🍑 Thirty Eight: Cell Phone

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She was trying to put two and two together. “I can now understand why you stayed away from my house, girl what you must have been going through, thinking you would never see him again, getting real feelings.

Honestly, he didn’t love Tina anyways; he only married her because everyone around him basically coerced him into doing it.

It was all for show. He worked his ass off for Tina, and yea, Tina and I are cool, but she can be a bitch.

Take his money, buy this and that, saw other men behind his back, I knew it, everyone knew it but we didn’t want to break Thomas’s heart.”

Why was I upset? “She did that to him, that incredible man?”

“Yes. Then, after months of playing the field, someone robbed her in an alley in New York. She almost lost her life.

"She was stabbed and left for dead. Through the miracle of God she survived, she knew deep down that was her punishment for creeping around on her faithful husband. And you would think going through the darkness would make you a better person.

"She and Thomas got worse. She talked down to him, didn’t appreciate him. She stopped the cheating, but the night Tina said he called out your name, she told me he was moaning your name, telling you how to take it, that he loved you, that he wanted to divorce her and spend his life with you.”

I had to sit down, this was overwhelming.

All I knew was that I wanted Thomas, I had to have him and I didn’t quite know if I could have him.

Maybe this was a fantasy; all this was in my head. I did screw his brother; this union with Thomas would never work. How could it? With so many
factors against me?

“Girl, I need time for all this to digest. Life isn’t to be played around with, girl.”

She smiled easily. “I can see you and Thomas together. He’s fun, loving. He’s one of my favorite cousins.”

I still couldn’t believe it. My nerves were bad.

“Why didn’t you introduce him to me?”

“Because his older brother Kenny is a jerk. I wouldn’t introduce that dick head to anyone, Chile. Girl, I helped them move down here. I got Kenny a Cadillac Escalade; one of my friends at the car dealership owed me a favor. I even got one of my home girls to get him a food stamp card, in her name so he could keep his fridge stocked and he calls me every other day for more money, won’t go get a job.”

So much for the lie, Kenny. Your bitch got you a food stamp card, ‘ey? You probably didn’t even get to sniff the

I hated men who lied on their dicks.

“And he’s a piece of shit.”

I told her Kenny was one of my clients, I also told her about his cell phone...

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