31- Romeo

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Matt POV

"What was the big idea? Giving Ma Sophie's address? Are you trying to cock block me?" I hiss into the phone at Nico.

Sophie is upstairs with Ma helping her sort fresh bedding in what was my room.

"Cock block? Sophie said she was at the hospital when I text her, so what you saying you broke her hip or something?" He laughs.

"I fucked up the meal and we both got sick," I confess with a sigh. After a moment of silence Nico bursts into fits of laughter through the phone.

"Fuck me Matt, when I suggested you were Romeo I was thinking the romance part 'It is the east, and Sophie is the sun.' soppy shit. Not the tragically poisoning yourself part" he laughs.

"Fuck off Nico" I hiss into the phone, "still doesn't explain why you sent Ma here."

"You promised to call her dude, this is on you not me. Aunt penny is fucking scary when she's pissed, so what was I supposed to do?" I don't even bother to reply, ending the call on the spineless coward.

As I'm sliding my cell back into my pocket my alarm sounds. Silencing it I head to the kitchen fixing a glass of water to take up stairs.

Ma and Sophie are working together making small talk while they change the bedding. I am relieved to see Ma has warmed up a little.

Sophie catches my eye and gives me a cheeky smile
"Matt, is it true that you didn't think penguins were real?" She asks. Damn it Ma! My scowl clearly confirms it causing Sophie to laugh at my expense.

Usually I'd be annoyed about being the butt of someone's joke, but if it means getting to hear Sophie laugh then I'm happy to be a clown.

"Shut up, I was only a kid" I say defensively passing Sophie the water and her anti sickness tablets.
"Thank you," Sophie says, quietly taking her medication. Ma looks at me questioningly.

"Sophie gets really sick with the baby," I explain, "I've set alarms on my phone for when she needs to take her prescription"

"You set alarms?" Sophie asks, surprised.

"Of course, remember last time you missed a pill? If there's a way I can help to make you less sick I'm going to do it" I wrap my arm around Sophie's shoulders in a one armed hug and place a kiss on her head.

Sophie slowly sips her water again, a little frown creasing her eyebrows.
"You ok?" I ask, giving her shoulder a squeeze. Sophie tilts her head to lock eyes with me. I'm shocked to see her eyes are brimming with tears.

What the hell just happened? Wasn't she just laughing? I turn her body to face me, taking her glass.
"What's wrong? Are you in pain? Do you need to go back to the hospital?" I start interrogating her.

"It's, it's just... so nice!" She says letting out a sob.

"What?" I laugh, "you're crying because I brought you your tablets and water?"

"STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" She shouts, storming out of the room suddenly furious, taking me by surprise.

I stare at the empty doorway totally confused by what just happened. So was she sad, happy or angry? I hear a choked sound coming from behind me and turn to scowl at Ma's vain attempt at hiding her laugh.

"Any advice?" I ask her.

"Don't have sex before marriage?" she shrugs "just apologize and get used to it" she suggests, steering me out of the door. "I feel like I am going to enjoy staying here, now out! I'm going to bed."

I take Sophie's glass downstairs. Am I still supposed to stay in her room? I think it'll be safer to stay on the couch. I'll just go get a change of clothes and make sure she's ok.

"Sophie?" I ask quietly, tapping on her bedroom door. I wait for her consent before letting myself in. She's sat on the bed in a night dress with her legs crossed, I'm relieved to see she's not crying.

"I'm just getting some clothes, then I'll get out of your hair" I explain.

"Are you mad at me?" She whispers, playing with her fingers in her lap.

"Why would I be mad?" I ask, rummaging through my bag.

"Because you were nice and I shouted at you again." She sighs, "I know it sounds like an excuse but this pregnancy is making me so hormonal and I hate it. I feel like all I've done since we met is cry and that just isn't me! I don't want to be seen as some weak needy woman"

I move to sit on the edge of the bed, clasping both of Sophie's hands in one of my own.
"I never saw you as weak or needy, from the day I met you, you were a badass lawyer who was straightforward and called me on my shit. I know you're a little emotional, and seeing you cry sucks. So if there is anything I can do to stop that happening I will. But I won't be getting mad at you" I promise her.

I reach out to wipe a stray tear from her cheek with my thumb.

"You definitely have a way with words..." she admits with a sad chuckle. "But your words are like an old woman's teeth... it's hard to tell if they're real"

"Ok first, old woman's teeth? Really?" I laugh, "second, you aren't going to know unless you take a chance. You just need to trust that I'm going to be here for you and our patatino" I place a kiss on her head.

"Matt... did you just call our baby a little potato?" Sophie laughs. I nod before
following with a kiss on the tip of her nose and finally her lips.

Sophie responds by wrapping her arms around my neck and pushing herself up onto her knees to meet me. She lets out a little squeak of surprise when I scoop my arms under her legs, lying her against the cushions. I keep kissing her until she taps my arm letting me know she needs to breathe.

"You're such a tease," she whispers breathlessly.

"It's only teasing if you don't finish... I promise you will"

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