Chapter 89- caught

Start from the beginning

The book was sickening, to say the least. It was something that disgusted me. Something that I stood against in each and every way. I couldn't bring myself to even read some of it, but for the sake of pretty much the whole wizarding world, I had to. I don't know why I felt that this had come down on me for a reason. Perhaps knowing my mother was one of them? Perhaps the death of one of my best friends? The fear of losing a loved one? Losing my dad, losing Fred? Maybe it was because of everything Voldemort said to me in the graveyard that night, felt like it had a hidden meaning that I had to reveal. It was bigger than me, I know that. But it didn't mean that I wouldn't sacrifice everything to find the truth, and make it right. 

Thoughts ran through my head. How did Voldemort manage to come back from the dead? How did Lily Potter manage to save Harry? Why was he killing muggles in mass groups? Why did he care enough, to take time out of his day, to kill innocent people he had never met, when he had all the power and fear he had ever wanted? There had to be a reason, and I was going to get to the bottom of it. 

 And that's when I came across it. The tiniest peace of information that seemed to add up to everything. A one sentence paragraph that held so many unanswered questions, yet so much information. 

A Horcrux- a piece of ones soul, so one shall never die, all it takes, is a sacrifice. 

I sprinted to Dumblesdores office, as fast as I possibly could, ignoring the stares that I got as I passed quite a few people, making their way for curfew. But then cursed as I flew straight into someone's hard chest. I recognised it instantly of course, I woke up on it every morning. 
"Sorry love." I looked up to see Fred holding his laugh as he helped me from the ground, and could hear Lee and George laughing in the background. They were definitely up to a prank. 
"No harm done." I smiled, placing a quick peck on his lips, and carried on sprinting. 
"What's she doing?" I heard Lee ask. 
I could picture Fred shaking his head, "I have no idea, you just learn to roll with her." 
The boys laughed and were on their way in the opposite direction, even though I felt the burning eyes of Fred's worry on my back. 

"Sherbet Lemon!" I practically screamed at the gargoyle blocking the entrance, as it hurried to let me past. 
I burst into the headmasters office, once again, a scene that I've probably done one too many times. 
"Miss Black." Dumbledore said, as calm as ever, he too seeming as if he had expected me. "To what do I owe the pleasure today?" 
"Let's just say." I said in a sing-song tone, "I may have figured out Voldemort's secret, that he intended to keep to the grave." 
I was on a high at the minute, having learned the very information that Tom Riddle did not want anyone to learn, and had to force myself to not laugh at my own pun- that wasn't very funny. 

Dumbledore definitely didn't want to show his interest in the matter, but I could see it in his eyes. It was quite clear that Dumbledore, even if he didn't particularly like me, knew that I was smart, and trusted that I knew what I was talking about. 
"Have you ever heard of a Horcrux professor?" 


A long discussion had happened that night, and although it bothered him to be outsmarted, Dumbledore knew I was right. It was quite clear that I had indeed figured out the dark lords secret. But as the old man tried to dismiss me, thanking me for the information and ensuring me that he would pass it on to the order, that wasn't happening in my eyes. I had now bargained with him, he knew it was a deal that he couldn't turn down. He knew that I was too much of an advantage for him, to be on his side. So that's how I got what I wanted. 

I was now a full time member of the order of the phoenix. In secret of course. I would soon be going on missions with the aurors, doing my best to hunt down Voldemort, and search for the Horcruxes. I knew that Dumbledore didn't trust easily, that was obvious. And I knew that, in reality we would get no where with him in charge. It would take forever to find the horcruxes. So I took it upon my self to keep this little piece of information a secret, but whilst I was in school, would find the answer to all of this. I would find a horcrux, and I would make sure to destroy it. 

"Good morning, love." The door opened, and I quickly stuffed my note pad under the covers of my bed, away from Fred's prying eyes. He knew that I was hiding something, but thankfully let it slide, concentrating on the fact that I wasn't yet up. "We have an order meeting today, remember?" 
"Oh yeah." I smiled, getting up from the bed, and wrapping my arms around my boyfriend. 
"I love you." He whispered into my hair.
a grin formed on my face as I melted at his words, "I love you too." 

The order meeting was going great. Neville had made so much improvement and I can't even begin to describe how proud I was of him. He had also been getting a lot more confident, apparently, according to dad, he acts just like his mother, Alice Longbottom. I've heard that Harry spoke to him, a little before Christmas. I think that might have helped with his nerves, and he has quite successfully added it to his duelling. 
But as a banging sound came from the door of the room, I instantly made my way to the front of the room, reaching Harry's side, knowing that this wasn't good.

In seconds everything happened, a huge explosion occurred, shattering the door, as Fred jumped to push me out of the way. I managed to get a hold of Nigel's jacket, moving him away so that he wouldn't be affected. And that's when I saw the guilty eyes of Draco, looking as if he had just committed a murder, and the smirking face of Umbitch, looking like she had won a medal. Oh how it made me want to punch her. 

She turned around to her little minions, the smirk never leaving her face. "Get them." And in seconds I was hoisted off my feet. 
Luckily for me, Draco moved the other Slytherins out of the way, ensuring that he would be the one to restrain me, and not someone he definitely didn't trust. I was still his cousin after all. I knew that I had to behave myself for the time being, and therefore didn't make any attempts to escape Draco's arms, as they lead us all to the headmasters office. 

Everything happened at once. The minister was there. Dumbledore was there. Loads of aurors had turned up, including Kingsley who smiled at me. It was quite hectic. Umbridge held the sighed parchment of 'Dumbledore's Army' in front of us, he shouts being ignored by me. 
"Dolores, I would like to remind you, that the parchment says Dumbledore's army, not Potter's army, not Black's army." The headmaster spoke calmly. 
"So you admit to plotting against the ministry?" Spoke Fudge, "Against me? And using kids as a way to do that?" 
"I'm sorry headmaster, but I'm afraid you leave me no choice," He spoke again, "You will be sentenced to Azkaban." 
I tore myself from Draco's arms, running over to Dumbledore, as Harry shouted his protests. 
"Go" I whispered, my wandless magic blowing up a few items, and causing a distraction as Dumbledore disappeared at the hands of the phoenix.
"You may not like it minister." Kingsley said, I could see the smirk on his face, "But you can't deny. Dumbledore's got style." 
I laughed, gaining the back the attention, and cursed myself for doing so. 

Umbridge grabbed the collar of my shirt roughly.
"Get off her!" Fred yelled, but the person who had a hold of him easily stopped him, having his hands behind his back.
She sent me back so that I was pinned against the wall, devil eyes burning mine. It just made me want to laugh. Even as she was practically choking me, I managed to breathe out a laugh. 
"Not what I pinned you for Dolores." I laughed, although it sounded more like a gasp for breath, "Kinky." 
I could hear even Kingsley laugh, but he quickly shut up when the minister looked towards him. 
"You." The bitch seethed, "What did you do." 
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said calmly, "But kindly remove your hand from my neck, you're making it hard to breathe. Wouldn't want you to be sent to Azkaban." 
She let go, but made her march to Fudge, "Minister! It was her! I just know it! She deserves to be punished." 
Fudge sighed, "Dolores she doesn't even have a wand, and she couldn't possibly perform wandless magic. Right, Miss Black?" 
"Of course not." I smiled cockily.
"I insist that we get the Veritersirum!" Umbridge yelled, and to my amusement, the minister seemed to agree. 

That's how I got here, sat at the desk that was once Dumbledore's, restrained to the seat as a potion was forced down my throat. What they didn't know, was that I had spent quite a while perfecting the art of being able to resist it. 
"Is your name Y/N Lily Wood." I was almost offended at the question. 
"It's BLACK!" 
"Are you 17 years old." 
"Well I'm not 3, am I?" 
"Did you help Dumbledore escape?" 
"Nope, but I would gladly help him escape. He does owe me a favour now, what do you think it should be?" I rambled, much to Umbridge's annoyance, as she hadn't managed to get me to admit anything. 


Hey everyone, sorry for the late update. I've been on holiday and have had no signal whatsoever. 
But here you go, hope you like it! 

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