👸🏾 Nineteen: Once A Cheater...

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Daddy and I were eating when he looked at meand said a few words that made me choke.

“When was the last time you talked to Georgia?”

Oh, God! The “G” word! Are you serious, Daddy?

“Dad.” I was coughing, my eyes watering. He handed me a glass of water.

Damn it. How could I betray Georgia? I should go and just be a woman and tell her I fucked her husband. Would
she cut me or shoot me?

Or both?

“I haven’t spoken to her in days.” I quickly took a hefty swig of my drink, suddenly getting nervous.

What made him think about her? And why were my hands trembling?

He was watching me, actually studying me.

“You can’t go two hours without talking to her.” A beat of silence. “And now it’s been days. Unusual, if you ask me. Are you and Georgia having problems?”

Yes. I fucked her man. And she didn’t know it.

I avoided his eyes. “Nah. We’re cool, Daddy.”

He used his butter knife and fork to cut up his meat. He looked like a private school veteran giving a class on etiquette.

“Cool. Is that what they say these days, ‘cool’?”

I felt really uncomfortable. “Daddy, what’s wrong?”

He dug into his pocket and produced my missing earring. I smiled, reaching out for it.

“My fucking…I mean…” He glared at me. “I mean my earring. Dad, where did you find it?”

“I didn’t find it. Georgia did. By the toilet in her guest bathroom.”

Grabbing my stomach, I jumped up to my feet, heading for the toilet.

I threw up the minute I laid eyes on it...


Two months had gone by since Ed and I had sex in his guest room.

Two months of pure hell!

Nothing went right. I cried every night for Thomas, a man I was deeply in love with.

He was a man that changed my soul in some unexplainable way. And to add insult to injury, my soul went
through withdrawal because I could never see him and didn’t know where he was.

I searched phone books. I was looking for Thomas and found over three thousand Thomas’s, which depressed me even more because I didn’t know his last name.

I didn’t know a thing about him, his birthday, nor where he was from. He could be from out of town for all I knew.

I could have asked Georgia, but I was scared of that house. Her husband would be there, and he would probably press me for pussy. I should tell her, like any real friend would do.

But what if she didn’t believe me?

What if she blamed me? What if
Ed turned it all around and told her I seduced him?

At any rate, he really wasn’t her husband if he’s tip-toeing around on her.

I was sure I wasn’t the only woman he had sex with behind her back. I thought the Old Ed was reformed.

Now I knew better.

Once a cheater always a cheater...

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