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Sophie POV

I was so annoyed with Lili for calling Matt, she said the threats Mia gave weren't from him, That they were lies, but then she would say that.

If those threats are real she was putting me and my child at risk. Maddie has been team Lili over everything which isn't helping. So when Lili started suggesting she should extend her stay I was apprehensive.

On the one hand I don’t want to spoil Lili’s birthday trip but on the other hand I am still not one hundred percent sure about having people know where I live now. The thing I am sure of is Lili wants to be aunty to this baby, so for at least as long as I'm pregnant I can trust I'm safe with Lili.


So that’s how I have found myself pulling up in the drive of my new home with Lili in tow. Letting myself into the house I let out a sigh, stepping around the boxes stacked in the entry the smell of fresh paint filling the air.

“I wasn’t expecting a guest so If you want to sleep in a bed I hope you're good with flat pack.” I laugh, heading into the kitchen and nodding approvingly at the clean white ceiling the yellow stains gone, while I start opening the windows.

It's a bit cold but the paint fumes are already giving me a headache. Leading the way upstairs I go to check the rest of the work. The bathroom’s outdated green suite has been replaced with a modern white suite and electric shower new tiles lining the walls and floor. 

The master suite has been painted white with a jade feature wall, and the guest room is lavender. The only room untouched is the nursery, I really want to do it myself. I have visions of myself decorating with my hair in bunches, wearing dungarees. Like all those pregnant people you see on tv. Although on tv the dad would also be helping, and the mum doesn’t seem to spend half her time with her head in the toilet.

It's safe to say pregnancy is not living up to the image the movies had put in my mind. Where are my cute cravings and my expectant mother glow? I've been conned. So far my pregnancy experience is that if I don't feel nauseous it's because I'm sleeping.

Luckily my bed is a divan so I only need to unwrap the mattress and put on the fresh bedding. I would love to just climb into the bed now but I can’t leave Lili to set up the spare bed alone. It would be done much faster if Lili didn't spend half of her time lecturing me over lifting or moving things, they aren’t even heavy things!

“Lili, I’m pregnant I’m not an invalid,” I sigh as she takes yet another wooden bed slat from me with a scowl.
“Do you know how much trouble I will be in if you get hurt on my watch?” She argues. I am in no mood to start yet another debate with her about the flaws in her argument. Flaws like I am not under her watch, I am not going to do anything that would hurt myself, or your brother really doesn’t care if I hurt myself…

By the time we finish making the beds it is getting dark and I just want to sleep but Lili insists that we need to eat reminding me that I am eating for two. (The only pregnancy perk so far) Using my phone to order pizza, I make a mental note to go food shopping tomorrow, thank goodness for take out.

Waiting for the food to arrive we start unpacking the kitchen boxes looking for plates, glasses and cutlery, making small talk as we empty the boxes.
“Wow you have a lot of baking stuff.” Lili comments opening a new box, I look over her shoulder smiling, because I know this is going to be box one of at least three.  I love experimenting in the kitchen. “I’m terrible at cooking, it’s a family trait.” she chuckles.

“I could teach you some basic things, I need an excuse to try out this new stove. We could buy ingredients tomorrow” I offer.
“Ooh could we do muffins?” She beams. As we hear a knock at the door,
“Of course,” I smile over my shoulder, collecting our pizza. “Netflix?” I ask pulling out my laptop, “We’ll set up the tv tomorrow.” 

Despite how tired I was we stayed up late wrapped in blankets watching a movie on the small laptop screen, it reminded me of mine and Louise’s first place. We didn't have a tv so we would huddle around the laptop watching dvds and eating instant noodles. By the time we called it a night my face hurt from laughing and I was becoming genuinely happy that Lili was here.


"I can't believe you messed up a fourth batch of fairy cakes! They're the easiest thing to bake!" I sigh exasperated at Lili.
  "You truly are a terrible cook"

"Yeah, well I can't believe that you bought a dress at a grocery store!" She shoots back.

"It fits over my bump and it has pocket's! Pockets Lili, this dress is the dream!" I laugh twisting my hips to make my skirt flare out.
"The dream? Like 'the dream' from the Abba song?" She chuckles,
"Yes, I fully believe that this dress is what that song was about" I laugh, "let's get some Abba on and I'll make some edible fairy cakes." I tease her poking my tongue out.

Pulling my phone out of my dress pocket, I play the music through my Bluetooth speakers, and start beating the butter and sugar together. I always whisk by hand so I can claim I have burned enough calories to allow me to eat all the cakes myself.

When I explained this to Lili she said the maths doesn't work out… but as we have established Lili can't bake to save her life so what would she know? How dare she try to correct my cake eating maths, so rude!

Just as I crack in the eggs I hear someone knock at the door.
"Lili, will you get that? It might be the new coffee table" Lili nods jumping off the work top and heading towards the door "just have them leave it in the hall!" I shout after her turning back to the mixing bowl and tucking it under my arm.

I start whisking the eggs swishing my skirt and quietly singing along to Abba's Waterloo when I hear Lili come back into the room.
"Was it the table? I ask.

Turning to face her when she doesn't reply. Everything is suddenly slow motion, as the bowl falls from my arms splattering the cupboards with the eggy mixture.


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