👸🏾 Eighteen: Two Things

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Determined to find out what’s going on, she took his phone and flipped it open and he flipped out, snatching it back from her.

He spat angrily, “Do I go through your phone?"

She was appalled, thrown by his reaction.

“Well, no.”

Fire was in his eyes. “Good. This is my phone.”

Something is not right with you! “But I pay the bill.”

His hands dangerously tightened on the steering wheel. “But you’re my wife.”

Damn. Defeated. What is it? “Ok, I respect your privacy.”


She remained quiet as two things went through her mind with the force of wrecking balls: 1). He never put his phone on vibrate and 2). He has smelled like Dove soap ever since the day Princess crawled out of her kitchen.

What am I not seeing?

She forced herself to go numb. She would not think about it. She didn’t like the feeling in her gut.

It was the same feeling she got the day she went in her guest bathroom and saw two things.

Georgia’s earring by the toilet.

And Ed’s boxer briefs, soaked and wet.

THE GHETTO HOOCHIE (Life & Times Of Princess Webster)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz