where I had to be the lovable king during the meetings, but at the same time be immensely direct about what we as a country wanted. There was a short debate in which Jason Davids wanted to test me, and I was genuinely not bothered. I shut him up pretty quickly, which I later in the car looked up online, and people were shocked by my response, but at the same time loving it. I thought that was quite funny. We were currently waiting in the lobby for Julia, as we were about to go to this stupid ball/gala, where I wasn't bothered with. The only bright point of this was that Julia might dance with me; as she wanted to dance, she always wanted to live on the edge. I was the only king eligible for that, and that would definitely help with my road to get back to her good side. Although I knew realistically, as Will and I had had a conversation about that on the way towards the meeting, that until Heather gave birth to that child, Julia would not forgive me. Trevor was sitting all sulky in front of us, annoyed with the fact I even dared to say her name.

He still hated me, and I understood and accepted that. At the same time, we were brothers, so he hated me in the sense that he was a dick to me, but still supported me. He was immensely dickish today though because he was nervous about tomorrow when we would be at the sportspark by Wembley stadium doing all kind of sports and other stupid activities for charity. We had tried to get out of it, but every country was doing it. Trevor demanded three things for us to agree. Firstly, we had to have security of ours present. Secondly, there had to be security camera's everywhere to watch every step of everyone, that way Lucas and the rest of the team in Gotar could keep things in view. Lastly, any person that was going to attend had to be security briefed beforehand. This was all granted so we had no excuse to not go.

Trevor was leaning against the wall staring ahead thinking of all the possibilities of how tomorrow could go wrong. He had done this for the past weeks and every situation he had a plan for. William was pacing from one side to the other to get his movement out of his body as he had to be boring. I was sitting on a chair staring ahead thinking and waiting for Jules. I then realised though that when she would walk in here that she'd get kisses from Trev and Will and they would be able to state how beautiful she was.

"I'm going to wait in the car." I stated and Trevor and William looked up and both gave me a curt nod as I then walked out of the hallway and went and sat in the car. I looked out the window, realising how much I had fucked up my life. After what felt like another twenty years, the door of the house opened. Julia walked out and my heart stopped for a second as she was wearing a beautiful dress that looked great on her. The way she was walking was different once again, she had this self-confidence, and this powerful feeling to her. The last time she had that, was when she was pregnant.

She climbed into the car first and I looked back out the window. Could she be pregnant? Trevor had told me that she had been immensely upset about three weeks ago that she wasn't pregnant yet, and she had had a period around that time. I had had sex with her after that though and I knew that my brothers had had that too. I looked at her and she was looking out the window with a small smile as William was holding her hand.

Locatlie: The Truth. (Book 4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant