39- spa day

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Sophie POV

The masseuse increased the pressure on my lower back and I let out a groan. This was almost as good as sex.... Almost.

Part one of my birthday weekend was underway. Maddie, Lili, Louise and I were enjoying a 'mummy to be' spa day before we go for our meal.

The weightlessness of the pool was a godsend, I didn't realise how much pressure was in my hips and back until it was gone. I couldn't use all of the facilities because they aren't pregnancy safe but I still enjoyed my day.

Currently we have all been separated for our respective massages. Something I really appreciate after being surrounded by toned bikini clad goddesses while my own body is covered by a frumpy swimsuit.

My body was never going to look like theirs, I've always had a little extra 'junk in the trunk' but being pregnant has just emphasised that. I obviously knew my body would change with pregnancy but I didn't expect to be needing a swimsuit body at any point to compete with these girls. Maddie is literally a model for goodness sake!

I was already a little apprehensive about going when I heard the guys were planning to spend the day together. Lili had dragged Nico and Marcello along to meet me; they haven't seen Matt for a while so I understand that. But they invited Eddy? And even stranger Eddy agreed.

They don't even like each other! I don't understand men at all!

I try to clear my mind and focus on the massage again. Safe in the knowledge that Matt knows Eddy is important to me, he wouldn't let anything happen to him.

I take a deep breath, relaxing into the lavender scented candles, the slight herbal scent of the massage oil and the soft music playing.

I feel a shift and smile knowing the baby is awake. I'm getting better at telling what some of the movements are now, if it's a kick or a punch. At the minute it just feels like the baby is rolling over.

I raise my hand to gently apply pressure to what I'm pretty sure is the knee sticking out of my side. The baby is clearly an attention seeker, definitely takes after Matt.

The Masseuse covers me over with the sheet, letting me know the massage has ended.

It's great timing to be honest. I need to pee again. I pull the swimsuit back up over my shoulders and slip into my robe, waddling to the ladies room.

I make my way to the relaxation room to wait for the others, as agreed. The room is almost empty with the exception of Lili sitting in the far corner. I take the lounger next to her, giving her a smile.

"So... Nico?" I ask her.

"What about Nico?" She replies, not meeting my eye.

"You came together?" I point out.

"I also came with Marco" she shrugs. This woman is like a vault! I reluctantly prepare to accept defeat when she continues.

"I thought we were going ok, we went for a few, what I thought were dates, we hung out at his apartment a lot. He even gave me a spare key. But a few days ago, after Matt called and asked me to be Godmother, I went to see him" she says, frowning. I wait quietly for her to finish.

"When I got to his apartment he was still asleep, but he wasn't alone." I can hear the break in her voice as she struggles to hold back the tears.

"I just feel so stupid, everyone knows what a player Nico is, but I have liked him for so long! I thought it would be different with me, I'm a total idiot aren't I?" She sighs.

"He's the idiot! If he couldn't wait for a great girl like you, he clearly doesn't deserve you!" I tell her. "Honestly some men wouldn't know a good thing if it smacked them in the face, although I guess if it smacked them in the face it's not a good thing... What did he say when you confronted him?"

"I didn't! I just left my key and got out of there. What was I supposed to say? We were never official, technically he never did anything wrong. I just got carried away and upset myself" she explains sadly.

"Lili, I think..." but I don't get to finish what I think as the door is pushed open and Maddie and Louise join us.

Louise's facial has left her cheeks with a rosy glow, her new cropped hairstyle sticking to her dewy skin. The massage has left Maddie's skin shimmering in the soft light, I'm so jealous. Her weave is a blonde shade falling in loose curls giving her strong Beyonce vibes.

"Shall we go?" She suggests simply, holding the door open for us. I hope we're going straight to food I'm famished.

A quick shower and a change into a maxi dress (that I've had to tie a knot in to stop it dragging on the floor) and we make the short walk from the spa to a restaurant. (Luckily it's down hill)

We settle into our booth and order. After the spa I'm already sleepy so I'm happy to sip my mocktail, and nibble my food while the girls all catch up.

"I heard Marco and Andre broke up" Maddie asks Lili,

"Yeah Marco won't really say much, you know Marco, but from what I can gather Andre was totally using him. It's all hush hush though, how did you find out?"

"Cami" she says with a shrug. "Saw her last week, sounds like Andre didn't take it well"

"Fuck him. He was never good enough for Marco" Lili says, waving her fork and losing some salad. I chuckle picking a piece of spinach off my dress.

"What's so funny?" Lili asks turning to me, "shit sorry" she says helping me with a bit of lettuce on my shoulder.

"You always say that you have over protective brothers, I think secretly you are the overprotective one. I'm glad I made the cut" I smile.

"You're kidding right? Matty is seriously punching above his weight with you" she says with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, if he's holding you hostage, blink twice for 'elp" Maddie adds.

"Well... he did cook" I say in mock terror making us all giggle.

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