Chapter 86- A free man

Start from the beginning

Daily Prophet.

I didn't know what to say when Molly suddenly started crying out happy tears. Other than her sobs, the room had fallen silent.
I felt many eyes on me, but there was only one person I was looking at, at that moment. Dad was flicking through the prophet, his mouth parted in disbelief, and then something happened that I never had expected.

He abruptly stood up, and burst into tears. The tears streamed down his face, as he hugged the paper close. Many people tried to stand, and embrace the man, but he pushed every person off, even Harry. And then his eyes found mine, and he headed over to me, as he sniffled.
He pulled me into the biggest hug as he let out another sob, squeezing me tightly, as if I'd disappear.
"Surprise." I said, when he pulled back, "I know that I basically have more than enough money to buy you a present, but as I've spent every free day on trips to the ministry, or writing letters regarding your freedom, I haven't really had time. I guess this will have to do." I shrugged.
He let out a teared laughter and pulled me into another hug.
"I am so unbelievably proud of you." He whispered, "I love you."

When all the fuss had stopped, and everyone had hugged both me and dad, I claimed everyone's attention.
"Dad, me and Dumbledore agreed when I wrote to him, that maybe you shouldn't make too much of an appearance yet." He looked really confused. "It's just that, the death eaters will want your head, as well as mine, so it's best if you don't parade around in busy places, and if so, use your animagus form. I'm not saying that you can't go anywhere, and will have to remain stuck in this house, I'm just saying, be wise, and lie low. You don't know who is a traitor these days, and I'm sure you know that from experience."
He sighed, but nodded nonetheless. It wasn't hard to see his disappointment, he desperately wanted to see the world, something he thought he would never get a chance to do again, but it was just too dangerous. 

"Anyway." I said in a sing-song way. "Who wants to see what I got them for Christmas?"
Lots of presents were exchanged. , as Dumbledore bid his goodbyes. I had gotten a lovely green jumper, matching Freddie's as we did every Christmas, and lots of other things. Dad had given me some of the old Black family heirlooms, mainly those of my 'grandmas' and even my uncle Reggie's ring. Ever since I found out about Regulus, I found myself wanting to meet him. Dad had told me stories about what Reggie had done, and how he had been forced to become a death eater, yet no one knew about it until he died, but he was secretly a spy for Dumbledore. Then, dad said that Uncle Reggie had died and they had never gotten to mend their relationship. He also told me about a girl that Regulus had loved, and had had a baby with, but after Reggie's death, the woman had been reported dead, and the baby not known to have been found. It was a sad story, but very interesting.

I saved the best presents until last, and seated myself in front of the grinning twins.
Everyone was in a state of confusion, maybe due to the fact that I had nothing in my hands, except a small piece of paper.
"Now boys, I'm very sorry about this, but you are going to have to share your present." I smiled, pretending to be sad.
"Don't worry love, I've been sharing things with him my whole life." Fred shrugged.
"Now Hurry up and show us." George joked.
I rolled my eyes, and handed them the paper. Their eyebrows furrowed in confusion, until the pair shot up from their seats, dancing around in excitement.
"What?" Asked Molly. "What is it boys?"
"Y/N BOUGHT US OUR JOKE SHOP!" They yelled in unison. I smiled at their excitement, and laughed when I was hoisted onto their shoulders.
"We can visit it tomorrow if you'd like?" I offered, "It can be dad's real trip out."
As the boys agreed, I made eye contact with my dad, who mouthed a 'thank you'.
His eyes were still a blobbery mess, and sniffles could be heard from both him and my uncle, but the smiles on their faces were what made me happy. My dad was a free man, sure, he was bound to have haters, people that wouldn't believe him, and he will be on the death eaters kill list, but at least he was happy, and free. If the worst comes, at least Sirius Black can say, he died as a free man.

The Christmas celebrations lasted a while. There wasn't one sad face, it seemed as if everyone for this one holiday, had done everything they could to distract themselves from the real world. Even myself and Harry, who everyone knew it was bound to affect the most. I didn't let the bad thoughts rush through my head. I didn't think of death, I didn't think of the many injured people who had suffered because of Voldemort. I didn't think about how our lives were bound to change in the very near future. I held a smile on my face, and I celebrated as if it was my last time doing so.

It was about half way into Christmas night when Arthur had hobbled out of the room, beckoning me to follow him. I supported him, laying his arm over my shoulder, and led him from the room. Molly sent me a grateful, yet known smile, as we proceeded to another sitting room. I sat Arthur in one of the arm chairs, me taking the sofa next to him.
He clasped his hands together, and gave me a big smile.
"I just wanted to say how grateful I am of you. I don't know how you did it, and you can easily have turned away, yet you didn't." He began.
"Arthur it was nothing, I couldn't just leave you there. There's no reason to thank me." I protested, but he held his hand up to silence me.
"I just need to say this Y/N. I want you to know that in every way I consider you my daughter. Whether you and Fred break up, which isn't very likely from how I see the two of you. Or not. I love you, like my own. You are part of our family, and I can't wait until the day you become my daughter-in-law. Thank you Y/N. I have every faith that you will do good things in this world, and you will make a difference." I smiled at the man, bringing him in for a cautious hug.
Hey everyone!
Hope you liked this chapter. It was more of a filler really, but hope you enjoyed it anyway.
Thanks for reading, and I can't believe that this has hit  21k, that's crazy!!
Thank you all so much for the support!!

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