'What do you mean by that?'

apollo demanded

'All we know is what Herr Forehead says he said. It's no testimony, especially since it comes from the defense attorney himself'

'But it's the truth! He said it! I even told you about it! But apparently, you ignored me completely'

he said with quite a tone of anger, klavier flipped back his shinny blonde sliky hair

'It's my policy to fully investigate everything I deem relevant. Clearly, this rookie lawyer thinks he can tell me how to do my job'

he mocked a little, apollo had to bit back his tongue to keep himself at calm, the judge quickly put a stop to their bantering, not wanting another mr wright vs miss von karma trial 

'...That's enough! Mr. Justice, we need clear contradictory proof from you. This witness of yours, unknown to the prosecution... ...I hope you're right. Failure carries a stiff penalty'

'Perhaps... A stiffer penalty than usual is called for?'

klavier said as he snapped his fingers into some sort of rythum, apollo started to sweat nervously

"Urk! There's no backing out now!"

'Let's hear the name of your witness, Mr. Justice'

apollo took in a deep breathe, and said the potenial witness who saw it all, the judge's eyes. narrowed at him 


'Recall Mr. LeTouse's last words'

apollo said, the judge went into deep thought

'The siren... Ah ha! He meant the "Siren"!'

he nodded

'That's right. The "Siren of the Ballad"... Lamiroir! Lamiroir was only on stage for the second set... ...and she had access to the backstage area. She could have been a witness!'

'I see... Well, Prosecutor Gavin?'

apollo looked over to see klavier's reaction, he was calm, with the same grin on his face

'My claim still stands. There were no witnesses to this crime!'

'Very well! Let's hear it from the horse's mouth then, shall we? We will now take a break from Detective Ema Skye's cross-examination. ...Please show Lamiroir to the witness stand'

the judge ordered

"Lamiroir would say nothing the night of the murder... Not today, though. Today we'll drag that story out of her no matter what it is!"

when Lamiroir made her way to the stand, klavier nodded at her polietly

'It is my distinct honor to welcome the Siren of the Ballad to our courtroom...'

he announced, Lamiroir smiled under her mask 

'You are too kind'

the judge's eyes widen a little

'Ah, y-you can speak English?'

she nodded

'Yes... Yes I can. Though I am not very good. ...There is much I do not know'

she admitted, the judge, however, clapped his hands in approval

'You speak so well! Have you spent time here before?'

'Actually, I do not know how I came by my knowledge of your language. Nor where I studied it...'

Apollo blinked at her

"What does she mean, she doesn't know...?"

Klavier then cleared his throat

'I, too, thought to call her as a witness. But I did not. I had a reason, of course'

'What's that?'

'Lamiroir... suffers from amnesia'

he said in a soft tone, the judge narrowed his eyes at him


Lamiroir then spoke up

'Lamiroir... is not my true name. Yet I remember nothing of the time before I was given it. ...Nothing of the time before I started singing on stage'

trucy eyes slightly widen

'Whoa! She's even more mysterious than I thought!, maybe even more then daddy, ...well, maybe, he's always hard to read'

she said, apollo mentally agreed with her, klavier then spoke up

'As lauded singer Lamiroir, she lives a good life. There are little difficulties for her, thanks to her success. Yet... I did not wish to subject her to unnecessary stress'

the judge odded thoughtfully

'Hmm... I see. I care surprisingly little about people's pasts. You have nothing to fear in this court, Lamiroir'

he reassured her, Lamiroir nodded greatfully

'...Thank you. Yet there is something I do not understand. I am being called as a witness? What might I say? No one will tell me anything of what happened...'

'Lamiroir, let me be frank. I did not want to ask you up here to testify. Yet, that young gentleman with the wide forehead over there was adamant that you stand'

apollo shot him a nasty look as Lamiroir eyes slightly widen in surprise

'Oh my...'

'Congratulations, Apollo. You're the bad guy!'

trucy said, apollo mentally sighed as the judge banged down his gavel 

'Well, now that you're here, please give us your testimony. ...If nothing else, the sound of your voice is welcome. Tell us what you saw the night of the crime!'

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