👸🏾 Three: Buried

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Everybody rushed out to dance. This was the jam! I was in a crowd of horny women, all shaking their asses, trying to get the men to notice.

One fat girl, clad in tight pink patent leather, did the “Walk it out” dance, looking more like someone pulling a
pink Now and Later candy from the pack and actually struggling with it.

I laughed to myself, went over to her, gave her a high five and said, “Girl, you doing that damn dance! And your hair is cute!”

She hugged me. “Girl, thank you.”

Her hair looked like shit.

Thugs were everywhere. Lifting glasses of booze in the air, they rocked back and forth, looking gangster. I loved it.

I smelled liquor and weed in the air, a dizzying cornucopia of aromas blending easily with different body fragrances, colognes and deodorant.

Feeling it, and feeling good, I pulled my dress up to my thighs and kicked off my heels. I was jamming.

I was throwing my weave like Britney Spears. Wait a minute. She was bald now.

It wasn’t everyday I got to jam and have fun. Since I worked as an undercover prostitute, content on the money I made and not caring about
people, I cut loose.

I didn’t have to worry about ducking and dodging the police, even though five of Miami’s Finest were my regulars.

But tonight was different.

I wasn’t going to lure any prospects from Ed’s party.

I wasn’t going to disrespect his house. Most people didn’t care, but I was a woman who respected her friends.

Now I was thirsty. I wanted some water or something. That beer didn’t do it for me. So I made a last minute decision to go take advantage of the free drinks.

Why not...?

I lived for times like this, when you could just let go and live a little and not worry about problems or bills.

Just forget your damn name, honestly. I was going to take full advantage of Ed and his party.

Putting back on my heels, I walked through the dancing crowd.

Marijuana and alcohol putting her on cloud 9, Georgia lovingly looked at Ed, kissing his lips.

“The party is live and in charge, baby.” She was on top of the world. She was happy to be married to an ex-gang banger who now worked for FP&L, making honest money. She was a hair stylist, charging her clients as much as $200 for their hair styles.

He sipped his Heineken beer. “Yea, that’s true, even though there are people here we didn’t invite.”

“Ah, baby,” said Georgia, licking the white residue from his cute nose. He loved when she did that, made him get a hard on.

They kissed.

“Let the people have fun.” She tasted the cocaine in her mouth, which upset her because Ed told her he’d stopped, yet there was white residue
on his nose.

Aggravated, because he just remembered he had a ton of bills to send off tomorrow, Ed replied, “Hell, I have been doing that all night.”

He held her tight, looking down into her pretty eyes, suppressing a smile.

Felt like he could see Japan.

His baby, his love.

He could not live without her. He wished he could take back all the heart ache and grief he once brought to her life, but he chose to leave it where it was.

In the past.

Where it was now buried.

THE GHETTO HOOCHIE (Life & Times Of Princess Webster)Where stories live. Discover now