14-Eggs and Rabbits

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Sophie POV

As the old saying goes be careful what you wish for.

I wanted Matt to stay away and now that I want to talk he actually is. The message from Mia though was far worse than anything I expected to hear, but I guess I only ever saw the mask he wanted me to see. This is the Matt I didn't want to admit existed.

Fingers crossed the baby gets his eyes and not his murderous tendencies...

Although an upside to this is that it means I am no longer in hiding. After considering it for a while I search for the number Maddie gave me in Paris and hit call on my phone. I am nervous after essentially running away from her twice. Will she be mad? Maybe this is a bad idea. I am about to end the call when it connects.

"Allo?" Maddie's warm voice answers.

"Maddie... It's me Sophie." I say hesitantly. Waiting for the anger.

"Ma Cherie, I was so worried. You can't just keep disappearing like this! Do you know Matteo flew all the way here to find you? He wouldn't speak to any of us when you were gone..."

"I rang Matt's office before I rang you." I say choosing to leave out the unsavory details. "I wanted to apologise to you, I panicked and I shouldn't have ran away from you like that. Do you hate me?" I ask.

"Hate you? Never. That little bebe will be making 'er maman crazy" she laughs lightly, the relief spreads through my body warming me from the inside and spreading through my body.

"I was thinking maybe we could meet up?" I suggest. "I am not very good with flying right now, but I could get the Eurostar?" I offer.

"No I have a much better idea, it's Lili's birthday in a few weeks I said I would arrange a surprise for her. What if I fly her out to you?" She says in an excited voice.

"I hardly think that I count as a birthday surprise... but if you can fly to Manchester in England I could pick you up and we could hire a cottage in the peak district? Have a relaxing girls weekend" I propose.

"Eeeeek that sounds parfaite!"


I'm excited to see the girls again. After a couple of weeks of planning I have left my new house's spare keys with the plumber fitting my bathroom and the decorator freshening up the house. Driving my new car to Manchester to pick up Lili and Maddie.

Maddie managed to find flights while I found a cottage for four nights with a hot tub located in the peaks that separate Sheffield and Manchester. On my way here I collected the keys and stocked the fridge with wine (non alcoholic for me) and enough snacks to feed an army. (Mainly easter eggs, they are my true love right now)

We will use that as a base and we can visit both cities in the day time, which is ideal as for once I actually want to go shopping at fifteen weeks I finally have a visible bump. It's exciting to see my baby grow but it also means I need maternity clothes. I have been living in leggings.

Holding up my crude hand drawn Maddie and Lili sign I wait at departures for the girls to arrive. Lili spots me before I see her which is apparent by the ear piercing scream of.

"OH MY GOD IT'S FUCKING SOPHIE!" That causes everyone to stop and look at the rush of dark curls racing towards me. If the floor could open up and swallow me that would be amazing. I think as she casts her bags aside and I am wrapped tightly in Lili's embrace crushing my sign.

When Lili finally pulls back I am shocked to see her eyes wet with tears. My hand automatically reaching to wipe them.

"Lili?" I ask confused.

"I just really missed you, things have been stressful at home and I needed my girls" She explains.

"Hey what am I invisible? I spoke to you every week!" Maddie cries indignant.

"Come on," I laugh scooping up her bag. Which Maddie quickly snatches away.

"No carrying for you!" She scolds.

"Oh yeah the baby!! Can I feel?" Lili asks practically bouncing.

"Yes, but there isn't much to feel right now, just a little bump" I remind her. Her hands already rubbing my little bump.

"Not much to feel. You ignore that mean old Mommy, Aunty Lili is here to give you love and cuddles now." She speaks to my stomach making us all laugh.

After stopping off at a little restaurant for dinner we head back to settle in at the cottage, Lili squealing in excitement at everything from the hot tub, to the view but especially the fridge filled with wine. Changing into shorts and a top I sit on the side of the hot tub soaking my achy legs, sipping sparkling apple juice and nibbling a smashed up Easter egg, while the girls submerge themselves in the tub.

I can't go in the hot tub but I don't want to miss out on the girl talk and tipsy Lili is very talkative. Especially when the subject is a sexy blonde called Nico, and somehow with Lili, that always is the subject.

"I just want to lick him all over like a popsicle, Ya' know?" Lili whines making us giggle.

"You don't need to tell me! These hormones. Oh my God, I am horny, All. The. Time! The Easter bunny isn't the only rabbit I have been needing if you know what I mean" I laugh.

"Eddy not scratching that itch?" Maddie giggles.
"Eddy and I aren't together... Since well y'know" I say softly stroking my bump.
"Ergh what a pig!" Maddie scowls, "I bet we know a guy who would 'sort you out'.." She says with a wink.

"Oh yeah can you imagine how jealous Matt would be if he knew while he's in Sydney working, we were in a hot tub with Sophie? Naked!" Lili laughs.

"First off, nobody is naked, second I am not really in the hot tub, only my legs are, and third... Matt doesn't care. He doesn't want to see me again."

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