Chapter 64- I seek comfort in you Fred

Start from the beginning


Y/N's pov:
I woke up in a room. This time unfamiliar. I could hear Freds voice from afar, but it was muffled and weird. It certainly wasn't right.
"Please let me see her."
"Mr Weasley, you aren't married, only the patients legal guardian is therefore allowed in the room, and due to her signing over the contract, only Mrs Weasley may enter."
"Come on, she's my girlfriend, It's not like I'm going to hurt her, I need to see her! I need to see if she's alright! If it makes things any better, I plan to marry her one day!" Fred begged.
"I'm sorry Mr Weasley."

I blinked my eyes tightly shut, hoping to get rid of the dizziness circulating my head. The room was white over, to the point where it looked to clean, it looked more like a prison that a hospital.
I turned around, to see Molly learning over the bed, examining me, as she moved from her chair.
"Hi Molly." I said, weakly, when did my voice get so dry.
"Your awake. Your alright. Oh thank goodness." Molly said, hugging me tightly.
I felt happy, now knowing that I was alright. But as I sunk into reality, the pain became real, "Cedric?" I grounded. Already knowing the answer to my own question, but preying to god I was wrong.

Molly's face was enough to give me my answer. As I broke down. Crying and crying until I could cry no more. "Y/N, Y/N, please calm down for me, it's alright." I could hear Molly's pleads, so desperately trying to calm me as I broke. After no success, I watched her leave the room, shouting for the doctor. But once again, I didn't care. No physical pain has ever caused me to cry so much, and I'd been through a lot of it, I just didn't want to imagine losing someone else, someone even closer to me. What would I do if I were to lose Fred? I think I'd quite literally break. 

Another woman had entered the room, restraining my arms and legs as I shook, sobbing. I could only hear her muffled voice slightly over my sobs, and I knew that it was just her trying to calm me, to comfort me. The thing was, I didn't want to be comforted, I wanted to scream, shout, punch something, I wanted to release the anger out on something. The anger of losing a close friend and having to have watched. The guilt I felt, knowing that I had the power to help him, to save him. And yet, whether my fault or not, I could only watch, as his life was ripped away from him. 


Fred's pov:

I was still stood outside Y/N's room, unable to enter, but I knew I had to be here. I had been stood, in this exact spot, for hours, waiting on any sign of her waking up. But, still none. I found it ridiculous how they wouldn't even let me in the damn room. All because we weren't married. I was outraged. I would marry with girl on the spot if I could. Yet, at 17 I don't think our parents would approve, well, Sirius might.

 I suddenly heard loud banging and a load of sobs coming from inside Y/N's room and although it pained for me to know how much she was really going through, I felt relief. Relieved that she was awake. But then, I saw my mum, her own tears leaked her eyes, as she called for help. I instantly went into panic mode, as nurse after nurse, doctor after doctor, person after person, all rushed into the room. 

After around 10 minutes of pacing and finger nail biting, an old lady, in what looked to be her 60's approached me, "Are you Fred Weasley?"
"Yes ma'am." I said, quickly, preying that I would now be allowed in the room. 
"We need you, quick. She's screaming out for you." 

Without even answering the poor woman, I rushed into Y/N's room, hoping that she would be there. When I entered the room, I myself could have cried. She looked awful, and so did my mum. Mum had her hand on Y/N's back, stroking her hair back, trying to calm her down. But Y/N continued to thrash, screaming my name. I felt awful, watching the situation she was in, yet still, a part of me felt honored to know that Y/N was shouting for me. That I might be the only one who could calm her. 

I replaced my mum, and stood at the side of Y/N's bed. She had her eyes closed firmly shot, and her cheeks were red and stained. I hardly ever see Y/N cry, so I learned just how much pain she was really going through. Her hair was shifting colours, mainly sourcing from red to blue. But what did alert me, was when it went black, pitch black. It had never turned that colour before. I placed my hand on Y/N's thigh, looking at the nurse to instruct her to trust me. She wearily dropped her hold on Y/N's body, but stood aside as if ready to catch her. My hand on Y/n had seemed to calm her a little, yet she still wasn't nearly calm enough. 

"Y/N love." I whispered, "I'm here baby, I'm here." I stroked her hair lovingly, and calmed as her hair changed from black, to her natural brown colour, and her eyes fluttered open. At first, her eyes matched her black hair, before they slowly drained of the black, slowly returning to their blue colour. 
"Freddie." She whispered, her voice cracking. I felt my heart tare, as I watched her, she had pulled me down to lay at the side of her, and I engulfed her in a long hug, letting her lay on my chest, as I tried to comfort her as much as possible.


Y/N's pov:

Several minutes passed, until, that was it. The tears were out, my mind thinking of the boy, and I felt emotionless. Like my life had been ripped apart. I had only ever lost one person in my life, being my grandma, well, Oliver's grandma, and it broke me. She was the only one who understood me, who loved me like her own, and I was the only one to see her for what she really was, a lady with a kind heart. Now the crazy grandma, who no one ever wanted to visit- as my family would refer to. This pain was similar, but worse, so much worse.

I had fallen asleep for hours, laid in Fred's arms, and not for one second, did he move from the uncomfortable position, and insisted that my needs were greater than his. When I woke up, I was forced into eating something, mainly by Fred, and I got a visitor, I had simply not been expecting, "Professor Dumbledore." I said, smiling at the man, who shot me a sympathetic smile, "What are you doing here?" 
"Do you know where you are Y/N?" He asked, ignoring my question from before.
I looked around the room, where was I? "The hospital?"
"Your at St Mongos Y/N, and the reason for that, is because, when you found out the news about Cedric, may he rest in peace, you broke down Y/N. But that wasn't what we focused on, last night Y/N, we saw your powers come to life, and it became apparent that your not just special, in gifted ways, but we revealed that the link to you and Voldemort is growing, stronger now that he's back." Dumbledore explained. 

Y/N didn't know what to say. What do you say, finding out something like that. That your not just powerful, because of the powers that were transferred, but now, suddenly, I'm tied to him?


Hey everyone!
Sorry this chapter is a little boring, but I hope you like it all the same. 

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