Chapter 73- Caught in the act

Start from the beginning

I sat on the edge of the bed, placing a book into my hands, and pretended to read it, in hope that Fred wouldn't think I'm as needy as I was really feeling. All through dinner he had tormented me, and I wanted nothing more than him to finish the job, but I couldn't tell him that.

The door entered with a creak, revealing my ginger haired boyfriend. If it was possible, the smirk on his face, was probably the widest it's ever been. His eyes filled with want, and even need. However, I was thrown off guard and hen a chuckle escaped his lips, causing me to throw my head up in confusion- staring him straight in the eyes.
"You enjoying your book love?" He asked, hardly able to make out the words from laughing.
He gestured towards my book, as he registered my confused look, causing me to follow his gaze. At that very moment, I wanted nothing more than to climb under the covers, and never look him in the eye again. In my hands, was the book I was 'reading' upside down.
My heart pounded as he began his next steps towards me, his face never leaving the formed smirk. Before I could register what was happening, he had crouched down in front of me, looking up at me from where my height now towered him. He ran his fingers up and down my inner thigh, causing me to flinch by the second. Every time I did so, I would mentally curse myself, seeing the amused look in his eyes.

I held my breath as his hands ventured even further. I was doing my best not to scream. They traveled slowly up my skirt, to where they vanished from view, a rush of shivers running through me. He finally reached the hem of my underwear, and played with the red lace. Our lips connected briefly, and I moaned into his mouth, feeling his fingers curl under the very edge of the elastic.
He gave a devilish smirk as he pulled away, whispering into my ear, "is this ok?"
I couldn't form any words, so simply just nodded. A grin formed on Freds face, as he lifted me, by my thighs, pushing me into the Center of the bed.

Instantly, he climbed on top of me, his shirt was already off, and whilst he did his best to undo the buttons on mine, I hurried with the button on his trousers. Our lips connected every couple of seconds, I could feel his tongue swirling around my mouth. With every move, I gasped, and before I even registered it, we were both fully naked, and rolling around. Nothing, however, could have prepared me for what was about to happen. And I guess that I was only grateful for the fact that, the covers were already over us.

God dammit George Weasley, you really need to learn how to knock!

The door opened with a bang.
"Hey Y/N, are you feeling l........... better." George's mouth sunk to the ground, as he through his hands over his eyes. Fred instantly jumped over me, to protect any sight of what his twin might get.
"Fucking hell George! Get out!" Fred yelled, pulling the sheets up even higher.
I blushed red, and hid my head in Freds chest. I could feel his erection pushing into my thigh, and by the look of embarrassment on Freds face, it was obvious that he too, had become aware of the situation.
George removed the hands from his eyes, remaining then shut tightly, and held his arms up in surrender. If I was going to die at any moment, it would be from the embarrassment i was facing, right that second.
"Well, anyway, Erm. I'd stop that if I were you, your dads coming up to check on you." George said, rather uncomfortably.
Fred rushed around frantically, getting our clothing and helping me to put my shirt back on. It was safe to say he was scared of dad.

I was surprised when he didn't lay back down at the side of me, and began to walk away.
"My dad doesn't mind you sleeping here you know?" I said. I was confused, he always slept in here, why would it be any different.
Fred turned and I could see the faint line of pink brush along his cheek bone.
"I Erm, yeah. I need to take care of something." He said, rushing towards the bathroom door.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now