35- Testosterone

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Sophie POV


"EDDY!"  I squeal, throwing myself into his open arms. "What are you doing here?!"

"Well let's see, it's May, now what have I done every May for five years now?" He teases.

"Birthday cocktails? Eddy you can't be serious? I'm not bothering with my birthday this year" I tell him, gesturing my stomach.

"Why 'cause you already finished off the cake? Fatty" he says patting my swollen belly and walking past me into the house.

"You're such a pig"

"That's rich coming from the girl who ate all the cake" he teases.

"I'm not fat!" I insist, starting to well up.

"Shit, Sophie, I was only playing. Don't cry, I'm sorry?" Eddy starts to panic.

"Sucker" I laugh playfully punching his arm, "and you said I learned nothing in the drama society" I laugh.

"Well played Soph, and real tears this time" he says wiping my cheek with his finger, "nice touch."

"Yeah real tears aren't hard at the minute, I cry at everything" I sigh, "don't tell Matt but I cried at a commercial last week because 'puppies are cute'! " I roll my eyes at my own confession, while I fill the kettle with water.

"Ah yes, Mr baby-daddy…. I thought he'd be here? Is he treating you good?" Eddy asks.

"Of course I'm treating her well" Matt replies, walking in with a bag of Doritos, my latest craving. "Why is he here?" He directs at me.

"He has a name you know." Eddy says moving forwards. The testosterone is so thick in the air I think I'm growing a moustache as a side effect.

Yes we get it, you're both manly.

"I came to discuss Sophie's birthday plans, we have traditions but I'll understand if I need to change days to fit your plans…. So what day have you arranged to celebrate?" Eddy asks Matt with a smirk.

I know Eddy is trying to get a rise from Matt, and has made the accurate assumption that I haven't even told Matt when my birthday is.

I look at Matt apologetically, but to my surprise he doesn't look thrown at all by this information.

"Lili and Maddie get here on Saturday, they are taking Sophie and Louise for a girls day, I'm taking Sophie out Sunday for her actual birthday and we're having a little birthday party/ baby shower Monday when she finishes work so that way it won't last long. Because I know Sophie doesn't actually like baby showers." Matt explains, shocking us both "Thanks for spoiling her surprise."

"You know my birthday? How?" I ask in shock.

"I've read those maternity notes a hundred times Sophie, I even know your blood type. Don't be so surprised" He says kissing the side of my head. "Eat your Doritos, were you making tea?" He asks, moving me out of the way.

I nod in a silent reply, I had no idea Matt was paying so much attention to me. Although I shouldn't find it weird that my boyfriend knows my birthday… But boyfriend? Is Matt my boyfriend? We haven't even talked about things like that. We sort of just fell into the life of an established couple.

We're having a baby, we live together, he takes me to appointments, he goes out to buy me Doritos…. We're a couple right? I glance at Matt making the tea. He catches my eye and winks making my face feel warm.

Damn it's just Doritos and tea how the hell has that made me horny? Suddenly I'm disappointed that Eddy is here. Matt's Ma has gone to a beauty salon, we would have had an empty house.

I turn my face down to my Doritos hoping to stop my dirty intentions from being displayed on my face.

I can hear Eddy talking through our old birthday traditions with Matt, who dismisses all of the suggestions. In view of none being baby friendly.

"So, now for the million dollar question," Eddy says, taking a seat across from me with his tea. "What do you want for your birthday?"

I smile, remembering all my past birthdays with Eddy. This is definitely part of the tradition we have. Our annual 'I don't need anything' argument.

"I'm ok I.."
"Don't need anything" Eddy finishes laughing. "You never change do you, just make it easy on me this year what would you like?"

"I really don't need anything Eddy, I'm happy enough to just see you" Eddy lets out a defeated sigh and turns to Matt.

"Has she told you what she wants?" He asks him.

"No. I didn't need to ask her." He replies with a hint of arrogance. Which for some inexplicable reason I find sexy as hell…

Seriously doesn't my body know it's already pregnant? Why are my lady parts fangirling so hard for Matt today? 

"Where are you staying?" I ask Eddy, trying to distract myself.

"With Louise, gonna be up for about ten days, so we can go do something if Matt says you're allowed" he replies with a pointed look at Matt.

"Why would I say she's allowed? I don't own Sophie, I'm not going to stop her seeing an old friend…"  Matt emphasizes the last two words. Seriously testosterone.

I lace my fingers with Matt's under the table and give his hand a squeeze in warning. It's fair that Eddy doesn't like him, he sees Matt as the reason we broke up. Us staying friends now that Matt is in the picture is just salting the wound.

"The work on the house is almost done. Do you want to have a look?" I ask Eddy to change the subject.

"Yeah, I was gonna say the kitchen looks loads better!" Eddy agrees getting to his feet. I use Matt's shoulder to help myself up. Taking the opportunity to whisper in his ear.

"Play nice. You did steal his girlfriend"

Eddy sticks his head in the doors of each room making small observations. I'm most excited as we reach the last door which leads to the nursery.

The walls are papered in white with a bear motif throughout. The white crib stands in the corner matching the dresser/ changing table that sits besides a comfortable pale green chair which matches the curtains.

The room is simple, but it's my favourite because it's the one that I decorated. With help from Matt and Penny of course.

"Green? So it's a boy then?" Eddy asks.

"We don't know the gender" I reply "little one kept their legs crossed"

"Stubborn like it's Mama," Matt explains, "the green is because it's Sophie's favourite colour, she basically lives in that green hoodie" Matt chuckles looking down at my outfit. "Can't get her out of it"

"You could try," I whisper, so only he can hear me. Wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head against his chest. I can hear his heart speed up a little and the thought that I can affect him excites me.

"I think I should go to bed," I look over at Eddy apologetically, the apology is sincere. I'm trying to get rid of my friend so I can get laid. I'm the worst. "Are you free for lunch tomorrow?" I ask pulling him into a one armed hug.

"Of course Princess" Eddy winks.

"Ew, don't call me Princess. So tacky" I say softly punching his arm. Eddy knows how much I dislike that pet name. "I'll call you?" I offer seeing him out the door.

"What time do you want waking up?" Matt asks as soon as we're alone. He's casually leaning against the wall watching me.

"Waking up?" I ask innocently

"You said you were going to bed?" Matt asks confused as I walk towards him feeling like a predator ready to devour its prey. I run my hands up the length of his torso, enjoying the feeling of his muscles clenching under my touch. When I reach his collar I pull him forward to reach his lips with my own.

The kiss quickly turns heated, our tongues battling for dominance. When we finally break apart I'm breathless.

"We have an empty house" I remind him, starting to make my way up the stairs. "Why would we waste it sleeping?"

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