34- making her happy

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Matt POV

"Maybe we could take her to shop for the nursery tomorrow?" Sophie suggests yawning.

"Can't hurt to try" I agree, pulling her closer and resting my head on top of hers. Three hours we were sat in the hospital. I told Sophie we could go private but she refuses any offer of money from me, stubborn woman.

Even with the wait, today has been amazing. I got to see our baby and while we were sat waiting for the consultant I got to feel the baby move! It wasn't a kick or anything more like a shift. Something definitely moved and was pushing out against my hand.

It was the weirdest feeling, and completely unexpected. I was rubbing Sophie's bump because she said it ached after all the prodding of the scan, when I felt it.

Beyond comforting her there's not much else I could do. I never realised how useless I would feel during Sophie's pregnancy. She is suffering with swollen feet, a sore back, sleep deprivation, vomiting and there's nothing I can do to help her.

I hate it.

I hate seeing the woman I care about the most suffering and not being able to do a thing about it. She says she appreciates the baths I run, the cuddles in bed so she can lay down, the calf massage (because to quote her  "if you even try to give me a foot rub I'll kick you")  But in the grand scheme I'm doing nothing.

On top of everything she's dealing with my Ma, even coming up with suggestions for how to appease her after not taking her to the sonogram and then being out so long.

Sophie snuggles up close making me smile. She's like a kitten padding to get comfortable against me. I think she'll be having dinner in bed at this rate.

The taxi pulls up outside Sophie's and I can see Ma standing in the window scowling. I get the mental image of a, haunted house and have half a mind to suggest the driver carries on.

"Come on you big chicken" Sophie says following my gaze, "she'll be fine once you show her the video" she reminds me.

During the sonogram I discreetly filmed the screen using my phone, so even though you can't get the video of the sonogram from the hospital I have one to appease Ma with. That with Sophie's suggestions of letting her Lili and Maddie plan a baby shower, and taking her shopping for the nursery should hopefully work.

Considering I know Sophie doesn't even like baby showers I can tell how much she secretly wants Ma to be ok with her. I wish Ma wasn't so difficult.

"We're back" I call, supporting a sleepy Sophie through the door.

"About time," Ma muttered, scowling at Sophie. All of Sophie's plans to appease her flew out of my head in that moment.

"Ma, you are a guest in Sophie's house. Treat her with respect or go home!" I snap. Ma and Sophie both look at me with wide eyes. I've never spoken back to Ma before, but if I was acting like she is,  she would call me a brat.

Sophie is going through enough without my Ma's tantrums. I know if I don't step in soon Ma will try to take over with the baby and cause a rift with Sophie. I'm being selfish because I don't want to have to choose between them later.

I wrap my arm around Sophie and steer her into the living room. I take a seat pulling her close to sit beside me.

"The sonogram went well, they couldn't tell us the gender though." I start to explain to Ma who has remained in the doorway. "I managed to film some of it for you" I tell her, offering out my phone.

Ma moves forward silently accepting the phone to watch the video, she takes the seat opposite and watches the video again. After a full three viewings she finally speaks.

"These are so much clearer nowadays, when I was pregnant it was just like a snow storm, you couldn't see anything" she says, glancing at Sophie. "Do you want a boy or a girl?" She asks her.

"I don't agree with people saying they want a gender, I've seen many people get their hopes up and have the opposite, acting disappointed with the baby's gender. I think it's cruel" she shrugs, "I just hope the baby is a good sleeper and that it takes after Matt, it'll be a little heart breaker" she smiles, nudging me.

I'm happy to see the easy conversation start to flow between them, Ma talking a mile a minute, making a million suggestions for the theme of the nursery.

Sophie laces her fingers with mine resting her head on my shoulder. After a few minutes I feel her breathing even out and I know Ma is talking to herself because Sophie is asleep.

I put a finger to my lips, silencing Ma with a pointed look. Ma nods with a little frown.

"What is it now?" I ask with a sigh.
"You clearly like this girl, you're trying hard to make her happy…" I wait for her to make her point. "So why will my nipote be born out of wedlock? It's not proper, will the baby even be a Canossa?"

I almost choke on my saliva. She wants us to get married! I glance at the thankfully still sleeping Sophie.

"Of course the baby will be a Canossa! Ma, I can't just marry her! It's way too early to think about that!"

"So abandoning her after the baby is born is an option?" Ma asks.

"Of course not! I'll always stand by Sophie and the baby!" I argue.

"Then I don't see how it's too early, I won't force it, but I want you to think about it" Ma says standing and leaving the room.

I scoop Sophie into my arms carrying her up to bed. Removing her shoes, I hope she won't kick me for touching her feet. I tuck the comforter around her. Kissing her gently on the head before I climb in beside her.

Sophie Canossa... It's got a ring to it

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