25- Things with Sophie

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Matt POV

“Matt! Matt, are you awake?”

“Yeah, what happened? Is something wrong?” I ask blinking awake, the room is bathed in darkness but as my eyes adjust I can see Sophie’s silhouette.
“It’s the baby, I….”
“What? What happened?! Are you hurt?” I panic examining her for injuries, sleep long forgotten. 

“No, sorry, I shouldn’t have woken you. It’s just I felt the baby moving and I wanted to share it with you” She explains, acting coy.
“That's amazing,” I smile trying to calm my heart which has been trying to escape my chest. “Can I feel?”
“Umm, it stopped already, sorry. I shouldn’t have woken you” she apologises, turning to leave.

“Wait a minute” I reach out grasping her hand, “will you stay here for a while, in case it happens again?” I wait patiently for her reply. She has been so hot and cold since I got here. I’m wary of pissing her off, but I never know where the line is.

“I need to go back to sleep, I have work early” she explains in apology.
“You could, maybe sleep here? If you wanted” I’m sure the answer will be no, but I need to try.

To my surprise she lifts the comforter snuggling in beside me, I wrap my arm over her resting it against her stomach allowing her to adjust my hand presumably to where she had felt the movement.

Unfortunately for me it is at the lower point of her stomach, my pinky finger is brushing against the band of her shorts that hang low on her hips. The temptation to slip my hand a little lower is like my own personal torture.

I didn’t expect that living with Sophie would be this much of a challenge. The stubborn streak I found so adorable previously is now a bone of contention. She won’t let me hire a cleaner for her, she doesn’t want to move to a bigger place. I don’t even want to think about the argument that followed me suggesting she quit her job.

But moments like this with her lay in my arms make it worth it, I’ve found that if I suggest an action is something to do with me connecting with the baby she will usually allow it.

It is not totally dishonest because I do connect with the baby, but it is not the only reason that I want her to be wrapped in my arms when we watch tv, or why I want to sit with my head in her lap as I read aloud to the baby. Those little things and her gentle smiles as I read, have made these weeks of separate rooms and occasional silent treatment worth it.

Sophie wiggles her hips to get more comfortable, her ass brushing against my cock, I have to stifle a groan. I’m determined not to push her, to let her come to me no matter how long it takes.

Her staying in my bed is progress in my eyes, her breathing evens out and I know she has fallen asleep. I take the opportunity to snuggle closer breathing in the scent of her hair.

I wish I had got to feel the baby move, I stroke her stomach softly. The sonogram is next week, the thought that I will get to see this little one is so weird to me. Like I have seen a picture, I can see the curve of her stomach but I’m excited to see this, my thoughts are on the baby as I drift back to sleep.

My arms are empty when I awake, glancing at the clock I know Sophie will already have left for work. I settle back into my cushion and sigh, I wish she'd woke me. I feel useless waiting around for her. But she's determined that she won't be leaving this job and winning an argument against a woman is hard enough without them being a lawyer.

Rolling myself off the bed I pull on some sweats to start my usual routine. Everyday is the same, coffee, go for a run, shower and wait for Sophie to come home. I have never gone this long not working before and the boredom can become suffocating.

I'm about halfway around the local park when a call comes through my headphones,

"You sound out of breath… things going well with Sophie?" Nico asks.

"I'm running, what do you want?" I answer, ignoring his comment about Sophie.

"Seriously I'm calling to see if things are going well with Sophie? Your Mama has been chewing us all out for information. She's threatening to ask Sophie herself" Nico chuckles.

"Well, she hasn't thrown me out" I admit, slowing my pace to a jog.

"Ooft that we'll huh, here we were thinking you were a regular Romeo"

"Like you could do better! She won't even go out on dates, always says she's too tired"

"You seriously don't know anything about women do you? Do nice shit for her at home! Run a bubble bath, have a candlelit dinner. Girls love that romantic crap!" Nico insists.

I hate to admit it but it's a good point. I've just never had to work for a girl before. Without sounding arrogant it's always been women chasing me.

"Right I'm going" I tell Nico.

"Wait, what do I tell your Mama?" Nico reminds me.

"Tell her I'll call her tomorrow," I promise, before ending the call. Tonight will be all about Sophie.

I can make that pasta she made the day we spent at my apartment. I think I remember how, My Ma would be disgusted if she heard I was putting chicken in a pasta dish, but that's a risk I'll have to take.

Cutting my run short I head back towards Sophie's making a stop at the store to buy some ingredients.

I set out the food ready to prepare it for later. Chicken, cream, parmesan, pasta and seasoning I'm sure that was it. I start dicing the chicken the way Sophie had shown me. I know it won't take long to cook so I'm going to make it when Sophie has had her bath and is relaxed. I even picked up some flowers, candles and non-alcoholic wine.

Gonna be romantic as fuck.

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