Chapter 57- the second task

Start from the beginning

The presence of others had been lost, as I swam through the overtaking strands of seaweed and millions of fish. Screeches could be heard all around me, my head whipped viciously around. The place was so familiar, and I couldn't for the life of me, think as to where it was. But, that's when it hit me, the dream!
One specific pathway, one path that would lead me straight to Fred, and so I took the opportunity, without a doubt, I took the path. I could remember the dream clearly, the rocks aligned down the centre of the path, coral split to form a small gap, just big enough for me. I could hear someone screaming, screaming my name; but when I turned around, no one was there. It must just be my mind playing tricks on me, either that, or someone trying to distract me from Fred. But I wasn't giving up on him that easily, I was going to find him. Fuck the challenge, fuck the winner, fuck eternal glory. I just wanted my boyfriend back. As I wonder down the path, I can hear faint whispers coming from nearby, they were whispers, but definitely not human whispers. Down the path, the volume only seems to increase, well, that's until I see him.

Tied by the ankle, his eyes screwed shut. His ginger hair, flowing up and into the water, if we hadn't had been in this awful situation, I'd even say he looked hot. There were others crowded around, and I noticed that I was the first here, all alone. 5 bodies displayed along the water, all of which I noticed. Fred, Cho Chang, Hermione, Ron and Fleurs little sister. It made me sick to the stomach that they would do anything like this to a human, never mind Fleurs eleven year old sister. It made me flinch just at the thought. Using my wand, that I had managed to securely wrap around my wrist, I shoot the knots off of Fred, allowing him to begin to float midway. Judging the time, I'd say we'd only have a few minutes left, so I had to work fast, one because I actually wanted to win the tournament and prove them wrong, two because I had to know that Fred way alright.

That, however, is when I stated to overthink in a panic state. What if no one comes to save the others , surely they wouldn't do that.

Panic, that's what was happening, right until I saw him. Harry!

He seems as worried as I am, obviously debating on the matter before him, after all, he not only wanted to save anyone, but how was he supposed to know who his treasure was? Ron or Hermione? They were both his best friends, he couldn't chose between them, could he? Right now, it's apparent that he's having the same thoughts as me. They're only connected by ropes, maybe, just maybe, we can rescue all of them.

As I focused on untying Fred, it had seemed like hours had passed before Cedric appeared. He managed to release Cho, and took her arm. Before he rose to the surface, he did a quick indication towards his watch, time was obviously running out. Harry obviously didn't know that I was the shark, he thought he was completely alone, so after Krum retrieved Hermione, he did everything in his will to save Fleurs little sister. I of course, was going to try and do the same, but having no hands, might prove slightly difficult. I guess I'll just have to hold my breath.

I quickly, to Harry's great surprise, returned to my human self, and had finally finished releasing Fred. My breath was running out, and having Harry already released Ron, we just had to save Fleurs sister. We worked together, untying every single magical rope around her body, me with my wand, and Harry, working his hardest to untie the smaller knots. After finally releasing them, she was set free.
I felt a wave of relief overcome me, all three were safe, and in our capable care. But I couldn't help the feeling of dizziness that suddenly came over me, I was running out of air, and quickly at that.

I swam, we swam, as quickly as we could up to the surface. Only to be unsuccessful, to my horror, only a meter of the ground, someone, or something, had grabbed my leg. I felt the sudden pain of sharpness overwhelm my body, passing through my leg, and leaving multiple scratches over my body. Looking around, the creature had long golden and blue stranded hair, a green scaled rail, and a sharp fork, for choice of weapon. Sewing the creature, you wouldn't have thought that it was at all scary, it didn't look it, but being in its presence was definitely different, it was terrifying.

"Only one." It screeched in its grating voice.
There was no way that I was going to leave a person behind, no chance. So I did what I thought was right, despite Harry's best efforts of helping me. I grabbed his wand, that was placed in his right hand, and muttered a spell, sending him straight up towards the surface. I quickly pushed the other bodies up along with him, and looked to my boyfriend one last time.  I just prayed, that maybe that last sentence wouldn't become true, maybe, just maybe, I might get lucky.

Freds pov:
Water, I was surrounded by water, and cheers. I looked up, past the almost black water that engulfed my body, it was absolutely freezing, it could actually pierce my skin it was that cold. Before me, was a platform, filled with students. I noticed Harry, Hermione, Ron and a little girl, all huddled on to the side of the platform, it was obviously where I needed to be. It had to be. As I swam back, I made eye contact with a lot of people, my twin and best friend included, who looked beyond scared, yet hesitant in their faces.

A hand was offered to pull me out of the water, so I instantly took it. Dumbledore had begun move students out of the way, lightly pushing them, and ordering them to join another platform, now only my family, and a bunch of other people, all soaking wet, stood before me.
"Fred, stay calm." It was George, he was patting me on the back. I wondered what he was meaning, stay calm? For what? All I was bothered about at the minute, was seeing Y/N. Looking around, there wasn't any sign of her, she must already be at the castle, or in an interview or something.
"Where's Y/N?" I ask, everyone looks at me with a saddening expression, even the professors, but none look so distraught as Harry.
"She's down there Fred! She gave herself up! She gave herself up for us! All of us! I couldn't do anything." He sobs.
It's like I've been crushed inside, this feeling. Emptiness, that's all I felt, I couldn't cry, I couldn't scream, I couldn't move. I was paralysed to the spot, they had to be lying. They had to!

Hey everyone. I hope you like this chapter. Sorry it took me longer to update than normal. But here you go. Sorry to leave you all on a cliff hanger, but it had to be done 😂😂
Anyways, enjoy xx

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