Chapter 80- very educational

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"Freds looking at you." I turned around to see that Alicia was talking to me, with a wink. I immediately looked towards Fred, who indeed was watching me closely.
"Y/N, I dare you to eat the banana." Angelina said leaning forward.
I laughed and Hermione rolled her eyes at me, trying to pretend that this situation didn't at all exist.

But, who would I be if I turned down a dare.
I took the tip of the banana in between my two front teeth, and as slow and exaggerated as possible, I peeled the banana. I could see Fred watching me in the corner of my eye, yet paid him no notice. Very slowly, all of the peeling had been removed, and I held the fruit in my hand.
"He's watching you!" Alicia whispered.
So then, I made straight eye contact with him, shoving the fruit into my mouth, making his eyes go wide.

"Miss Wood! Your not supposed to eat the banana!" Minnie scolded, catching my final bite.
I laughed lightly before standing up and exiting the room as it was the end of class, "what can I say Minnie? I was hungry."
I left with the sniggering girls behind me, and caught the evil eyes of Fred as I exited.

Freds pov:
I knew what she was trying to do. The second the two girls behind her, starting whispering, I could see it coming. Yet why couldn't I take my eyes away.

I physically gulped when I saw her, and was a little embarrassed to see what she did to me.
"Fred mate. What's up?" George said, as he turned to me with Lee.
Yet I didn't reply, too attracted to what was in front of me.
"Fuck. She's bold isn't she?" Lee laughed.
George punched me in the arm laughing, snapping me out of focus. I turned around and slapped him around the back of the head as the two boys laughed at me.

"Miss Wood! Your not supposed to eat the banana!" I heard Minnie shout, but Y/N only grinned.

"What can I say Minnie? I was hungry." And with that a cheeky wink was shot my way as she left with her bag swinging back and forth.
I sat back in my chair, gulping.
And that's when I made the reckless decision, I was up on my feet, and chasing after her.

Y/N's pov:
It didn't take him long to catch up, I knew it wouldn't. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him to.

I was suddenly slammed against the wall of the common room, which only made me smirk.
"What the he'll do you think your playing at?" He questioned, and I was thankful there was no surrounding people. I could feel the bulge in his pants that only made me smirk wider.
"I don't know what your talking about Freddie. I was very hungry." I shrugged, playing a posh innocent accent.
"You know exactly what your playing at, so are you going to finish it?" He said, through gritted teeth, and I smiled wider.

Umbitch is still how how she is, a bitch. She's controlling, and the new rules she's come up with are killing me. The last straw for me was the fact that she's now questioning our teachers in the middle of class. It was funny to see how Minnie dealt with it- not well. I'm certain that the only professor Umbrige is scared of, isn't even Dumbledore. Because when Delores experienced Minnies wrath first hand, I can safely say she shit herself.

I'm sat in Minnies transfiguration class, Fred too my right, who seems to have taken more interest in the ring on my finger, than the whole class.
And then, matters couldn't be made any worse. Minnies dead eyes sourced, and her lips pressed in a firm line, and none other than the troll itself walked in. I had to hold back a laugh as I saw the other kids cower, not me though. I guess years of Minnie telling you off makes you scared of nothing.

"Please continue Professor." The toad ordered, her sickly sweet smile already getting on my nerves, "I will just be examining."
Everything was going fine until the dreadful woman walked in. But there was a bonus to this- now this just got interesting.
Minnie looked even more pissed now than she did last time, and it seems that the toad could see that too, as she took her time examining the students than she did on the professor herself.
"Hem, hem." Came the professors voice from the side of me, and meeting eyes with Minnie ahead, a smirk had already formed on her lips.
"I'm sorry, may I offer you a cough sweet?" I asked, beginning to search in my bag. I could see Minnie smiling widely, and a couple of people in class chuckled quietly.
The toads teeth gritted and she had to remain in character, "no thank you, Miss Wood. But I would like to know why Mr Weasley feels the need to be so close to you."
Fred grinned along with me, "he has attachment issues professor." I said. It wasn't a lie, he did feel the need to lay on me at all times. The professor scoffed and walked ahead and I had to ignore the fact that Freds head was now placed in my neck gently kissing the skin discreetly. Even a kick to the shins didn't get him to stop. I knew that she wouldn't dare give me detention, not in front of Minnie. Either due to the fact that she doesn't want to blow her cover of bitchiness, or maybe due to the fact that she was terrified of Minnie. Either way, I could practically get away with anything in this class. 

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang