13-Getting the message

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Sophie POV

The trip back to Sheffield was gruelling. Two and a half hours on the Eurostar and another three hours on the train from London to Sheffield. Flying would have been much faster but as I discovered on the way there it is not my friend at the moment and a ferry would have been infinitely worse. Eurostar seemed like my best option.

By the time I arrived back at Louise's I was ready to sleep for a year, but I had promised to call Eddy once I got back. Snuggling down under the covers I pull out my phone.

"Bonjour, madam" Eddy's voice came through the phone, making me laugh.

"That accent will have you kicked out of Paris! I just wanted to tell you I got back safe, is everything ok at your end? Did he?...." I ask not sure what to ask, or if I even want to know the answer.

"I am fine Soph, some woman came right after you left, literally missed you by seconds, He showed up around two hours later hammering on your door. I don't think he was happy to get me instead of you."

"He didn't do anything did he? You aren't hurt?" I ask, worried that I put Eddy at risk.

"Nah, I'm fine. Honestly. He tried squaring up and stuff but I was like yeah go ahead then Sophie will think you're a nice guy Seemed to put him off, anyway he tried saying it was a misunderstanding with you two. I just told him I didn't know where you were now, which I didn't at the time so not really a lie."

"And the letter?" I ask

"Yeah I gave him it. He left not long after with that girl and the older guy. The one who came to our apartment before"

"Thanks Eddy"

"No worries sugar-tits" He replies

"Eww sugar-tits? I think I preferred the shit accent" I laugh.

The next few weeks pass in a flurry of paperwork, between the conveyancing for the house and looking for a new job, which is challenging when you are pregnant. Luckily I find a position working with a great charity called shelter, they help people having issues with or at risk of homelessness.

My vomiting returned with a vengeance and saw an overnight stay at G1 again and another course of antiemetics to take alongside the other ones and my pregnancy vitamins, at this point I feel like if you shook me I would rattle. Believe me if you know anyone suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum they deserve massive sympathy because it's the worst. On the upside today is my twelve week scan. The first time I'll see my little one on screen since that six week image of a peanut.

Louise came with me to the scan for moral support, like last time after a few moments the technician showed it on a tv screen in front of us. I can't believe how much my little one has changed in just a couple of weeks, it has gone from a peanut to a tiny person. The technician pointed out its little arms and legs, it's head looked really big but all the books I have read say that is normal.

"It has your nose," Louise jokes as we get a view of its tiny features. Suddenly the baby kicks propelling itself across the screen.

"That's so weird! I didn't feel that at all!" I tell them.

Everything is as it should be I have a healthy baby due early September. There's something about seeing that blurry black and white image of an actual little person that makes it feel real in a way it didn't before.

I knew I was having a baby but before today it was almost as though I was being pranked, but now... I have an actual baby growing inside me. I am going to be a mum... Matt will be a dad...

Should I call him again? Send him a picture of the sonogram? Would he want me to? Would he even care? He never said how he felt about the pregnancy on the phone. I need a man's opinion.

Lying back on my bed I text Eddy

Me: I had my scan today, all healthy. Do you think I should tell him?

Eddy: Send me a pic of my new favourite nephew! It's up to you. The guy seemed harmless. He backed down when I pointed out you would be mad so he must care what you think.

Me: *attaches picture* You don't know it's a boy, it is too soon to tell. What if he isn't interested?

Eddy: That kid's head is massive! Gonna ruin you on his way out! Joke! (I'm calling it's a boy)

If he isn't interested it's his loss. He'll have his uncle Eddy.

I smile at Eddy's over simplification of my problems, but decide he's right. I can tell Matt then The ball is in his court. Maybe after we talk I would be comfortable enough to see him and he could come to the twenty week scan, we could find out the gender together.

I need to do it now before I overthink everything? Hopefully he is at the office, if not maybe Mia will give me his mobile number. I think as I wait for the call to connect.

"Pronto, Signor Canossa ufficio" Mia's familiar tone rings out

"May I speak with Mr Canossa please?"

"Who shall I say Is calling?"

"It's Sophie Morley" silence....

"Miss Morley, I've been asked to give you a message if you call, but please don't blame me," Mia says, sounding nervous.

"Ok go ahead"

"Mr Canossa said he knew you would call eventually begging for money, and when you did I should tell you that he wants nothing to do with a gold digging whore trying to trap him over the result of a shit fuck, so you can give up. You won't be seeing a penny from him. And he said to remind you... It's not too late to get rid of it. He said you shouldn't call again or..." She paused.

"Or?" I prompt her, trying to keep my voice even.

"Or you'd wish you were with Mr Thornton"

I was stunned into silence. I don't know what I expected but it definitely wasn't that.

"Look Miss Morley, I think you have had a lucky escape the way he used to speak about you around the office it was just, well, you know?" She tells me sympathetically.

"Yes Mia, I understand. Thankyou"

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