241 16 5

Louis Tomlinson

Everything is rushing in my mind and this instant seems to last forever. I am getting abnormally anxious, it sounds like my life depends on this. Human interactions are something I can't deal with, and oh my, I've been challenged a lot recently. Maybe it is the heavy liquid in my blood or the excitement surrounding me but I feel like destiny is talking to me.

Niall's laugh echoes in my ear, he is definitely out of his mind, the alcohol taking over him. This barbaric sound makes me believe that Liam is absolutely not checking the wide door, it means I still can lie and get out of this stupid game.

Why did I even start this?

I clearly make a big deal of it and I shouldn't, like I said it's stupid and it means anything. I don't even have to do it, I'm not feeling alone anyway. People always think that you need a girlfriend to not be on your own, I don't have one and yet I'm not alone, there is Liam, the bottle and Niall's laugh. They are all really nice to me.

I'm not alone or feeling alone. No, I'm not. Definitely not.

But I'm lonely.

I'm probably looking like a dead man right now, wondering about my own loneliness in the middle of numerous drunk dolls. I'm not only doing nothing sitted on a table in a bar, no, I'm still staring at the door like a famous pop star is about to enter.

The same door finally answers my question. What will this girl look like? What expression will be on her face? What will be her way of walking? Will I really think of talking with her? I can see the hand on the handle, the light of the room is not very powerful but it still lets me see the rest of the body. What the fuck?

Oh, shit. Didn't think of that.

A tall silhouette is now standing in front of the door I looked at for several minutes. By passing this door this anonymous man became my date in an instant. He looks around letting me see the back of his long curly hair, is he looking for someone? He closed the door behind him, so nobody is with him. He definitely doesn't look like a man who doesn't have anyone to go to the bar with. Yes he must be looking for someone, a girl I guess.

Thank God Liam isn't looking, I couldn't have escaped this. This game is stupid anyway.

After checking on his left, his research keeps going in front of him and finally on his right, I am there. The tall man looks concentrated, it must be difficult to find a specific person in the middle of all those bodies. But then his eyes stop in mine. Wh- What? He starts smiling letting me see his beautiful white teeth. His smile creates dimples giving a new beauty to his face. I love dimples, they're really cute, on a girl.

Is he looking at me?

Please no. What the fuck did I do to deserve this. God.

He is literally looking at me and all I do is contemplating him, what is wrong with me? He starts walking towards me, this can't be real. He can't be real. We must be an angel Sarah sent to me. Wow, I am getting crazy.

"Harreh !" The Irish accent echoes again in my ear. Does Niall ever stop shouting?

I quickly stop looking at the anonymous man to be seated cross-legged on the table with my back at the door. Liam is looking at me but Niall is looking over my shoulder. He is clearly looking at this Harreh. What does it stand for? Harry I guess. Anyway, I don't care.

Before trying to discover where this Harry is, I subtly give a last glance at the man I creepily stared at for the past minutes. I turn around in his direction but all I see is a shining gold cross hanging on a chain. Hopefully the person owning it wasn't looking at me back, I look up and realise he is the man at the door and is looking at Niall.

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