16-Worked up

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Matt POV

I wake with a start.

The sun isn't up yet, I reach for my cell on the night stand, checking the screen to see who the fuck is calling, frowning when I see it's Lili. I'd ignore her but it's four in the morning, it must be important. I regret taking the call as soon as I answer. Just drunk Lili being inconsiderate as usual. I already rang her before she caught her flight, I'm not sure where she was heading. I only know she's away with Maddie somewhere celebrating her birthday.

As if she can sense my pain she has to wake me from my liquor infused sleep to remind me I'm not the only one who misses Sophie. I roll over in the bed tangling my legs in the covers trying to get back to sleep, my mind once again on her.

I thought a week in Sydney to open our new international il lusso location would be a great distraction from the one thing that occupies all my thoughts. But every time I see the hotel name I think of Sophie, that fake merger that started it all.

The first stupid lie I told her that has made her doubt my every word. I just miss her so fucking much, the sadness I felt has slowly been turning to anger. From what I can figure she must be around fifteen weeks with our baby now. I thought she might call by now, or send me a sonogram or something. Her letter said she needed time and she would call. I have been trying to respect that and stopped looking.

But almost two months later and still nothing. I never thought she would be this cold to keep our baby away from me and it hurts. It's like a physical pressure on my chest. Sometimes it gets so much I can't breathe. I need to see her, I want to know our baby.

I can't even bring myself to tell my family, Ma would be thrilled at becoming a Nonna, and Lili would freak out at being an aunt to a baby from me and Sophie, shit even Marc likes kids! What am I supposed to tell them though? That I am going to be a father and I already lost my access to the baby through my own stupid lies? Ma would be furious, she would never forgive me. Lili might actually kill me.

The only person who knows is Leo, he was the first person to find me after I read Sophie's letter and honestly I was a mess. I just wanted to hurt that Eddy guy, but everything he said was right. I hated him for it. When Leo found me I was sitting on the scratchy carpet of the hotel corridor with my head in my hands, I had never felt so lost. A stupid part of me wanted to wait there. As if Sophie would come back to find me. When Leo arrived I just wordlessly handed him the letter.

Leo was ready to drop everything and double down on his search, he threatened to knock on every door in England if he had to. As much as I appreciated the thought and was tempted to do it with him, I refused the offer. I needed to try doing this Sophie's way. Give her time and wait for her call, but that hasn't worked and now I don't know what to do.

My cell rings again making me groan. I see it's Lili and answer ready to tell her to leave me alone but I am met with Lili screaming curses into the phone. I sit up trying to understand what is happening. She only rang a few minutes ago and she was happy then. Then I catch something about 'Abandoned Sophie and the baby'? Wait, how does Lili know about the baby? That it's my baby?

"What? Wait! LILIANA!" I scream into my cell, "Take a fucking breath and explain what the fuck has you so worked up!"

"What has me worked up is finding out my brother, who I always respected, is actually a pezzo di merda who got my friend pregnant and then abandoned her and the baby." She growls through the phone.

"Abandoned them! Non hai capito una sega! I searched for her for fucking months Lili! Months! And when I finally found she was in Paris with Maddie, I asked her to wait for me, but she ran from me again!" I shout, my frustration peaking.

"I respected her wishes, I gave her time like she asked, but it's two fucking months later and not even a letter or a call? Fuck I'd have killed for a text saying hi, if it meant I got to hear from her, but no. She's not even sending me updates on the baby. It's fucking low." I argue.

"Don't you try and fucking twist it. We know what you said. 'she's a gold digger' she's trying to 'trap' you, she should just 'get rid,' sei uno stronzo!"

"You're a fucking nasty drunk and a liar Lili, it's not funny. You don't know how much I'm struggling without her!" I bellow, not even caring if I wake others in the hotel.

"I'm a liar? You're the one fucking lying! Me and Mads heard for ourselves that nasty little message you left for Sophie. How you won't take her calls when she rings your office. I didn't want to believe it either. I defended you like an idiot, she had to show me"

"You're with Sophie?! Put her on the phone! NOW" I shout my heart pounding, all my anger forgotten in an instant.

"No. She doesn't want to speak to you, and I don't blame her." Lili refuses.

"Lili please. I didn't leave that message for her I swear. Ask Nico, ask Leo. I've been desperate to find her since she left. Please Lili" I beg casting my pride aside.

"I can't put her on, she's locked herself in the bathroom with Maddie, she was breathing funny and needed her puffer. If you're not lying then you need to go deal with Mia. 'Cause I'm telling you Matt, I heard that call. She's keeping Sophie's calls from you. Maybe that's why you never got that letter" Lili suggests, calmer now.

"Lili I need you to stay there with her. Don't tell her I'm coming. I'll get a flight home today, deal with Mia and come to you. Please just stay with her?" I beg.


Ending the call I lean forwards taking deep breaths, my hands are trembling. I don't know if it's due to nerves that Sophie might run again or the anger I am feeling towards Mia.

I don't know what the fuck is going on, it makes no sense. Mia has no reason to be keeping Sophie's calls from me, but as annoying as Lili can be she wouldn't lie about something like this.


I don't speak Italian but I do swear like a sailor, so I figured let's get creative by using Italian insults

pezzo di merda= piece of shit

Non hai capito una sega= you don't understand shit

sei uno stronzo= you're an asshole

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