Chapter 79- Birthday part 2

Start from the beginning

"Why've we come up here? Don't you want to party?" I asked, as she took a seat on my bed.
"No offence Y/N, but we need to get you into something more..... party like." She said carefully, looking over my outfit.
"Why. No ones bothered." I said. I wasn't dressed badly, just casual.
"Come on. Live a little. It's your last year. Go crazy." She said, making me laugh. "Come on. Let's dress up in sexy dresses and dance on the table."
I sighed in agreement, "alright. Fine."

It wasn't long before all of my things were out of my wardrobe. My makeup was scattered everywhere, and my hair had been let loose, falling messily. I messed it up even more, adding an amount of eyeliner over half of what I usually would. My lips were bright red, and eyelashes quite long. It reminded me of the ball, all over again, nearly a year ago now. I couldn't believe that I had been with Fred for a year, it put a smile on my face as I looked in the mirror. I brought out my trust black dress, the one that revealed a little more cleavage that what I'd normally go for. The skirt reached my mid thigh, and I added some black heels. A silver belt wrapped around my waist, showing my curves, and the earrings that were once auntie Lily's were added. My locket hung around my neck, the one from Fred. And my charm bracelet also.

I had to admit to myself that I looked great. And as I walked out of the bathroom, from Ginny's expression, I could tell that she thought so too.
"Ready?" She asked, as she applied her final bit of eyeshadow. And so I nodded my head, making my way down to the common room.

All eyes were on me and Gin when we entered, lots of people looking us up and down, and it made me a little uncomfortable not having one of the boys by my side. But still, I looked forward, ignoring the looks and carried on walking towards the group of boys who still hadn't noticed us yet. Fred and George looked to be having the time of their lives.

"Harry's staring at you." I whispered, so that only Gin could hear me. He was practically drooling as he entered the common room with Ron. Ron however, looked like he was going to slap Harry if he didn't get his eyes off his sister.
Ginny threw me a wink, wondering off to meet the two boys. I laughed to myself as I imagined Harry giving himself a pep talk.

Meanwhile, it seemed that Lee had noticed my presence, his mouth falling wide as he looked my way. He tapped George on the shoulder, who immediately stopped dancing to turn towards me. He too, went wide eyed, making me smirk at the pair. Fred was yet to notice and I played as if I didn't notice the change of outfit.

Fred noticed that George and Lee had stopped dancing, and threw them a concerned look. He tried clicking in front of their faces, but to no such luck, looked my way. And then, just as the other two, he fell into the same trance, his eyes looking me over. I smirked as he gulped, finally prying his eyes off me.

Walking towards me, he ignored the cheers of the now surrounding crowd.
"Hey." He said, as he reached me, but didn't move to touch me.
"Hi." I replied, chuckling slightly.
He leaned forwards to whisper in my ear, "you don't know what your doing to me darling."
I gulped, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks with his words. He moved back, and I awkwardly avoided his gaze.
He sent me a sly wink, before turning around and beckoning for me to follow him towards George and Lee. However, a bold moment of confidence rushed over me, causing me to grab his sleeve, and pull him back harshly,
"Oh baby. You don't know half of it."
And with that, I pushed passed him, on my way over to George and Lee.

The common room was clearing, hardly anyone left inside. I was sat with my three boys, and a couple of first years we had met recently. I still had the bottle of fire whisky in my hand, whilst the boys each had a glass. The first years were watching us in amusement as our voices slurred and bodies collided as we went to sit on the couch.

"Hey Y/N." Max said, making me divert my attention towards the first year. "Can we play truth or dare?"
"Yeah. Go on then mate, you first." I replied, not even bothering to open my eyes, as I laid back on the couch.
"Alright, who's going first?" Max asked.
"I'll go." Another boy spoke out, "Fred, truth or dare?"
"Truth." Fred said confidently, sliding his arm around my waist.
"Are you in love with Y/N." The young boy replied with a smirk, obviously thinking that he was about to embarrass Freddie.
I laughed at how innocent the first years are.

"Course I am." Relied Fred instantly, making George and Lee groan, and the younger group laugh- slightly shocked at his sudden answer.
"Y/N." Max started, "truth or dare."
"Dare." I replied, looking at my nails and back up to the young boys.
"I know!" He shouted, and rubbed his hands together evilly, "I dare you to kiss Fred."

I rolled my eyes, kissing Fred quickly on the lips, as if it was no big deal, whilst Freds drunken state saw it as an achievement.
What I did notice throughout the game, was that Fred got extremely protective around me suddenly. Almost as if the alcohol had brought a new side to him. One arm remained tightly around my waist, tucking me into his side, whilst the other was placed on my thigh. Every so often he made eye contact with a first year, and instantly his grip tightened. I wasn't sure whether to be concerned, or laugh. I mean, come on, who's jealous of a first year?

The game went by quickly, and considered of little innocent truth and dares, that the first years had obviously found amusing. And before we knew it, it was already past midnight.

"You go ahead. Me and Lee will stay a little, give you some time." George said, as me and Fred decided to go to bed. A smirk spread across Freds face, as he looped his arm around mine, ready to pull me up the steps. We headed straight to my room, only for me to remember that I had left my purse in the common room.

"I'll be back in a minute." I said to Fred, and he groaned in annoyance, letting go of me, and heading towards the bed. I rolled my eyes, and exited the room in search of my purse. However, when I reached the common room, I saw a sight that I had never expected.

George Weasleys tongue, down the throat of Lee Jorden.

Hey Everyone!
First of all, I hope you liked this chapter.
George and Lee are finally a thing!! Yesss!

I wanted to apologise for not updating this week, I have had major trouble with the internet. So I can only say sorry for that.

Hope everyone is well!!!!

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