37- Vita Mia

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Matt POV.

Sophie's flushed face is lay across from me a small satisfied smile on her lips. I was surprised when Sophie took the initiative today but damn was it sexy.

I wasn't thrilled about her ex being around, it's not like I mind Sophie being on good terms with him. I just don't like that he knows her better than me. I have to remind myself that's only for now. I can't explain how smug I felt when I realised she had sent him away because she wanted to be alone with me.

I could happily lay looking at her like this forever. Knowing that satisfied glow was caused by me, I reach out pushing her wild hair away from her sweaty forehead. My mind drifts to the same question I've had in my mind since the day of the sonogram.

The image of Sophie and me in the future, our house full of love, the laughter of our children. Sophie says she wants the baby to look like me. But I want it to have her green eyes and cheeky smile, and I want us all to have the same name.

"Sophie, will you marry me?" Her face pales. Shit I just said that out loud.

"What?" She whispers. Her eyes as wide as saucers.

Shit, shit, shit....

It's like someone just doused our post sex bliss with cold water. Suddenly the room is filled with a stifling awkward silence, Sophie sits up moving away from me, to the edge of the bed. I stare at her back, as she pulls on her robe. I want to explain but I've lost the ability to speak. I open and close my mouth like a fish, but no sound comes out.

I curse myself mentally, what kind of dumbass proposes to someone naked, post sex? Apparently this dumbass, I feel like I blew it before I even started.

"Matt?" Sophie prompts me.

"I didn't mean to say that, it was a mistake" I explain, finally finding my words. Sophie lets out a long sigh.

"So you don't want to get married?" She confirms. I think carefully about how I should answer. Sophie must think I'm ignoring her question because she gets up to leave.

The fear of her leaving right now forces me into action, I reach out taking hold of her hand and pulling her to sit back on the bed.
"Not about to vomit right?" I check. Sophie shakes her head, rolling her eyes.

"Sophie, I definitely want to marry you. The mistake wasn't what I asked. It was how I asked." I shift forward to sit beside Sophie, who remains silent, watching her hands. She is clearly deep in thought, but her face is unreadable. Never in my life have I wished so hard that I could read someone's thoughts.

"Sophie, I don't intend on spending a single day away from you and our baby. You're my family now. Of course I want to make that official. But ideally I would have asked down on one knee, a romantic declaration, with a ring and candle light. Not naked, in bed, on a post orgasm high..."

"Sounds clingy." Sophie says quietly, she catches my confused gaze. "Not spending a single day away? What if I'm invited on a girls weekend with Lili, would you be tagging along?" She smirks.

"No I'd be looking after our kids, which are half you so still counts as being close to you."

"Kid's? Plural?" She checks.

"I'd like at least one more, I don't want our baby to grow up alone. We could adopt though if you'd prefer" I suggest, considering how rough her pregnancy has been so far.

"What about when you have to go back to Venice? For work?" She asks. "We'd be apart then"

"I'm only going back if you come with me. I'll just work from here" I shrug. I don't think Sophie realises that I only work to pass the time, I have more money than I could spend in several life times. Money that will be half hers, not that she would accept any from me. "I'm serious about us Sophie, you're it for me."

"I don't think marrying someone you 'got in trouble' is the best way to make life choices Matt. I know your family are religious, but I'm really not" she tells me seriously.

"You think I want to marry because you're having my baby? That's my baby whether we're married or not, and I didn't even know our baby existed when I started scouring the globe trying to get you back, it was you I wanted." Her eyes remain on her hands, I move around to kneel Infront of Sophie taking her hands in mine. "I just want the world to know you're mine"

"You know I'm not the big white wedding kind of girl."

"I'd marry you tomorrow in a court house if you'd let me. I don't care. Don't misunderstand me, I want to show you both off." I explain, looking for the right words.

"I love our baby. It's cuore mio, my heart. But you Sophie, are Vita Mia. It means you are my life, there is no me without you anymore. You are my forever, I want to spend that forever being your happily ever after. My life has become more exciting just knowing you. I want to know more, to know everything about you. I never knew I could love somebody the way that I love you. Sophie, I don't know how I got so lucky that I found someone like you but now that I've found you I can't just let you go. That's the reason why I want you to marry me"

I stare into Sophie's eyes hardly daring to breathe, when something occurs to me.
"You never said no..."

"There's no candles or ring, but you gave the romantic declaration down on one knee" Sophie smiles softly, kissing me.

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