Chapter 91- weasleys departure

Start from the beginning

"Tell me what?" And that was it. I'm screwed. I'm going to die at the wrath of Molly Weasley.
"Nothing." Me and Remus replies in unison, quick to jump into a distraction.
"Oh I've missed you so much mum." I said to the woman, pulling her into a tight hug. It was the truth, I'd missed my mother figure.
"I've missed you too dear." She smiled, hugging me tightly before pulling away sharply.
"Now what on Earth are you doing here?" I physically gulped.
It seemed that the delay in my reaction had given her all the information she needed, as I suddenly found myself in a long lecture about being responsible- it was worse than when Hermione rambles on about charms. A buzzkill is you ask me.

"Pup?" I swivelled around from where I was now sat at the kitchen table. Molly having quickly shut up when she realised that my attention was else where.
Dad stood at the kitchen door, his mouth ajar and eyes filled with worry. "What are you doing here?"
"Dad." I smiled happily, walking over to greet him and giving him a long needed hug for the both of us.

"Your daughter HAS BEEN EXPELLED!"
I rolled my eyes at Mollys wonderful timing, looking up with a cheeky smile towards my dad.
I knew that he wouldn't freak, in fact, the fact that I had been expelled wasn't a problem. And as predicted, he found the situation rather amusing. He let out a loud belly laugh, patting me on the back, "what did you do this time?"

"SIRIUS!" Molly warned, only to be shook of completely, causing her to leave the room with a large sigh.
"Don't worry about it kid." Dad whispered, "we'll go for some ice cream. My treat- a congratulatory present. My treat."

I love my dad.

Freds pov:

"Fred she's been gone for a day!" George groaned, turning over and facing the wall from where he lay. Obviously getting as far away from me as he could.
"You're literally going home tomorrow." Lee rolled his eyes, pretending not to be affected by the fact that his three best friends were leaving him. I felt really sorry for him, but he refused to have done 7 years at this place for nothing. He would finish his year.

"I just really miss her that's all." I sighed, thinking about what Y/N was doing right now. "It's the first time I've been away from her. The first time that I've not been able to reach for her whenever I want to." I groaned.
Laughter caused me to sit up to in my bed, eyes connecting with the grins on both boys faces.

"Honestly, you'd think she's broken up with him." George rolled his eyes, causing me to scoff.
"Oh piss off. I love her." I sighed. I really did. She is without a doubt the best thing that had ever happened to me. I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather have in my life. George has always been my other half, my twin, the one that completed me. But now, she's here. And she makes everything that seemed impossible before, the easiest task in the world. I love her unconditionally.

"I was." I spoke nervously, "I was thinking about asking her to marry me.... one day of course". I added, scared of the once laughter that had reverted to silence.
I looked towards my brother, hoping to get his support. It was something I'd been thinking about for a while. Though, Sirius might kill me if I ask too soon.

"Your sure that you want to spend the rest of your life with her?" George asked.
"You're ready to make this kind of commitment?" Lee added, his face unsure.
"I love her more than anything in the world. That will never change. There's no one I'd rather be with. She's perfect, and I couldn't ask for anyone more." I smiled happily to myself, "besides, like I said. It doesn't have to be now."

"Well I think it's a great idea Fred." George smiled. "We're with you every step of the way, right Lee?"
"Course mate." Lee smiled.
That night I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face. Completely happy with life, and how one day, I knew I'd marry the girl of my dreams. The girl I had been in love with for 3 years.

Morning came quick, and we had to prepare quickly. Every thing was ready, we just needed the plan to fall into action. I was taking a quick walk around the school. A goodbye if you like. It was what me and Y/N had planned to do today, that was until she had left. I wish that she was here, and had managed to stay the last day with me and the boys. I can't remember a time she want here, right at the side of me. And he was a full four years here that I didn't even know her. I guess it just shows you how one person could change your life so much. It was almost scary.

Id Miss school. I'd miss the teachers, even Minnies strictness. And of course, it miss everyone here greatly. The people that I had seen daily for seven years, and some faces I may never see again. But to move on, and live my life with Y/N- I couldn't wait for that.
I was going to live with the girl I've always wanted to.
Hopefully get married to the beautiful woman, and hopefully one day she'd carry our babies. I.  couldn't ask for a better life, and it was something that certainly stood out in the middle of all this darkness.

The fireworks were going off every few seconds. Bold colours and bright flashes lighting up the hall. I couldn't help but imagine how much Y/N would love it. She'd have been proud. The youngsters were screaming and shouting, happy cheering as their exams flew to the floor. I think the only unhappy face I could see was Hermione- not a surprise there. She never had been one for breaking the rules.

Me and George had one more show. One more tiny little event that wound occur. It would suddenly show the bitch that she didn't touch my girl. The pink toad was telling at us frantically, shouting commands for us to get down. But that was when the fun began.

And the huge dragon, began to swoop low to the ground, aiming directly for the plump woman who no one could stand. It was a sight to see as she was chased from the floor. I happened to make eye contact with Minnie, preparing myself for a sudden jinx to be received. Yet a large smile formed on my face when she's got me a small wink, the biggest smile I had ever seen placed on her face. It would be hard to leave this place. But it was over. Seven years and I'd done it. But now it was time for a new chapter in my life.

I zoomed towards my brother, smiling proudly at our work, taking one last look out onto the Hogwarts grounds.

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

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