Chapter 60- preparations

Start from the beginning

Leaving the shattered glass all over the floor, in promise to clean it up later, I slammed the bathroom door shut, laying my back against the wall, closing my eyes shut firmly. I continued to stare at the wall in front of me, so many things on my mind. I guess that over the last few months, although my life has been perfect, I can't shake the feeling of something bad happening, something was definitely wrong. Maybe I was just paranoid, that's what everyone would tell me, but there was something about these dreams, specifically, something didn't add up, especially for them to be recurring.

At this moment in time, all I wanted was to see my dad again, for him to tell me that everything was going to be alright, that nothing bad was going to happen. But that's another thing I can't do, he's in hiding, away from the world. It seems like I have everything to the average person, good friends, an amazing boyfriend, good grades, even the fame and fortune. I had all those things, and I was beyond grateful for those, but I too had things missing, a dad who I could see whenever I wanted, a mother, a chance to be a normal kid, that's all I wanted, but I haven't got it. Everywhere I go, I'm recognized, I can't even walk past a muggle street without some disguised wizard or muggle-born stopping me, and I hated it. I need a break, a break from all this. Quidditch, practice, game, practice, game. Being entered in a tournament, trying not to die. Trying to put a smile on my face, and be polite and friendly constantly, when people ask for autographs. Not hexing my teachers off the ends of the earth for setting me too much homework. Wracking my brains constantly to figure out a way to free my dad from the prison of a home he's trapped in. And now these dreams, all I want to do, is spend time with my family and boyfriend, yet at 17 years old, I'm forced into all this, and no one can understand. Well, maybe there is someone? One person? And that's when I got the idea.


"Harry!" I screamed, noticing the poor boy sat in the corner of a classroom, my ugly ass of a cousin, Malfoy, by his side.

"Wood? What is the meaning of this?" Came the harsh acted voice of the professor we all love so much, well, that wasn't really a lie for me, there was something that made me feel almost sorry for him, so we got on quite well.

"Nothing." I replied in the same cold tone, stepping into the class filled with 4th year Slytherin and Gryffindors. I noticed many of the Gryffindors and also quite a few of the Slytherins, that I'd either threatened by now, or actually had quite pleasant conversations with, "I need to borrow Potter. May he be excused for the rest of the class Snapy?"

I looked towards Harry, who was grinning widely, and a few other students. As a whole, the Gryffindors seemed to be sniggering at my choice of name, whilst the Slytherins, most likely shocked, and a little pissed that I got off with the choice of name. Snape however, just rolled his eyes before saying, "Potter leave. Goodbye Miss Wood." and Harry doing just that.

"Thanks Y/N. I don't think I could put up with that git much longer." Harry shuddered, as we began our walk to the common room.

"No worries, my cousin is rather a prick." I laughed, receiving the same in return.

"So what's up? Surely there's got to be something on your mind, especially since your hand is literally dripping with blood." Harry asked, looking downwards, with a serious expression on his face.

"You gonna make me go to Madam Pomfrey?" I asked, worried that we wouldn't even get to talk.

"Nope. I've already learnt that your too much of a stubborn git, that I won't even bother. Would you like to talk about it though? Who have you beaten up now?" He laughed, but his reaction suddenly changed when he realized the seriousness on my face. "You haven't have you?"

"Oh, no. I might have punched a mirror." I admitted.

"And why on earth did you do that?" He asked, half worried, and half humored.

"Well, to be honest with you. I don't know. It's just, I feel constantly overly angered, by the slightest little things. I get agitated so easily, and I don't know if it's just the overall panic about tomorrow, or these dreams I keep having. I just, well, I just hoped that maybe, your the best person I could talk to about it. I know that we've both been through a lot, so it would make sense that your most likely feeling the same way in which I am?" I looked up, from where I was looking at the floor, to meet the boys gaze, rather, I didn't see a face, only a chest, as I was being pulled in for a tight hug.

"You can always talk to me. What else are brothers for? And to answer your question, I've been feeling the exact same way, like there's an overload of everything placed on two kids, and it's not fair. And, if it makes you feel better, I've been having terribly bad dreams as well. You can't tell anyone though, I feel that no one would understand, they'd all think I was crazy." He said, comfortingly.

I smiled, "I won't, also, please don't tell anyone that I have either. I just hope they don't come true. We'd be in for a hell of a task tomorrow." I break a laugh, only to stop shortly after.

"You've had dreams about what the task is too?" Harry exclaimed.

"Yes, why have you?"

"Y/N, I need you to tell me now, what exactly did you see?" He asks, looking deep in thought.

"A maze."

"Holy shit."


"Don't ever do this again? Do you hear me! Love this could have gotten seriously infected." Freds worried voice spoke once again, as he examined my hand.

"Who even told you?" I moaned.

"Your 'brother' did."

"That little shit." I groaned.

"Y/N, I'm serious, I don't know what your going through at the minute, but I need you to know that I'm here for you. You can talk to me, that's what I'm here for." He put his arms around me bringing me closer. "Now come on, let me wrap your hand up, and then we can start practicing these spells."

"No need." Before he could even look confused, I had healed my hand, "I've been practicing a bit." I shrugged, which received a smile from Fred.

"Right then." We had just taken stance in the courtyard, a free period, ready to practice our spells. "it says here, that the advice given by past champions, was to practice both defensive, and minor attack spells for the off chance that there is something that is constantly attacking you and you need to get rid of it." Fred summed up the book, in which, Hermione had picked out for us.

"Right." I agreed. "Well, I know a few defensive spells, like Expeliarmus, which should come in handy, but not many others. Any ideas?"

"Not on spells, no." He said, biting his lip, "well, tell me what abilities you have, so you can read minds- that's not really any good in this situation, you can stretch your arms, that might come in handy for a quick get away, you never know? And don't forget the fact that you can literally transform into any animal you choose." He offered.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged, " I just don't feel at all prepared. What if something goes wrong?"

"Y/N love, you will be absolutely fine, you have managed to get through two tasks already, and as scared and worried as I am, I know that you are going to be just fine, because your my brave girl." He planted a kiss on my lips, and stroked my hair back, "just fine."

And with any luck,
Hopefully, I would be.

Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter. A little shorter today, and not much going on, but I needed to include it before we get onto the next bits. I'll be adding another later anyway, since it's currently 2am here 😂😂😂
Happy reading!


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