Chapter 15 : SPACE

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Suga and Jimin are on the way to pick me up per Hobi's text. Within the hour I heard the doorbell ring, I open the door from the bedroom and I can hear Jimin and Suga talking to Taehyung.

Suga: "I told you if you're mad don't take Yhuna with you! what if you hurt her huh!"

Jimin: "Hyung calm down, I don't think he'll do that."

Suga: "You don't know that." he snarls at Jimin "Where is she?!" facing Taehyung.

Taehyung: "In the bedroom." he answers, then brush his hair back when Suga turned his back.

Jimin's POV

Jimin: "Bro! what did you do?!" putting his hand on Taehyung's shoulder

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Jimin: "Bro! what did you do?!" putting his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung: "Nothing!" he pushes Jimin's hand away barking in frustration, start pacing back forth don't know what to do "I just asked her to stay away from JK till everything blows over." suddenly making a fist fidgeting with his hands.

Jimin: "And?" tilting his head trying to get more answers out of him.

Taehyung: "And what?!" he snaps glowering at him.

Jimin: "That can't be it" crossing his arms in front of him "There's more to that."

Taehyung: "She didn't agree." he hang his head low looking down at this feet." and..."

Jimin: "Bo ya? what happened next?"

Taehyung: "I fucked up." putting his hands on his face breathing heavy sliding it back mad at himself. "She's mad at me Jiminah, what should I do?" seeing his teary eyes made me feel bad for him, but there's nothing anyone can do for now but to take a break to ease the situation decreasing the tension.

Jimin: "Well right now, it's not healthy for you guys to be in the same space. We're going to take her with us back to the dorm, so both of you guys can cool off. And then try calling or texting her later ok, I will update you when she's better."

Taehyung: "Okay." he nods and pauses "Okay." repeating his action "I am so sorry babygirl, I did not mean to." saying to himself feeling guilty.

Hearing the door open from the bedroom, Suga and Yhuna came out of the room. Yhuna is also not in a good state, it seems like she's been crying for hours with her swollen eyes. She look at Taehyung and they made the most heart-rending eye contact, we can all see that their both hurting. Yhuna sniff, verge to burst into tears so she turn her head towards Suga wrapping his arms on her as they walk out.

Jimin: "Ayyye Taehyungah, you fucked up that much for her to cry like that?! Not cool bro, not cool."

Taehyung: "I know...stop rubbing it on my face man. I don't know what to do, but please help me fix it. I don't want to lose her."

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