187 14 25

Louis Tomlinson

Heaven. That's exactly what it feels like, I'm slowly waking up from my wild night but still feel good and relaxed. When I open my eyes I am laying on the couch with my head on Harry's upper body, his sleepy breathing makes my head move as I'm draped on him. The room is white and lightful but not enough to make it painful to watch, it's morning and I never felt so peaceful.

I make sure to not wake Harry up from his calm sleep and sit on the couch next to him. Niall and Liam aren't on the floor anymore, they are not even in the room in reality. I smile in a quick laugh when I look at Harry for an instant, he is beautiful. His long hair is free now and all over the armrest and the red pillow under him, I remember when he took his elastic off last night.

After resting on the billiard table for a bit he finally helped me to dress up and hold me to the cough as I was almost asleep. Maybe he doesn't even know I remember how kind he has been with me, well, I mean when I didn't want him to be something else. Anyway, he took care of me and I never felt so loved.

I flash my head towards the door when I hear Niall's laugh from afar. Does he even feel sick after a party? He passed out on the floor yesterday and now he is laughing the next morning like nothing happened. Gosh, I could never. And I feel exactly what I was waiting for when I get up from where Harry's body is resting.

A rush goes straight to my brain and I pinch my eyes shut. Fuck, got up too fast. After calming my nerves, I and my dizzy brain -this son of a bitch hurts as hell by the way- walk towards the kitchen where I guess Niall's laugh came from.

My head and my stomach hurt from the alcohol but this is not what is upsetting me, they are my usual hangover feelings. No, what triggers me is the pain in my whole body, like physical pain, and I definitely know that it's not from what happened under the eyes of Niall and Liam, if you see what I mean. I stop my pace to take a deep breath, I'll have to ignore this in front of the boys and have a full discussion with them while ignoring the pain, how nice.

After a few steps across the room and the now well-known hallway I finally met eyes with the most reassuring eyes in the world, Liam's. He is seated next to Niall in a shirt similar to mine, with a cup of tea in his hand he looks at me and smiles widely. "Oh, hi Lou!" He waves his hand before I look at Niall next to him. The blonde man is smiling at me too, he is so nice to me and we don't even know each other, we need more Nialls in the world.

"Good morning mates." I walk to sit next to Liam at the counter but finally realise that someone is standing tall in front of them letting the counter and his own cup of tea between him and the boys. The man is taller than me, he has many tattoos on his arms and hands and looks at me through his long dark eyelashes. His brown eyes and dark hair is making him kind of mysterious but the expression he is offering creates a welcoming aura around him.

"Come on Louis," Liam gives me a signal to sit next to him and grab a glass of water on the counter. "I prepared this for you, it will make you feel better." I see him place a white pill next to the glass and after sharing a kind smile with the unknown man, I do what he told me.

"Thanks, what would I be without you?" His laugh makes his way to my ear when I sit on th-


I catch the three men's sudden gaze on me as I must have made my pain hearable. Well done mate. But for fuck's sake that hurts so bad, damn. I finally sit slowlier on the hard surface and smile at them. Awkward.

"You ok pal?" Niall's eyes are concerned about me and I swallow before seeing Liam being way too amused by the situation. With my gaze on Liam I frown and tell that the party hurted my body more than expected, but when I see how Liam keeps laughing at me it's not long before I understand. This man is too much.

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