Hobi and Jimin were together on their first date. After 20 days they first met Jimin finally got time from his schedule to bring Hobi on a date, not even hour passed when two men arrived demanding to come with them, Jimin's first thought was that he got caught dating and they are men of certain someone.. so he got frightened to death and timidly followed them holding nervous Hobi's hand.. but when they arrived at this restaurant he knew he was really not in danger.. and he was angry that he showed Hobi his weak side.. thus he was trying very hard to throw off these guys and just get out of here so that he can hide somewhere from shame and self loathing.

Hobi who was sitting beside Jimin was in tears.. he was very afraid, he was grabbing Jimin's hand tightly in his.. and the more he sees Jimin struggling, the more he will cry. Maybe that was why after some time Jimin didn't struggle much, but he kept cursing to the guy behind him. Hobi was scared of the men but he was more scared for Jimin because he can see that Jimin was not looking in his eyes anymore. He maybe oblivious to many things.. but knew when someone wants to hurt themselves.. he had been there.

Yoongi was different case. He didn't care what was happening around him. He was simply sitting like he was in a park.. his eyes closed, he was humming some tune under his breath.. the guy behind him didn't even put his hands on his shoulder to keep him in one place.
First, he didn't need to because Yoongi was not trying to run.
Second, because when he first tried to block Yoongi's path near the cafe where he works, Yoongi was on his way home but before the man cpuld say anything he actually flipped the man over and beat him to plup until the man told him why he was here.. listening to him that he was following Jungkook's order, Yoongi simply said, "You should have told me earlier.. don't try to touch me again. Let's go". After saying this he leisurely sat in the car and came here without any struggle.. but the man behind him already have a broken tooth, a swolen face, bleeding lips.. and maybe 2..3 torn ligaments.

One might wonder seeing such odd situation why nobody called the police yet, the answer was simple. The restaurant belongs to one of many people who owe Jungkook a favor, he helped him get his money back from some big mafia gang. So no matter what was happening in the restaurant, they will turn a blind eye to it... the owner had already ordered it closed.. with just handful of staff waiting in kitchen to serve like last time. No matter what happens here.. not a word will get out.

Infact the men he hired was also one of those mafia gang.. who also owe him big favors.
There was a reason why Jungkook was so rich and powerful in less than 3 years despite being an orphan.. he owe many people many favors.. but no one have ever actually met him.
He calls in those favors when he needs them, like this restaurant boss. He simply told him one of his close friend is in need of his restaurant and to close it for day.. so the guy did.

The people he owes favor are all bigshots in the country and they all call him Mr. Big. No one knows what he looks like, and no one dares to cross him.. If he needs them.. he calls them. If they need him, they wait for being noticed. Afterall he sees everything, everyone got skeletons in their closets and Jungkook was one who collects them all.

When Namjoon found out Jungkook has such power and connections he secretly thanked heavens (which he never believed existed) that he was in Jungkook's good books.

The pair who was awaited by all finally walked in. Jin was the first one to notice them.

"It's you.. why are you with him?" Jin asked in a shock when he noticed Namjoon with Jungkook.

"Aren't you the one who walked out first that day.. why are you with him?" questioned Taehyung. His face showing shock and curiosity.

"Don't tell me you are in this shit? Why are we here anyway?" hissed Jimin

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