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a Larry fan fiction


Warnings : murder, violence.

Death. What a lovely word.

Right now Julia couldn't think about LOVELY words. All her life she wondered how she would die someday, would she be old? young? happy? sad? Will she suffer or not ? Nothing could help her figure this all out and it was making her even more anxious about it.

What is going to happen when she'll be gone?

When she thought about this she didn't care about her own fate. She'll be dead that's all, no worries anymore, it seemed peaceful.

She was really young when she stopped wondering what death looks like but she never successfully stopped being overwhelmed by the terrifying thought of her family being sad. They would keep living and she wouldn't, she loves them and didn't want them to be sad. She knew they would be.

Everyone is trying, at some point in their life, to run away from death. But people have their own way to do it, there are those who are so scared that it impacts every single choice they make, those who are waiting for it badly and those already dead.

Julia is a doctor, she studied for years how humanity played with life in order to make it last longer and control its weaknesses. She quickly understood she was part of the scared ones and dedicated her life to medicine. This was her way to run away from the end of her peaceful life.

But on this sunny monday, she was literally RUNNING, the corridor seemed endless, and death was chasing her.

Her brain couldn't proceed with the moment. Few minutes before, in her office, she heard a voice, it was weirdly familiar and she couldn't put a name on it. Overthinking it too much she needed an answer and tried to find where it was from. She shouldn't have.

Now all Julia wants is to get out of this place. A person is calmly following her. She has this image in her head while running, a hood, stressful step noises and a rope. Yep this is it. Her death.

"Run Doctor, Run." Their deep voice filled the corridor when Julia finally saw the exit. She turned around one last time to know if she could make it before the unknown person reached her but then she stopped.

Where were they?

Julia then felt a strong feeling. It wasn't painful. It wasn't fear. It was the same feeling you have watching a horror movie, when this one character is obviously about to get killed and something too good to be true happens. Then you know it's not over.

Where were they ?

The young doctor couldn't decide, she wanted to go out but this was obviously too easy. Was this a joke ? Her life definitely was. 30 years of school to be so defenceless in a situation like this, it wasn't making any sense. But in this stressful moment she didn't want this joke to be over. Was this the punch line of her life?

Where were they ?

Her hands were shaking by her sides. Her breath was faster than usual, her brain didn't get any of this air fully used by the rest of her body. She couldn't think. Why couldn't she think? pressure. fear. unknown. All of this was new to her.

She finally decided to go out, she wouldn't stay here after all. But she was right. It happened really fast, she turned around to face the exit again but she saw anything but her latest nightmare.

She understood.

The doctor finally put a face on the voice but it wasn't long before strong arms grabbed her. Her feet left the floor, in a quick movement they pushed the young woman next to the window. Her mind was full of questions but one of them was naturally louder than the other; What the fuck ?

The tall person was really close to her, she could smell their Cologne again, it was the same as the last time she met them. They stopped holding her, persuaded she couldn't escape from what they prepared for her.

Standing in front of her, the black silhouette bent over to grab the same rope Julia almost tripped on previously. According to her this was probably the last possibility to escape a tragic fate. She looked at the door behind them. Could she make it?

But her thoughts must have been too loud, before she knew it her wrists were held together and her eyes met the emotionless gaze of the now known person.

"Please stop, let me go" these useless words were the only ones coming to her mind, she knew this person and was strongly surprised by their actions. "What are you doing ?"

A powerful silence filled the room and the grip on her wrists became stronger. But then she felt a rush in her blood, a second rope was attached to the top of the window and on its other end a node created a circle. Her question had finally an answer.

"No please, what did i do ?" The stressful tone of her voice created a tense atmosphere as the silent person placed her on the wall under the window.

A cold wind filled her clothes, with her back facing the void she was now staring at her aggressor begging for her life.

They stared for a moment. Facing each other as a symmetrical opposition. Julia was scared. They were confident. She was sad. They were full of happiness. She was defenceless. They were powerful. Stress and Relaxed. Dead and Alive.

They calmly put the rode circle around the doctor's neck and checked every node on it. Julia understood a part of them didn't want to kill her, maybe her psychological classes in high school were useful after all. She took a chance.

"I know you don't want to do that, that's not you-", she was about to say their name before their powerful hand covered her mouth flipping her a little bit more over the edge.

Now holding her life in their grip a smirk appeared on their face. This reminded her of this exam she took 10 years ago. She was in front of this man and with a simple "no" he could have ruined her life. By the way he didn't. But she was about to die, why was she thinking of that? she felt different.

They had a new power on her and it apparently gave them a lot of joy. Julia was desperate at this point, a few seconds before she came up with the conclusion she did something wrong and stopped thinking about anything while contemplating her life ending. But then they broke the silence proving her wrong. "He deserves it'', a confused look took over Julia's face before he completed his sentence.


Time stopped. A "normal killer" would have just taken off their hand to let the gravity do its job, but this empty and emotionless person was different. Their grip became stronger and a powerful pressure threw Julia towards the emptiness of the street below them giving her more speed.

Watching her fall from several floors made them happy and proud. The rode tightened up and her fall stopped brutally. They started thinking about her friends, family and all the people she spoke to, filling their mind with the happiness of knowing how sad they will be. This was his reward and it never felt so good.

Hanging now under him and fighting for her life she was surprisingly still alive. If she was already dead they would have love watching her longer but seeing her struggling for her life was boring. This pain wasn't the one they were looking for. Not HER pain.

She was just collateral damage. She wasn't lucky that's all.

They reached the exit door and took the numerous stairs to leave the building. Feeling alive again they were full of joy but they were disappointed she didn't die directly so they needed distraction. They needed to think about something good, like her funeral.

Their favorite part.

People crying over her death but most of all GUILT, what a pleasure.

On their way outside they gave a last glance at her finally lifeless body. Taking a minute to admire their simple work.

"Funny Doctor."


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