Chapter 47- confessions

Start from the beginning

Instead, I shared a look with George, who always knew what I was thinking. I grabbed Y/N's hand, ignoring the others shouts and rushed out of the common room. I continued to lead in front, down the halls, dragging Y/N behind me, and that's when I reached the place, I had always planned to do this. The many steps of the Astronomy tower stood before us.

Y/N looked in horror at having to climb so many steps and then it seemed that a light had flashed inside her head, as her face lit up. She grabbed my hand even firmer, before looking around the empty halls. She suddenly outstretched her arm so that it ran up the stairs of the tower. I had completely forgotten that she could do that.

She gave me a quick smug look and we were suddenly being pulled up the stairs, by her hand attached at the top of the railing. I'll admit that it made my stomach turn, well, maybe it wasn't that. Maybe it was because I was about to ask the girl I've loved for two years to be my girlfriend, knowing that I probably would never have a chance with her.

I lead her to the bannister leaning over it, I then turned around to look at her.
"Y/N I've brought you here because" I started, but chocked on my own words. She places a hand on my arm, almost knowing I needed the reassurance.

"I've brought you here tonight because, Y/N I've been keeping a secret from you, a very big secret and I've seen how mad you get when I tell other people the secret and not you. The truth is out now, so I figured you need an explanation. Y/N I am so in love with you, it's scary. I would do anything in the world to be with you." I noticed her face lit up. "You are the prettiest girl I've ever met, you make the room light up by just being in it. You make other people smile and your laugh is so contagious! Ever since the moment at the burrow when we met, I knew that I loved you, and I instantly knew that one day, I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend. I have been with you 2
years of my life and there is not one thing that has or ever will change my feelings about you. Because Y/N, I'm fucking crazy about you. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, grow old together, get married, start a family of our own. I want to see my life, with you at my side." I just looked into the pretty blue eyes of this beautiful girl.

"I understand if you don't want to be.." She hadn't replied so I didn't know what else to do but ramble.
" oh shut up Freddie" She interrupted me, slamming her lips into mine, which shocked me for a brief moment before I started kissing her back. Maybe I really did have a chance.

After minutes we drew back for breath panting heavily. I placed my arm around her.
"So what do you say Y/N, will you please be my girlfriend" I asked hopefully, looking down at the floor. She placed her hand under my chin, tipping my head up.
"Of course I will Freddie." With that I slammed my lips into hers once again.

Y/N's pov:
I had just kissed Fred Fucking Weasley. I had just admitted my feelings for him. And became his girlfriend! I felt like I was going to explode as the fuzzy feeling surrounded my stomach. His soft eyes looked deep into my own, and I could feel myself getting lost in them.

"Woo!" Cheers erupted all around us as I look down to see our friends standing watching. I blush madly as Fred takes me into his arms. He wraps one arm around my waist, the other placed on the back of my head, guiding it to his chest. I know we had a rather large height difference, but it was cute. The fact that he could pick me up easily, and how my chin rested on his shoulder. Our bodies fit together perfectly.

All our friends walked up and joined us sitting down. Ron, Harry, George and Lee. George and Lee looked as if they'd won a gold medal, but Fred looked even happier.

"Congratulations you two!" Lee said happily.
"Thanks Lee" we both laughed.
"You know he's never shut up about you Y/N" George said. "Especially over this last summer."
"How pretty has Y/N got over summer,
Oh my gosh she's gorgeous. George help me, I think I like Y/N. George does she like me back? She's looks stunning in that dress. George do you think it meant something when she kissed me at truth or dare, or when she would only let me see her in her bikini?" George mocked. Fred tackled George to the ground, smacking a hand over his mouth quickly before he said anything else. I just laughed. He really did care about me!

I got pulled aside by Harry as the three brothers and Lee had a conversation of their own.
"Y/N. I'm so happy for you, I really am. And I promise that I won't tell Sirius or Molly, I know for a fact you'll be kept miles away from each other." He laughed, i was really thankful as everything he said about the distancing we'd receive was true, "but on a serious note now, If he ever does anything tell me and I will kick his ass. And I don't want to be an uncle yet!"

I laughed and reassured him, "Harry. I love him to bits, he would never do anything like that to me. And don't worry Harry, I don't plan on you being an uncle yet."
I looked over towards Fred and saw that he was already looking at me. He blushed as we made eye contact, and he was hit in the head by George, and Lee and Ron teased him about his red cheeks. Never in my life have I felt like this, so utterly loved and whole. And it was all due to this boy. This boy, who I loved like no other. He was quite simply described. Nothing less than my world.

Freds pov:
"Well done mate. I'm proud of you." George said patting my back. "Good choice I might add."
"My two best friends, fuck that's going to be weird." Lee laughed, "you better not be snogging all the time, like you just did."
I blushed at his worlds and looked up towards Y/N. She made eye contact with me and I smiled, looking at my best friend... wait girlfriend.
I felt George smack the back of my head and so quickly diverted my gaze and saw the two boys looking at me.
"Aww. Freddie's in love." George said.
"Don't be silly George. Only Y/N can call little Freddie that." Lee laughed.
Ron remained silent although laughed. "You really love her eh?"
"More than anything." I admitted.
"Well. Word of warning, Harry really will kill you if you hurt her! And I'll be honest, brother or not, I'd kill you too."

"And me." George added, "not after what she's been through."
He mumbled the last part but I caught on. It's been a question that has played on my mind since I heard she'd told George. What the hell happened to her? Will she tell me now that I'm her boyfriend?

Boyfriend. Wow.
That sounds so unreal.
I've just gotten the girl of my dreams and I couldn't be fucking happier.

Two chapters tonight guys! Cos I'm so excited and couldn't wait. We've finally done it!!!!!
We've got Fred! We've got Fred! We've got Fred!!!!!!!

Anyway. Moving on...
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Stay safe. Xx

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