Chapter 85- Plan of action

Start from the beginning

Christmas morning came around quickly. Maybe it was because I felt safe. It was no secret that Hogwarts wasn't the safest location. Sure it had Dumbledore, and a great deal of trained professors, but looking back on what Harry's told me, is it really?
First there was Quirrel, who had Voldemort attached to the back of his head.
The next year the memory of Tom Riddle haunted everyone, a load of muggleborns were petrified and a massive basilisk roamed the corridors.
The third year they couldn't catch Azkabans most wanted prisoner- granted we had something to do with that, but still.
The forth year an intruder on polyjuice potion managed to sneak into the school and add both mine and Harry's names to the Goblet of fire, resulting in not only a lot of pain, but my best friends death.
And this year, there's already a raging bitch roaming the halls. Me and Harry are being communicated with, in our heads. It really makes you wonder what's going to happen.
So my time here, at Grimmauld place, was going quick. Sure, I'd been asleep for four days, but the day was still going fast.

I laid in my bed, wide awake as usual. I couldn't sleep at all these days. Fred was cuddled up to my chest, in the exact same position he fell asleep in. I kissed the top of his head, as I do every morning, and untangled myself from his arms. I yawned loudly and hurried to get dressed.
I couldn't let some snake bite ruin today. I had been planning this for months, and it was finally going to take place. I could finally prove everything!

I scribbled down a quick note for Fred. I didn't say much, only that I was going to the ministry as the minister had scheduled a meeting with me- technically I wasn't lying.
I apperated quickly after dressing smartly, and getting ready for the morning. I couldn't apperate inside the building, and so had to walk down the busy streets of London to find the red telephone box I had been told about. I found it quickly, waiting my turn and stepping into the box. A faint glow inside was evident that a charm to hide it from muggles had been used.
I pressed the red button, and rolled my eyes at the response, "please state your name, and give reason for your arrival."
"Y/N Wood, to see the minister."
"Your full name." The speaker corrected, making me roll my eyes.
"Y/N Lily Wood."
"A lie can be detected from afar. Now state your correct name." I wanted to smash the machine in two.
"Y/N Lily Black, now for the love of god let me in." I whined.
To my relief, my access was granted, and I found myself gradually going down. I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for the lift to stop.

When it finally did, I ventured into a rather large room, where a happy Cornelius stood waiting to greet me.
"Miss Wood, do come in. I've been waiting your arrival." He smiled, "let's get straight to it, shall we? A few of our best aurors have taken particular interest in your claimes."
He indicated towards his right, and I felt myself hide a smirk. This would be easier than I thought.
Mad eye stood not far behind, his eye flickering towards me, for a guy that never shows any emotion, his smirk must mean good things.
Kingsley also stood, a genuine smile of what seemed to be excitement on his face, and finally none other than Tonks, who shot me a thumbs up behind the mans back.

I allowed the minister to lead me into a separate room, a big basin in the middle of the room. I knew straight away what it was, having seen it in Dumbledores office one to many times. The pensive held blue whisps of what seemed like swirling water, of course, I knew better than that.
"Alright Miss Wood." Fudge spoke, "we will extract the memory, and pair it with your further evidence. If seen worthy and your claims are deemed true, your request shall be granted."
I felt the memory do just as he said, and the four people dunked their heads into the pensive. Now, all that was left to do.... was wait.

Freds pov:
I woke up to the all to familiar feeling. I was beginning to get frustrated by it. She was gone, again. Although, at least this time I had a note.

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