9-La Poste

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Sophie POV

"C'est Ouf!" Maddie breathes.

"In English?" I ask.

"Sit, sit. A baby! Lili will be so excited, she loves babies" My stomach clenches at the mention of my baby's aunt.

"Please don't tell her. I want to do it. I wasn't planning to tell anyone yet... Just please." I beg in earnest.

Maddie gives an understanding nod. But I am in turmoil. I never should have told Maddie. I should have just let her be angry at me instead, Matt needed to know first. My stupid anxiety messes up all my thoughts when people are mad at me.

"I should go. I need to send a letter and explain everything" I tell Maddie rising from my chair.

"Why don't you just call?" Maddie suggests.

"Matt... We had an argument, I'm not ready to call him." I lie, I don't want to admit that I had already tried, that he hadn't called back. Or explain why I had to tell Matt before Lili. Maddie gives me an understanding nod. She knew Matt and I had been intimate. I am just praying she doesn't do the baby maths.

"I'll come with, if you want. It might be easier if I translate at la poste for you" She offers.

Agreeing we head back to my hotel so I can write a letter to Matt. It takes me a while to think of how to say all the things I need to say but I manage it, keeping it simple.

Sealing it in an envelope so Maddie won't see what I wrote, I hide away the pad containing the carbon copy.

I tell her it explains why I left, tells them about the baby and says to say hello to Lili and she seems satisfied with that.

It is only then that I realise I don't know his address, I was driven there and back. Maddie only knows his mothers and Lili's which I don't feel comfortable sending it too, apparently Matt never takes people to his apartment, so I address it to his office.

Thankfully Maddie manages to arrange priority postage for me meaning it should arrive tomorrow or friday, it feels like a weight is lifted just sending the letter.

I agree to meet Maddie again on Friday. We can get lunch and our nails done at least, even if I can't do the steam room and drinking she wanted. I ask her to meet me at my hotel to avoid getting lost.

"Is Eddy excited about the baby?" She asks, sitting on my bed as I slip on my shoes. I just hum in response. Matt should have that letter by now but the phone I bought has remained silent. Maybe he isn't interested now he knows I am not a threat? Or maybe he isn't back from his trip yet? I have been tempted to call his office again but I don't want to look like I am chasing after him.

Maddie looks around curiously and is about to ask something else when a phone starts to ring. I reach into my bag but find myself disappointed when Maddie answers her mobile.

"Allo?" She pauses a warm smile on her face "Lili! How are you Ma Cherie?" I wish I knew what she was saying. Has Matt told her about the baby?

I see Maddie's forehead crease into a frown at whatever Lili is saying on her end, but in the next moment she smiles.

"Oui, let's invite Sophie too?" Maddie says before frowning deeper. "She wrote a letter to Matt explaining everything, and told him to tell you hello.... She did, I helped her post it.... I am with her now." Maddie argues.

She pulls the phone from her ear placing it on speaker and Lili's voice fills my room.

"... He has been an unbearable jerk since he got back on Tuesday, he definitely hasn't said anything about any letters. As far as I am aware Sophie has ghosted all of us" She finishes her voice laced in anger. I feel shame flush my cheeks at being called out. Does Lili really not know why I left? Is Matt really back and hasn't told her that I wrote?

"Lili, I'm sorry. I had to leave." I say once she finishes her rant.


"Yes, it's me. I really am sorry I left so suddenly, but don't be angry at Maddie she's telling the truth. I did write to your brother and explain everything, and I asked him to say hello."

"You couldn't call?" Lili pushes obviously still mad.

"I no longer have anyone's numbers, and I left the firm, so I don't have that number anymore. I-I did call your brothers office" I hesitate, "but they said he was away and he didn't call me when he got back." I explain, unsure of how much I can say.

"He must have forgotten to say. He has been so stressed lately, snapping at everyone. I don't know what crawled up his ass.." I can practically hear her eye roll. "So as I was saying to Maddie, much needed girls' holiday? Are you coming? I was thinking of August in Palma de Mallorca?"

"I don't think Sophie will be allowed to fly in August, she'll be too far gone" Maddie says before I can stop her. Shit. If Matt didn't tell her about the letter there was probably a reason and I suspect that this was it.

"Too far gone? Oh my God... Sophie, are you having a baby?" Lili gasps.

"Yes" I admit in defeat, there's no hiding it now.

"Oooooooh I love babies. Forget Palma, let's come and visit you. We can do a baby shower" She says excitedly Maddie agreeing enthusiastically. "Baby needs its aunty Lili and aunt Mads to bring it lots of presents, are you going to do a gender reveal? Can I plan it? Have you thought about names? Can I be the Godmother?" Lili says all in one breath.

"Wow Lili that was a lot. I haven't thought of any of that stuff yet. I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea of pushing a head out of my personal area, have you guys heard of crowning? It's. Ew" I say, I can't deny their enthusiasm is making me feel a little better about Matt not contacting me. At least someone is happy for me.

I know I'm a hypocrite, I spend months hiding from him then I get butt hurt when he doesn't drop everything to call me. I'm hormonal ok, that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!

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