Chapter 61- the breakfast before

Start from the beginning

I managed to master a smile as I looked up to him, noticing that he was already looking down on me, "I'm sorry." I mumble.

His face shows utter confusion, as he looks down waiting for an explanation. "I'm sorry for everything you've been dragged into. You shouldn't have to be there for me all the time, I'm sorry that disaster seems to follow me everywhere I go."

"Let me stop you there." His voice sounds stern, but shifts to a light whisper, "Y/N you are not walking disaster, you are you, my incredible girlfriend that I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with. You can't control what happens, and there is no one else I would want to be there to pick up, when they fall. I love you to the ends of the earth and always will. Now, I know that your nervous for the task, but I can tell that there's something else Y/N, I'm not a mind reader, unlike you." He adds, causing me to laugh lightly.

I sigh, maybe it would be best to talk to him, it was worrying me after all. "I've been having these nightmares, same with Harry. Each one the same, and when I spoke to Harry, he said his was a replica of the same one I had. All I know, is that one second, we are in a maze. The next, a graveyard, where a man and woman are talking about me having a child, and then, before I know it, I'm slouched over Cedric's dead body." The words just come thundering out of me, talking far too quickly to string proper sentences together. Fred only pulls me closer, squeezing me tightly, but having to bend down.

"Y/N you should have told me sooner. I'm sure everything will be alright, but why don't you speak to someone, Dumbledore perhaps?" He offers.

I shake my head, "Harry asked me not to tell anyone, he thinks it will make the situation worse, and if they made the both of us compete in a life risking tournament, we obviously never entered, it's unlikely that they will do something about a stupid dream." He nods, before releasing his grip on me, opening the shower curtain, and grabbing us both a towel off of the rack.


After preparing for what would surely be a long day, I took Fred's outstretched arm, to pull me from my seat on the bed, as we walked in silence to the Great Hall. I half expected this to be my last meal, I know I was thinking negatively, but in a life or death situation,I hardly had the time to be optimistic. Fred's arm remained on my waist, the whole walk, it was obvious we were late, as not a single student was in sight.

"Shit!" I cursed, making Fred jump out of his skin.

"What?" He asked, rather panicked.

"Fred! The speech that Dumbledore is giving this morning." I checked the muggle watch, I had been gifted from Hermione, and it read that we were 20 minuted late. I grabbed Fred's hand and rapidly walked down the million halls and stair cases, until we reached the grand doors, where we could hear the voices within. With a huge push, I sent the doors, slamming open. All too familiar as everyone looked at the pair of us. I quickly smiled and Dumbledore, who was shaking his head in a laugh, and took Fred by the hand, towards the Gryffindor table.

"Hurried morning?" Asked Lee, wiggling his brows at us, as George sniggered. I smacked them both on the top of the head, as I walked past to take my seat, actually caring to listen to the speech this time.

"Well, this is it, the last task of the Triwizard tournament, only one champion, will go down in history, only one. Which is why it's important that we wish each and every one of them, the greatest of luck. Now, thanks to the Weasley twins." Dumbledore diverted his gaze towards the two gingers sat at the sides of me, "We have been able to make a prediction on the winner, thanks to their bet collecting."

I rolled my eyes at the pair, as they grinned innocently and Fred whispered in my ear, "I bet on you."

"So we have our predictions on the next triwizard champion being.... Miss Wood." Dumbledore continued, smiling at me. I didn't really care, but it was nice to know that someone didn't think of me as a let down. It wasn't the fact that I had won that caught my attention, however, my gaze travelled to the end of the time, that I hadn't even noticed a group of really eager people sitting there.

Ignoring Dumbledore's speech, I stood up, pulling Fred along, who also had a smile that mirrored mine as we saw them. A family of red heads, my new founded cousin, my favourite uncle, and of course, a black dog. Running over, the dog was first to greet me, jumping into my arms with such a force that I fell on my back. I stroked the dog, before whispering in it's ear, "Hey dad."

We were quickly excused from the speech,and with the dog, I followed the family out of the hall, to continue the rest of the family reunion. "Y/N" I was quickly welcomed into the arms of my uncle, as he slowly began to suffocate me. "I've missed you so much. How are you? Y/N your going to be just fine, I have every faith in you, so does Tonks, and your dad of course." He rambled, barely letting me get a word in. "I'm fine Uncle Moony. I'll be fine."

Next the one and only Queen of hugs had pulled me in, tightly into her embrace, "Hey Molly."

"Y/N my dear, oh I've missed you. How are you? Is Freddie treating you good? He better be." She said, sending the innocent boy a look, in which I'm sure he would never like to properly receive.

"Molly, Fred's perfect, he really is, you raised a great boy." She smiled, before greeting Harry, Ron and Hermione, who to, had been excused from the hall.

"Y/N!" Next came Mr Weasley and Tonk's hugs, that I had conversations with, before returning to my place, at Fred's side.

"Alright love?"

"Yeah Freddie. I think so."


Fred's pov:

"Remus, can I please speak with you and Padfoot a moment?" I asked, walking up to the man, who sat on the ground at the side of the dog. Y/N had returned to finish conversation with my mother, as I looked at both 'men'.

"Yes, but for once in his life Padfoot won't be doing much talking." Remus laughed as the dog growled, "It serves you right Padfoot, I always told you, you spoke too much."

They followed me into another room, and turned to me when I spoke up, "It's Y/N I'm really worried about her, I know she's nervous, but these last couple of days, she's not been herself at all. And then, she's been having these dreams, I woke up the other night to her shouting 'no!', really loud, she thinks it's something to do with the task. I've tried to be there for her, but, I just don't know how to help her." I sigh in frustration, as I wait for a response.

"Thank you for telling us Fred. And we are both glad that you've been there for her. Please try and remember that there's nothing you can do, so don't get yourself worked up about it. Y/N's strong, and will deal with it, and I'll speak to her about it as well, there might be something I can do to help, but for now Fred, just make sure that you look after her best you can, she needs it right now." Remus explains, and I nod my head along.

Shortly after, I returned to the room that held my family, and joined Y/N's side again, as Remus began to approach us, obviously wanting to talk about the matter at hand. However, before he could even speak one word, Y/N was being called over by the professors, that had just exited the hall. I didn't even get to say goodbye to her, as she was pulled by the arm, along with Harry, only being able to send a single glimpse back.

The realisation had finally hit me, she could die, get extremely hurt, who knows what was going to happen, but I am absolutely terrified.

"Come on Fred. She will be fine." My mum had gripped my arm, and began to lead me down to take a seat at the stands, where I felt the panic over take me again. She was right. Y/N had been right, the final task, was indeed,

A maze.

Hey everyone. Hope you like this chapter. Just a filler before the big one.
I also wanted to say, thank you for the birthday wishes.
And also thank you for letting me know your opinions on the smut scene. My ideas are to write one, and just delete it If it's crap, but I'll give it a go.
Hope your all alright. Cx

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now