Chapter 94- ministry part 2

Beginne am Anfang

"Let's go!" 


We wondered into the next room in silence, the only sound being the groups hurried breathing, indicating their nerves. I was no different. 
"We did everything we could to detect some kind of movement, but then we heard it. A loud bang and a series of shouts that made us leap into action, towards the direction of the noise. 

My legs carried me faster than they ever had done before, all those years of quidditch had seemed to pay off. George was at my side as the group came into view. Harry, Ron, Ginny, Nevil, Luna, Hermione. I recognised a few deatheaters too, and Bellatrix who I wanted to strangle at the minute. My blood was boiling. I wasn't prepared to fight. I was prepared to kill. 

I blasted spell after spell, all whilst keeping my eye out for Y/N. But she wasn't anywhere, no matter where I looked, I caught no sight of her. Sirius had ran straight towards Harry, the pair fighting and protecting one another with every move. Remus had joined Ron and Hermione, helping to defend them against the attacks, whilst encouraging them to get out of there. They didn't listen of course, there was too much on their mind. On everyone's mind, where on earth was Y/N? 


Y/N's pov: 

"You know, I said I wouldn't judge, but I don't really appreciate being strapped to a chair." I said, making him turn to me once again. 
He prepared to speak, until we heard a shout, a shout that sounded all too familiar to me. 
I was no longer acting bored out of my mind, the panic rose and I clenched my jaw to the sight of Voldemorts wide smile, as if he had just conquered the world. 

"Leave them alone." I said, "Leave them alone or you'll be dead." 
He simply sent me one last evil smile as he exited the room with his wand in hand, leaving me alone and without my wand. 

You'd have thought that he'd have been a little smarter though, he wasn't really a match for me it seems. As if he was as smart, he'd have remembered the fact that wandless magic does exist. I laughed, clapping my hands together in victory as I loosened myself of the ropes once wrapped around my hands. I freed myself from the god awful chair, taking a big stretch as I stood began my departure from the room. 


Fred's pov: 

It all happened in seconds. One moment the deatheaters were going down in groups. The next? All went to hell. 
I'd never seen Voldemort before, I'd only heard how he was described, and pictured his awful face in my head. But nothing could have prepared me for what he actually looked like. He was less of a man, and more a monster. His eyes almost red. A chill travelled down my spine, but in that moment of weakness. In the moment I took to observe him, as the rest did. 
We knew we'd failed. 

I was restrained. My wand gone from my hand, and my hands bound behind my back. A cold breath breathed down my neck. Looking around the room, it seemed that every one else was in the same position. All except Harry, who stood scared in the middle of the room, with his wand circling the group, waiting for the sighting of Voldemort. 

"Harry Potter." His face was scary, but his voice so much more intimidating. How no one hadn't fainted I had no idea. 
"I see that my little plan worked." The monster smiled in victory. "It seems that you really do love her then. The girl that you called your sister. Oh, how easy it was to summon you here. You both here actually." His sickening smile pointed in my direction. 
"And of course the others. It seems that she means a lot to all of you." 

"If you've touched her!" I growled, although I was cut off with a gag as the person behind me, tightened their grip on my throat. 
"You'll what?" The murderer laughed triumphantly, the situation obviously highly amusing to him. 
"Now, Harry. How about you pass me that prophecy that you have just taken off of that shelf, that's right. That one. Give it to me, and you'll be able to get Y/N back."  

"Godric I thought this would be so much harder." 
It happened in seconds. I heard the tone of the girl I love most in the world, my head spinning with dizziness as I frantically searched the room for her. 
And then I spotted her. Her hair messy and tangled, blood dripping from her lip and her shirt bloody. Yet she still looked like a goddess. 
But how could I focus on that, when the greatest scene was playing in front of me. 

A confused Voldemort, who had just had a metal chair swung to the back of his head, with great strength. His body hit the floor, and I had to stop myself from laughing, as Y/N dusted her hands off. She met my eyes and sent a wink my way as she prepared to fight once more, the man having pulled his body up from the stone hard floor. In seconds the battle continued, but a great feeling off success for the order surrounded the room. I blasted spells left right and centre, watching as the girl performed in her element. How proud I was to call her my girl. 

But once again time seemed to stop in the room, as it does when something like that happens. The fighting stopped and both sides watched in fear, as a spell came from Bellatrix's wand, a terrifying spell that made my eyes go wide in horror. It travelled at lightning speed towards Sirius, who had not yet realised what had happened. But as bad as it sounds, it wasn't that that had my heart stopping. It was the head of curly brown hair that paced my own, running as fast as she could to move her father out of the way. 

And all I could do was drop to my knees as I watched the scene play out. It didn't hit her, it hit him. Sirius fell backwards into the archway, that almost seemed to catch him. But nothing could stop her. She had followed him before anyone could get near them. Her final strand of brown curly hair leaving eyesight as both disappeared into the arch, becoming thin air, and harsh reality setting in. 

As I moved I felt arms holding me back. The deatheaters had disappeared as Dumbledore had arrived, but I couldn't care less. I struggled in the tight grip George and dad had on me. I noticed Harry doing the same thing whilst trying to get out of Remus's grip. But then I fell limp across the floor, a horrifying scream emitting from my mouth as I refused to admit the harsh reality. 

She was gone. 

I'd lost her.

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