8-Gay Paree

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Sophie POV

"It says here that at ten weeks the baby's jawbones are developing and already contain all the future milk teeth.... How creepy is that?" I tell Eddy, lowering my book to look at him across the breakfast table. He finishes chewing his croissant before responding.

"If it's a boy, you have a penis inside you. Like all the time...."

"Seriously? You're so gross." I say returning to my book.

Our first few days in Paris have been a mad rush of visiting the tourist sites before it's the weekend and the huge Valentines tourist rush hits. It was a manic couple of days and my feet hate me but It's better than queing for half the day.

I mean Yeah the Mona Lisa is great, but it's not 'stand in a queue for five hours' great. So knowing Eddy had to work Wednesday and Thursday we got the big sight seeing out of the way. We did the Eiffel tower, The Louvre, and the Arc de Triomphe on our first day. Then like the mature people we are, we spent the day at Disneyland Paris. (which is less fun if you are pregnant and can't go on any rides)

Eddy convinced me to try talking to Matt while I am here. Saying that if I use a french number to call it might put my mind at ease when I go home next week. I bought a cheap phone and Since I deleted everything about him, my only option is to call his office using google to get the number. When I get through however, his secretary Mia says he is out of the country. She offers to take a message but I think this is a little outside of her job description. So I just ask for him to call me back on this number.

So far he hasn't

Once Eddy leaves for work I am going to have a relaxing day, do a little souvenir shopping, get some lunch, and rest up, ready for tomorrow when I have tickets to visit the catacombes de Paris, which Eddy doesn't want to see because they're "Right Creepy."

The shopping centre Carrousel du louvre is underground but it is easy to forget that once you get inside. The high ceilings give a light and airy feel to them and there is an inverted pyramid made of glass allowing the daylight inside.

I wonder around taking in the sites, in Paris even a shopping centre has plenty to see. I occasionally stop to buy things, O visit a place called Maxim's de Paris which sells cute looking food and buy some Macarons for Eddy. He has a much sweeter tooth than I do so I know he will like them. I want to get Louise a gift to thank her for letting me stay. So I head to a beauty shop called Caudalie, Louise loves her creams so it will be perfect. I honestly don't know much about this stuff so I'm thinking a gift set will be ideal for Louise.

Browsing the shelves a poster catches my eye. It is the advert I saw back in Rome A group of underwear clad models including Maddie. With a pang I realise how much I miss her, I haven't really allowed myself to think about Maddie or Lili since I left because I never knew if they were part of all the lies.

I step towards the poster looking up at Maddie's serious expression, that's not how I remember her, she was always smiling and laughing. A pure joyful spirit, I smile at the memory of the woman I thought was my friend.

"Sophie?" I can almost hear her voice.

"Sophie?" Wait no, I can hear her voice. Spinning around I come face to face with the real Maddie. Oh Shit.

She looks just as perfect as I remember, her weave is gone, her hair in its gorgeous, natural, short afro curls.

My brain short circuits and I forget how to speak, as Maddie pulls me into her arms hugging me tight against her.

"Where did you disappear to Ma Cherie? One day you are saying that you will miss us when you go, the next none of our calls will go through and the hotel says you left!" At the reminder of the hotel my brain snaps back into function.

"The hotel Lili owned?" I ask casually.

"I don't think Lili owns it, but her family yeah." Maddie throws out casually. So does that mean she knows? I can't ask her outright what if she didn't know and me asking is what puts her in harm's way?

"Come let's get a drink and catch up" Maddie offers.

"Oh I can't drink" I let slip, silently cursing myself.

"We can go to Kusmi tea, it's only a few minutes walk" She pushes. I feel like I should say no but curiosity has the better of me.

After paying for Louise's gift set I follow Maddie to a tea shop in the shopping centre. Placing my bags on the floor between my feet. I take in my surroundings to avoid meeting Maddie's eye. As if looking at her directly would tell her all of my secrets.

"So." She begins, "You disappeared and ghosted me and Lili... What happened?" she quizzes me.

"There was a death." I choose my words carefully, watching her closely for any flicker of recognition, but I get none. I won't lie to her but I'll avoid the details where I can, just in case. "I don't have that phone anymore, I left my firm."

"Oh Ma Cherie, I'm so sorry. But you should have called. We are your friends if you cannot turn to us in bad times, what is the point in having us?" she asks. I feel a sudden wave of guilt. Realising the possibility that Maddie was as clueless as I was.

I am not taking this as a guarantee though, I have obviously not been the best judge of character recently.

"So what brings you to Paris?"

"Eddy brought me." I explain, "He is working for the next few days" . I continue seeing her raised eyebrow.

"Well let's make the most of your time here. I am off to the spa, come with me, let's have a girls' day. Get our nails done, have a steam? Then I'll show you the best clubs" She says excitedly.

"I'm sorry Maddie, I can't" I apologise.

"So you are ghosting us?" She accuses, looking annoyed.

"That's not what it is!" I quickly argue. As she stands to leave. "I, Maddie, wait. Maddie... I..." I quickly grab her by the arm to stop her leaving. I hate how much I care that she is mad at me.

"I can't go for a steam or for drinks, because... I'm pregnant.."

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