Chapter 39- lets party

Start from the beginning

"Y/N come on! Dance with me!"
"Freddie I'm a shocking dancer!"
"I'll dance with you Freddie." The usual annoying voice came.
"No thanks Angelina. I want Y/N to dance." Fred said, grinning at me.
I groaned, but let him continue to lead me to the dance floor.

He spun me around to the music, occasionally grabbing my waist; which made me scream on the inside. He was perfect, he spun me, he tipped me, he pulled me into him. Fred Weasley knew what he was doing, and the scary thing is, it's working.

At Remus house

Sirius pov:
"She won Remus! She won! I knew she would, she wouldn't be my daughter if not!" I yell.
Moony comes running in frantically, hearing my screams. "That's awesome Padfoot! I never doubted her."

I continued to read the rest of the later. My face turned to panic
" she got fucking burnt! Quick! We need to get to Hogwarts!"

"Padfoot she says she's fine." He says, scanning over the letter. "Freds got her."
He raises his eyebrows with a smirk.
"What are you implying." I demand.

"Well I just think that he cares deeply for her and is respectful of her, but well, has got more than friendship on his mind. And I'm afraid that the feeling looks to be mutual."

"I'm guessing your not implying best friends are you?" I ask. He shook his head with a laugh and I sighed.

"Hey I was wondering." I asked, "what does she mean, meet her new team mates?"
"God Sirius. You need to engage more with your daughter, this Christmas you need to make count. She needs you in her life, just as much as you need her. She's England quidditch Captain Sirius.

What! She played for England.
"What when?"
"Well she played for England for 2 years, she was the youngest player in history, and then they offered her the role of captain, and she agreed. But only if she could stay at Hogwart." He replied.
"Well, why haven't I heard about this?" I ask.
"You've been locked in Azkaban for 12 years!"
"Yes but she could have told me in a letter or something."
"Sirius, she's not one to brag, you know that from knowing her a year. She doesn't think it's a big deal." He shakes his head at me.
"Well we're having a conversation at Christmas." I demand, "she could get extremely hurt!"

"Do you know how many times that's all ready happened. I was watching her play a few years ago and she fell 50 feet, suffered four broken ribs and refused to let anyone help her. She got back on her broom and won the final. She's so like you Sirius. You will love her when you get to know her properly." I really do need to get to know my daughter. I guess that'll be at Christmas.

Back at Hogwarts
Freds pov;

"Who wants to play spin the bottle?"
We gathered in a circle, sitting on the floor.
"Who wants to go first?" George asked.
"How about the one who volunteered us up for this, the one and only Mr Jorden?" Y/N laughed.

"fine, fine. I'll go first. I won't pass up on some good snogging." Lee fluttered his brows.
He span the bottle, and it landed on my brother. George turned wide-eyed to Lee.
"I'm ok with it if you are?" Lee said.
"Erm. I... yeah." George said. They exchanged what was meant to be a quick peck, but turned into seconds long before George pulled away. Both the boys blushed furiously, and the group fell silent. Not for long though, the peace was broken by non other than Y/N, who was cheering and jumping on the couch. I knew we shouldn't have spiked the punch.

"NEXT!" She bellowed.
Ron went next, landing on Harry, they both shook their heads and refused completely. He spun again and it landed on Alicia. They exchanged their kiss, which I noticed received a very angry glare from Hermione.

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now