🍑 Thirty-Four: Knocked

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I gave her a lingering look. "They can't come over?"

She sadly thought about it. "I don't know. Quite honestly I don't think they want to come over."

"Can't they get visas or passports or whatever that's called?"

"I'm pretty sure they can. Believe me I've spoken to them and practically begged them to come to the states to have a better life. But they are so stubborn."

"They're probably scared, girl. Moving and change isn't very pretty sometimes."

I looked at her, hurt on my face. She was studying me. "Its not."

"Suddenly I don't think we're talking about my situation anymore. What's up, girl?"

I looked away from her. "Nothing."

She was concerned. "Is it the baby?"

I looked at her in shock. "What baby?" I tried to suck in my gut, but her eyes fell down on my womb so fast I held my breath.

She smiled. "The one you're carrying, we all know you're pregnant, girl."

I started to cry. "Oh, girl, I'm in love, I don't want to be a prostitute anymore, his name is Thomas and he's the most incredible man. He's my air, my soul mate, girl I will die without him."

And Veronica not only believed me she held me, because she knew, deep down, I never talked about any man the way I was praising Thomas.

I would never get to see him or be with him again. Because Kenny, the man with the key that led to him, was gone out of my life forever.

I had to call Georgia.

I needed her right now...


While some women who faced the empty nest syndrome, a depressed state felt after their children grew up and left home, tried to cope and find new and exciting things to do with their lives, I felt the Lost Love Syndrome.

Thinking about my lover Thomas made me feel whole. He gave me some good love, then he just up and left me, leaving me to fend for myself.

Feeling like an imbecile, it took me a little minute to gather my composure, and it took extra effort for me to tell Veronica not to tell my business to anyone.

Georgia was on my mind. I needed to do something and fast. But I didn't

know how to tell her.

But I knew I had too.

Veronica's lips were like holes in the bottom of cups-couldn't hold juice, milk or water. She had to tell everybody everything and the minute somebody wanted to whip her ass for running her big mouth, she wanted to dial my ten digits.

After telling Veronica I'd call her later, I went out to my car and attempted to call Georgia.

On second thought I hung up the phone.


I parked next to Georgia's bad ass Toyota Camry.

It had deep dished rims and a killer stereo system. I wondered if Ed was home, I haven't been over here since the day after their hugely successful


When Ed did what he did, when we did what we did...I could still taste him on my lips, I could still see the sexy image that dangled like a carrot on a fishing hook before the library of my brain.

I shook the images away, and knocked on the door...

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