JIN: When he is crushing on you pt.2

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Jin was certain of his feelings for you, but you weren't really. Since you hadn't been in love before, it was hard to tell for you. You needed some sort of moment of epiphany that would open your eyes and that moment came on a Sunday evening.

Jin and you were busy with orders, running from one table to another.

Two girls that had come had ordered quite the amount of desserts and Jin asked you for help to carry them all over. You took the drinks and he brought the desserts.

"Hope you enjoy" you said, smiling warmly. But the girls weren't even paying attention to you. Both of their eyes were set on Jin. Feeling dumbfounded, you took a step back.

"If there's anything else you want, please ring the bell" Jin explained, pointing at the button on the table. He was oblivious to the fact that the girls were practically gawking at him. This made you feel very uncomfortable and uneasy for a reason. You felt the need to take Jin away from there as soon as possible. Just as you tugged on his arm to indicate that you should leave, one of the girls spoke up.

"Do we perhaps know each other? You look so familiar" she said in a sickeningly sweet voice. Jin looked at her, trying to remember.

"Ah, no I don't think so" he responded.

"Are you sure? Didn't we attend the same school?"

You felt like throwing up at her cheap attempt to flirt with him. This was literally the most outdated pickup line. But what made you furious was that Jin had no clue about what was really going on. Tugging on his arm again like a child, you tried to get his attention.

"I went to an all-boys school actually" he said, and you couldn't help but cackle. The girl's face dropped a little, but she wasn't going to give up.

"Hmm, well still I would like to talk to you more. Can I maybe have your num-" before she could even finish her sentence, you pushed Jin forward.

"Hurry up, the customers are waiting" you said, taking him back to the counter. Jin chuckled, amused by your reaction.

Of course, he knew what that girl was hinting at. He just played dumb to see your reaction and he was very happy with it too.

You couldn't look Jin in the eyes for the remainder of the evening, feeling embarrassed. Why did you care whether someone was flirting with him or not? Why had you reacted like that?

Once you closed the coffee shop and were getting ready to leave, Jin walked up to you.

"Want a ride home?" he asked. You were still avoiding his eyes.

"No, I am good" you said.

Jin grinned, grabbing your arm and turning you to face him.

"Why are you so shy all of a sudden? You can't even look me in the eye" he commented, wanting to torture you a little.

"What?" you scoffed dramatically, "Shy? I am just sick of seeing your face, I am basically resting my eyes."

Jin laughed out loud. "That was a good comeback, I have to give you that" he admitted. "But still" he continued, "I know you are lying."

"Am not" you chimed in. Suddenly he kissed your cheek, making your eyes widen.

"I wouldn't have given her my number anyway" he told you, making the heat rush to your face. Had you been that obvious?

"I-I don't care" you stammered. He kissed your other cheek, smiling sweetly.

"So you like me too, hmm?" he asked.

Your heart was racing in your chest. You were worried you might get into cardiac arrest.

"I don't" you lied.

"Oh, you don't?" Jin asked. You shook your head no. "Well this is awkward then" he responded. Silently staring at your feet, you tried to calm your heart.

"Maybe I should give that girl a chance then" he said, holding up a piece of paper. A number was scribbled on it with a heart. "Fortunately she gave me her number as she paid."

Your eyes widened and you snatched the piece of paper from him.

"You won't call her" you said, ripping the paper.

"Why not? You said you don't like me anyways" he was playing with you again, but you were too flustered to notice.

You couldn't bring yourself to confess. It was so hard to say those words.

Growing frustrated and impatient, you closed your eyes tightly and pressed a quick kiss on his lips. Jin hadn't expected that and was blushing himself, his ears getting red.

"Take me home now" you muttered, avoiding his eyes.

"Yes, ma'am" he said, grinning from ear to ear. Taking your hand in his, he intertwined your fingers. You couldn't help the smile that formed on your lips. He opened the door for you and after you were seated in the passenger seat, he suddenly grabbed your face and kissed you passionately. At first, you were tense but soon enough you melted into his touch, your lips moving against his. Pulling away to catch his breath, he smiled at you.

"I am in love with you" he told you. You were so flustered that you couldn't say it back. Your nerves were on edge.

He knew that and didn't want to pressure you, pecking your lips one last time, he got into the driver's seat. During the ride you randomly grabbed his hand, making him smile. He knew what it meant.

*A/N too many people requested a part 2 for this, so here you go XD Instagram at moonchild_starrynight

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