229 15 12

Louis Tomlinson


I keep my voice low despite the surprised rush crossing my body, I don't want to wake him up, that would be highly embarrassing. I mean he is topless and God knows if he is wearing something at all. Plus I'm staring at him, I can't imagine what would cross his mind if he woke up right now. At least I'm wearing a t-shirt and pants, that's good right?

Did something happen between us? I don't think so... We drank a lot yesterday -I guess it was yesterday but I wouldn't be surprised if I slept a whole day- but I wouldn't go that far, I know who I am and even if I had to I wouldn't sleep with Harry.

I am seated on the bed, still under the blanket and with my back on the headboard. My hands on my lap I must look desperate in front of this new situation. I am desperate. Who wouldn't? My introvert ass got drunk yesterday with a stranger -who by the way definitely wants to fuck me- and now I have no fucking idea in which country I am.

Oh and I forgot, the stranger is sleeping naked next to me.

I have to understand what happened yesterday. One thing at the time I'm going to figure this all out. Right now I need to get out of this hell before the curly man wakes up. I stand up but when my feet meet the floor I quickly understand that the run from yesterday was definitely not a dream.

My legs never hurt like this before, hopefully despite the aches walking is still possible. So, I make my way toward the floor while readjusting my t-shirt. I can't remember if I slept with a man yesterday but I can remember the way I took in the middle of the night during a panic attack, that makes sense.

Going out of this house is my only goal right now, I am probably in Harry's house this can't be good anyway. I go out of the bedroom, go down the stairs and finally can see the wood front door. Everything in this house is brown, red or some colours in between, it creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere, but still I don't want to stay.

I walk quietly towards the door with my phone in my hand, I didn't see my keys in the bedroom earlier. I'll ask Harry lat-


I brutally stop my movement, a voice takes me away from my goal and is coming from my left. I know this voice, it is a voice I wasn't expecting to hear right now even though I really wanted to. I step back to go back next to the door I passed by a few seconds before.

I turn my head to see Liam, what a relief to see a known face, the funny man is seated at the table eating cereal with a fork. With a fork? What the fuck? Why would he do that?

"What are you doing?" He looks at me with a concerned look. The direction I was taking before couldn't bring me anywhere else than the door, he knows I was about to leave. The true question here is does he know I was in the same bed as Harry? Of course he does, this man is a genius. Then he knows what happened yesterday too. Great. Great? It depends on what happened.

"I-" I walk in the kitchen and put my hand on the chair in front of where Liam is seated. Ok, let's act casual, I guess I'll figure all of this out while talking to him. "I don't know the house." My hand pulls the chair away from the table to let enough space for me to sit.

He looks at me with his fork in the hand while I take a seat. My words make him smile like he knows what is really happening in my head. "You have no idea where you are, right?" God no, I don't even know my name at this point. I shake my head to make him understand my lack of information about the situation.

He laughs a bit before putting his fork down. "It wasn't late when I finished work yesterday," He grabs the orange juice bottle next to him and opens it. "so I decided to join you at the bar, oh man that was a good idea." He sincerely laughs while pouring the juice in his glass, he doesn't put it back on the table. "Want some?"

Do You Know Who You Are? (l.s.)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora