🍑 Thirty Six: Phone Conversation

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...“I’m in love, girl.”

She laughed, waving her hands, “Yea, right!

"What’s wrong, girlfriend?” she said, not hearing a word I just said.

I said it more cautiously. “I. Am. In. Love.”

She rolled her eyes. “I know you’re in love with money. I got that. Houston, we’re gonna have some big problems if this bitch don’t tell me what the hell is up with her.”

With a huge smile I blurted, “I AM IN LOVEEEE!” and she fell silent, slowly sitting next to me, staring at the side of my face like I was Marvin the Martian.

I tried to hold my smile. Hold it, girl, hold it! But I couldn’t because the tears fell...

I shuddered because suddenly the world was so cold and I didn’t want to raise my child alone.

He or she had a right to know his/her father and I deprivedhim/her of that, it was all my fault and I would never find him again because I fucked it up with Kenny and I could just shoot myself for that, the one golden ticket to Thomas.

She was clapping and laughing happily. This was the best news. Words she thought I’d never say.

“You’re in love. You? The woman who said she’d never fall in love, the woman who played men like Chess and an episode of who sunk my Battleship?”

“Yes.” I looked at her with so much pain on my face and she took my hands. “I am in love. But he doesn’t know I’m in love with him.”

She searched my face, looked deeply into my eyes as only she could do, she had it down pat, she knew when I was lying and when I was telling the truth, I hated she knew the keys to my kingdom.

“You got it bad. You. Are. Gone. Chile. Wow, are you serious? Who is he?”

“Girl he’s gone, gone forever, we had a passionate night, he made love to me, while he was drunk, better than any sober lover I ever had, he changed my life, made me look at myself. Oh girl I can’t live without him.”

She was squeezing my hands, crying with me, kissing my hands, telling me it’ll be ok. “Girl in lifefriends come and go.”

“But I wanted him to come and go with me.”

“Season’s change, my love. You know this. It isn’t summer all year round, winter turns to spring eventually, its inevitable.”

“But why does it have to be that way?” I asked angrily, jumping up and pacing the bedroom, kicking off my shoes, enjoying the comfortable feel
of her plush white carpet tickling all between my toes.

Georgia’s house phone rang. “Hold on, girl. Hold that thought.” She went over to the caller I.D.

She picked it up. “Sup, man. What do you want now, more money?”

I looked at her while she engaged in her phone conversation..

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