50- The little things

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Sophie POV

I only got one night at home with Matt before he had to leave me. The house must have at least twelve guards, at all times but I feel so alone.

Matt's stay in Venice is taking much longer than planned. Evidently things with the business were more complicated than expected. I have helped where I can, trying to feel useful. As well as our daily facetime, Matt will call and ask me legal questions through the day or send me documents and ask me to review them.

Mia had also caused a lot more damage than we'd realised. Penny wanted Matt to take over the business permanently but he has refused making Lili head of the family in his stead.

It's coming up to three months now since Matt left, and as much as I am trying to be understanding, my due date is drawing near, and I'm frustrated.

It's already frustrating dealing with pregnancy in the August heat, and keeping my promise to stay inside relying on visits from Louise, Maddie and Eddy to break my boredom. I'm so thankful I have a library. I've been passing the time sitting beside the pool where it is a little cooler, reading or working on documents from Matt.

Matt hasn't sent any documents for a while though, so this evening I'm sitting poolside sipping lemonade and chatting with Leo while I wait for Matt to call. He usually calls at five which is six to him, it's almost seven now but I'm trying to act like I'm not worried.

"You should probably eat" Leo suggests again.

"It's ok, I'm not hungry yet" I dismiss him, taking another sip of lemonade. My stomach is in too much turmoil to eat when I haven't heard from Matt.

"What if our little Angel is hungry?" Matt asks from behind me, making me choke on my drink, the liquid coming through my nose. (Classy)

Twisting my head I see Matt grinning at me, the top few buttons of his shirt open exposing his chest and his sleeves pushed back to bare his muscular arms, Damn he's sexy.

I want to jump up throwing myself into his arms and let him ravish me right here. Security be damned.

Not really a realistic goal, me jumping up is about as likely as me sprouting wings.

I heave myself to my feet with a smiling Leo's help, as Matt reaches me.

"I missed you! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I ask

"I wanted to surprise you, wow look how big our girl has got" he says, stroking my bump gently before leaning in for a toe curling kiss. "Come on, let's eat together" he steers us both to the kitchen and starts pulling out ingredients.

"I've been practicing," he smiles, replying to my raised eyebrow as he expertly dices an onion. I sit admiring his new found skills as he effortlessly creates a tomato pasta dish. The same one Penny made the first night she stayed, I suspect she's been giving him lessons.

I feel a painful twinge in my stomach and my hand automatically jumps to sooth it as I let out a hiss of pain. Matt looks up with a furrowed brow.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just Braxton Hicks. Been having them for weeks now, Google says they are a 'mild discomfort' Google is a liar. They hurt like a bitch" I explain.

"Anything I can do?" He checks.

"No I'll just have a lie down, maybe a bath" I shrug, "I'll be ok." Matt nods in understanding, taking the seat beside me so we can eat together in a comfortable silence. The pasta isn't bad! My man's getting top marks for effort.

After we eat Matt insists on washing the pots by himself. Filling me in on things from back in Venice as he goes. I know most of it because we spoke everyday but I still listen attentively, to his deep soothing voice.

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