Chapter 88- good job Neville

Comenzar desde el principio

"EXPECTRO PATRONUM!" Before I knew it, a red panda was racing around the room, making me laugh out in delight. People stopped to watch, looking in awe as Nevil turned a shade of red. He dropped his wand in shock, making the panda disappear, but brought me into a bone-crushing hug.
I laughed, "I knew you could do it."
He pulled away from the hug, bending down to pick up his wand, "I just don't get it. A panda, why?"
"It was a red panda, Nevil." I explained, "It matches you perfectly. A panda will get knocked down again and again, but it never gives up. It has a lot of resilience. Just like you."
The boy smiled brightly, "Thanks Y/N."


We made our way back to the common room, ready to curl up for the night in bed. It had been a long day, and all I wanted was to cuddle up in Fred's arms, and sleep for eternity. It shocked me when Fred and George returned with a hot chocolate for both me and Lee. But the tiredness got the better of me, I didn't even think about the fact that it could be a prank, and from the looks of it, neither did Lee.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I got ready for the morning, assuming that the boys had already headed down to the common room, and eventually made my way down there too. I yawned loudly, and sat myself down on Fred's lap, where he was sitting across from George.
"Morning love." He smiled, and I greeted him by placing a kiss to his head.
"Morning Lee." Fred's voice caught my attention, and I looked as Lee entered the room.
"Fine day for a flower." Lee said, confusing me completely, especially as Fred and George had bursted out laughing.
I tried to ask them 'why are you laughing', but was horrified by the words that came out of my mouth, "Dancing in the wind is beautiful."
The twins howled with laughter, making me scowl along with Lee. I got up off of Fred's lap, pissed at him for messing with me, even if I did find it incredibly funny.
"Come on Lee." I said, yet the words that came out made me sigh, pulling Lee out of the portrait hole with me, the brothers on our tail.

Fred soon caught up, his face red from laughing so much, "Come on love, don't be mad." He tried to say, but was struggling more with his words than me, the laughter making him barely able to breath.
"Your a dick." I tried to say, but what came out horrified me, "Your a pain in my dick."
The twins exchanged glances and broke down once again, making me shake my head in disappointment as me and Lee left them in the hall.

But just when I thought this day couldn't get any better, I had to run into him. The person in which I had promised that I would be on my best behaviour, god kill me if I ended up saying something in front of my godfather.
"Miss W... Black." Snape greeted, smiling slightly, but still completely aware of that people were surrounding us. He couldn't show he cared.
I didn't trust myself to speak so kept my mouth shut, letting him continue, "I wanted to thank you for taking over my class. You have done well. I've awarded 20 points."
I smiled, "thank you Snapey."
But I wanted to hide under a rock when I realised what had happened, "eating cheese as the night goes by."
Even Lee couldn't stifle his laughter as he saw the look of confusion appear on Snapes face.  But he knew better than to question it, having grown used to my weirdness by now. He smiled slightly, and I could have sworn that I saw a little bit of amusement take over his face, but left us standing in the corridor.

We sat down at the Gryffindor table, thankful that we hadn't bumped into anyone else.
Fred and George joined us, not long after, taking a seat opposite us, as me and Lee had sat together, under the strict agreement of showing we were pissed.
"Would you like to know what we've done?" George asked, receiving nods from us both.
"Don't worry, it'll wear off in about five minutes." Fred laughed.
"And then the dancing starts of course." George laughed, getting a smack on the arm from Fred in return.
My eyes went wide, and I felt Lee tense at the side of me. Five minutes passed, no where near long enough as my fate was decided. I felt myself be pulled from my chair, my body having no control over itself no matter how hard I tried. I noticed Lee doing the same, and before I knew it, everyone's eyes were on us, as we proceeded to climb on to the Gryffindor table.

"Friday night and the lights are low." I started, my voice echoing throughout the hall as laughter was heard, and heads turned to watch.
"Looking out for the place to go." Lee sung, her cheeks turning crimson as he swung his hips.

"Where they play the right music, getting in the swing."

"You come in to look for a king."

"Anybody could be that guy." Lee skipped along the table. I noticed how Minnie was frozen to her seat, not even bothering to stop it, a flash of amusement passing through her face. Severus looked appalled, and Dumbledore had the biggest grin I had ever seen as he clapped along to the 'music'.

"Night is young and the musics high." For the first time in my life, I was happy that I had a decent voice.

"With a bit of rock music, everything is fine." Lee was forced to act as if he was playing a guitar.
You're in the mood for a dance." I swung my hips.

"And when you get the chance......" we sung together, knowing that we would be breaking into a worser line, in only seconds.

"You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen.
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine.
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life.
See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen."

Once we had finished, Lee rushed to get back into his seat, as I stood on the table, watching as everyone laughed.
I cleared my throat, "I do believe that we have just put on quite a performance. I expect you to show a little love."
Clapping caught my attention, and it's safe to say that I wasn't surprised to see Dumbledore rise from his seat and begin to clap. Soon everyone joined in, as I made sure to take a dramatic bow. Umbitch didn't look impressed, but I couldn't care less about her.

I took my seat and faced the laughing twins, throwing them glares. "We'll get you back for this."
"Oh yeah?" George said.
"What you gonna do?" Fred challenged.
"Just you wait, Weasleys." I threatened, "just you wait."

Hey everyone, sorry about this chapter. A little weird, I know, but I thought it was funny.
Anyway, hope you all enjoy.

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