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Louis Tomlinson

With a navy blue t-shirt and white trousers I am standing tall in front of the mirror while I'm trying to find something good to wear tonight. I like my current outfit, it's not what I'm used to wearing but I feel confident about it. In reality since I woke up this morning I have been feeling really good. Despite the news we got yesterday I think I start to understand how Liam is living. I'm contemplating the good things I have and moving on.

It's like the Payne positivity flows in my veins and makes me believe in happiness. I also realised that I should stop being afraid of what's happening between me and Harry. I mean look at the man, who would not go for it? The thing is that I kinda like his frustration, with a body like his I am sure he isn't used to not getting what he wants and I really want to keep this tease between us.

I just have to find a proper balance and maybe take control of the situation more often, and stop ignoring it or running away.

Satisfied by my outfit I go downstairs, I have to leave now if I want to be on time at Niall's house. I grab my keys and my coat, put my Vans on and open the front door. "Bye Mom, I'm leaving." In a confident movement I step out of the house, I haven't been that confident while leaving my house, I'm just happy to see my friends and I'm sure we're going to have a good moment. Yup, I don't even know who I am anymore.

But before I open the car's door, my mom stops my rush. "Louis? I need the car tonight." I look at my left to see her head out of the window. She is wearing makeup and has her hair dress up. She always let me borrow her car and told me to not buy one because she never uses it, and now she needs it? That's what I'm talking about, luck is never with me.

"What? But I don't have time to wa-"

"Need a ride?" The too familiar voice coming from behind me interrupts my words and makes me turn around. Harry is in his car behind me on the side of the road, one hand on the wheel and the other on his tight, he bends down a bit to look at me. It's not even sunny and the man has the audacity to wear sunglasses. Sure Harry, and why aren't you going to eat watermelons on the beach while you are equipped?

"No thanks, I'm good." says the man who wanted to stop running away. Come on Louis, you're not even following your own advice. I'm sure my mom is disappointed behind me but that was the first thing I thought of!

"Come on princess, we're going to the same place." His hair falls over his face when he leans down more to open the passenger's door for me. He pushes them back behind his head with his hand and looks at me. uhg. ok.

I feel my body walking towards him, Niall's house shouldn't be that far from mine and can't I have a bit of fun sometimes? I don't even understand myself why I'm so uncomfortable with all of this, ok he wants to fuck me but that's not like I don't want it too? "Yeah, you're right." I wish a good evening to my mom and sit next to Harry before he starts driving.

After a few minutes' drive, we haven't spoken yet and I'm lost in my thoughts. I watch the houses we are passing by, in front of one of them I see a little girl, she must be 5 years old and is wearing a princess dress. I instantly think of the nickname Harry has been calling me recently. "Stop calling me princess."

He was probably drifting out of reality too because my words make him look at me like he forgot I was there. "Why?" One of his gorgeous smiles appears in front of my eyes and he moves his hands to hold my inner thigh. "What do you want me to call you? Baby?"

I don't know where to look, his large hand on my trousers, his green eyes I can't get rid of or his wet lips between his teeth. Everytime we are next to each other there is the same tension surrounding us and hearing this simple word escape his mouth is the icing on the cake. This shit turns me on and hopefully my coat is laying on my lap, if the tension keeps building up like it usually does it won't be long before he can see the effects he has on me. "Why can't you just call me Louis?"

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