Chapter 81- we need a plan.

Start from the beginning

"Look, it sounds great when you say it like that. But I'm sure Y/N would agree with me, half of the time we didn't even know what we were doing, most of it was just luck." He sighed.
"Hey! Speak for yourself, I think I'm quite awesome!" I objected, lighting the atmosphere a little.
"He's just being modest." Hermione insisted.
"No Hermione, I'm not!" He argued, "this is the real world, you can't just get something wrong, and then try again tomorrow. If you make even the smallest of mistakes, it's over. And that's why we need to learn. And I'm sure that Y/N will help me. She actually knows better than me." He sent me a small smile, which I returned.

"So if you want to join." Hermione said, "sign the parchment, and let's agree not to tell anyone about this."

I was one of the first to sign the paper, as I leapt up from my seat straight away. The paper had a charm on it, that me and Hermione had created. It meant that if anyone were to go against the rules and snitched, they'd result in quite a harsh punishment. We were inspired by Fred and George for that one.

"You joining?" I asked Fred as he appeared behind my, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Course I am." He whispered, leaning his head down on my shoulder.
"Godric Fred, would you please stop being such a sloppy git and move. Give the woman some space." George said, shoving Fred to the side, who took me with him.

Everyone had decided to sign up, and Harry had pulled me over for a word, as everyone was leaving.
"You alright?" I asked, and when he didn't reply I continued, "look, I know they took some convincing but you did great, you're gonna be an awesome teacher."
He sighed, "I just, I don't know if they'll even listen to me. I can teach them the basics, but I don't know enough. Will you please help me? You do know a lot more than me."
I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "of course I'll help you, silly. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't." I winked, "oh and I thought I'd mention, as proud as dad and uncle Remus would be, I think it's best we don't tell them. We don't want any risk at them stopping us because it's 'too dangerous.'"
"Yeah, I think the same. Let's just hope this works and by the time something does happen, we are at least a little prepared. Although I hope it doesn't come to that." He said, and I pulled him into a hug.
"Everything will be alright." I said.
"I'm just so stressed lately. I can't stop these dreams, and I have no idea what they mean. I just keep seeing this door, and when I get to it... nothing. Ron normally wakes me up at that point." Harry let out a frustrated sigh, "are you still getting them?"
I nodded, "it can't be a coincidence Harry, not if we both get them. Fred normally wakes me up at the exact same time Ron does for you. There's something stopping us looking what's inside that door. And whoever it is, they're doing it for a reason. I just can't think why."
"We'll figure it out eventually." Harry said plainly, it was clear that it was getting to him, as much as it was me. "We'll be alright."

Today was the first lesson with Snape, in hope that I can learn how to block people from my mind. I've been told it's extremely hard to learn, but again, I master things pretty quickly. I only hope that this is the case here.
I've told Fred that I'm meeting with Snape about the lessons I'll be covering, and for once he actually believed it.

I swung open the large door to his office, as I did every time. I'm still convinced that he can see through walls or something, as every time I do it, he doesn't even flinch. My dramatic entrance makes him roll his eyes, as always, I'm actually starting to think that I'm taking after him. We both have a thing for the dramatics. I'm starting to wonder if he's actually related to me In some way. There's certain things that he does, Ive noticed I do too. So surely he has to be related to me, not just my godfather. Godfather- that still freaks me out.

"Hey Snapey." I said casually taking a seat.
"Y/N, I want you to take this really seriously now." He said, actually looking up from his papers, "it's important that you learn this. For your own safety. If the dark lord is trying to get into your head, it's dangerous. We don't know what he's planning, so we have to be prepared. For everything."
I nodded, sensing that it wasn't the time to make jokes.
"But, why has he got an interest in me? Is it to do with my mother?" I asked.
I saw him flinch at the mention, and couldn't help but wonder why. It was obvious that Snape knew her. Everyone knows that dad hates Snape, so it had to be my mother who named him godfather. We're they related somehow?
"As I said, Miss Black. No one knows." Snape said.
"Black?" I questioned, not missing a beat. I hadn't told him about dad, I hadn't told anyone actually. Yet somehow, he had obviously known. It wasn't that I had a problem being called it. It was my legal name after all, and I was proud to be a Black, but Dumbledore had advised me going about it, until everything was sorted out. "You know?" I asked.
Snapes mouth seemed to drop, and it looked like he was mentally cursing himself for letting that piece of information slip. But he placed an obvious fake smile on his face, and said "Dumbledore told me."
I knew it was a fake smile, of course it was. Snape never smiled. But I didn't question it. I smiled and nodded. I wasn't going to forget what I came here for. I needed to learn, and the quicker, the better.

"Well, I'm going to try and get into your head now. Do the best you can to stop me." Snape said, and I nodded.
Before I knew it, visions were rushing through my head. My first time riding a broom. My first day at Beuxbatons. Ollie- who I missed dearly. Meeting the Weasleys. Saving Bill in France. Meeting my dad for the first time. Uncle Remus. Mine and Freds first date. When me and Fred snuck out of Grimmauld place. After seeing the last memory, I knew what was coming, and somehow, I managed to open my eyes, blocking him out of my mind.

Snape was no longer looking at me, and instead was sitting at his desk, looking at me curiously.
"Well you did it." He said, after some time, "most are not able to do it on their first try so that's really good."
I had to check if my ears were blocked, because that sounded like a praise. A smile, a praise- maybe I should check that there was no polyjuice potion missing.
" long was I stood there?" I asked quietly.
"Half and hour." He said, and returned back to his papers.
"Half an hour? 30 minutes? It felt like 30 seconds. That's terrible! I need to go again." I insisted, but was only shut down by Snape.
"Your tired, and need a break. You did exceptionally well, and I don't think I have ever seen anyone get the hang of it so quickly. Not on their first try. I am confident that in a couple of months time, you will be able to block me in seconds."
I nodded, "thank you. I'll be going now."
I didn't put up a fight, because I knew he was right. I was exhausted. So I allowed myself to carry me back to the common room, before falling asleep in my bed, on my wait for Fred to come up.

Hey Everyone!
I hope you like this chapter. I know there's not much going on between Fred and Y/N, but yeah.
I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Hope you're all well!!! Xx

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