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Harry Styles

Mark is a nice guy but I don't know, there is something about him that doesn't feel right. We've been talking about the evidence for an hour now and even Barbara can feel that he is just a bit boring. He is smart and kind, he wants to help and I'm grateful for that but come on man you are just listing what I already know, go to the point.

"So, my first goal was to connect all the murders to maybe understand the reason pushing the murderer to kill all of them." His hand is gesturing between the numerous pictures and evidence he just spread all over the table during his explanation. "and I may have an idea."

I rest my chin in my hand and look all over the too familiar faces, Phil and Johannah, if I wasn't doing that for Louis it would be for them. They didn't deserve to be treated like this and I won't let their murderer run away. "I've joined the dots together and they all connected to one man." Oh god.

"And it's thanks to Mrs. Deakin's murder actually. She didn't spend time with many people during her last years. In reality just one man, her son." I knew it. He takes one last picture out of his suitcase and the face I never stop picturing in my head appears on the table.

"Louis Tomlinson." Yeah I know. "Dr. Martinez was his doctor, Mr. Payne his boss and well like I said Mrs. Deakin his mother. I don't know why he would kill them, maybe he is the final victim or the next one, I don't know... What do you think?" His eyes finally leave the pictures to meet mine and wait for my opinion.

"Well," This is fucked up. I'm so done. What does this mean? He is definitely not the killer, right? I'm sure he isn't but I have to stay objective. No I can't, if I do it's over for Louis, he literally screamed at me he killed them. "That... is... " I swallow when my mind gets clouded with my personal feelings and my professional reflexes. I want to scream.

"I don't think it's him actually." But I don't think it's not him either. I'm just lost, why would he do that, he is the first one to be impacted by it and come on, I was with him most of the time one of the murders happened.

"Why not?" Oh believe me Mark, if you would have seen how desperate he was at the cemetery you would have no problem to agree. Please god, don't tell me this all was a play. Did he play with me to keep me away from the doubt I could have for him? He is such a little bear, he wouldn't do that. "Do you know him?" Fuck. I totally forgot he has the same techniques and way of thinking than me.

"No! no... no no... I don't... no." What the fuck Harry, just stop talking. Even Barbara knows you're lying. "I just don't see why he would kill all the people he loves."

"Maybe he didn't. Or maybe he did and that's why he killed them. Some serial killers murder people because they can't deal with feelings, they aren't used to feel things and just kill to get rid of it." I'm sorry but Louis? A serial killer? I shouldn't laugh but God knows how much I want to. No way strawberry boy killed them.

"Harry, I can understand the confusion it can bring. I thought the same at first. But I have something else to show you and that's why I changed my mind." He turns around and grabs a folded paper in his jacket pocket. "I found his name connected to another 'accident', I mean that's what he wants us to believe." The man is speaking like he is sure Louis is the one who killed them and I'm scared of what I'll find in the paper I'm opening.

When I finally see the article clearly I understand what it's about. I see a picture of a young girl, long blond hair and blue eyes similar to Louis'. The writings all around it are telling a story I heard a few days ago and Louis' name is in it. It's the story of a girl falling from a bridge and dying under the eyes of her best friend. It's the story that haunted Louis for years. The story that is still haunting him today. The story of Sarah.

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